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Archived News starting from 04-19-2013 and earlier
Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 04-19-2013 Another Daughter! View Webcam for 04-19-2013 NO COMMENTS
Despite my very specific request that Lisa only allow Y chromosone carriers into her eggs, once again I am having a daughter. Clearly she does not want me to have a son, knowing I will love whatever comes out of her vagina unconditionally. I can already see my life 16 years from now, with 16 and 18 year old daugters. Hopefully by then we live in a police state and I'll be able to monitor every minute of their lives, sending a jolt of electricity to their communication implants when they get close to a boy.
No Comments Entered for 04-19-2013

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 04-15-2013 Lila Goes to Work View Webcam for 04-15-2013 NO COMMENTS
Lila Work Bring your kid to work day is still 10 days out, but since Lila is under 6 she doesn't qualify. To protest, I decided to bring her today instead, when the bring your kid to work day officials were least expecting it. A tour of my office, the giant catbox of Detroit and the street meat vendors was sufficient to convince her to stay in school and get a better job than me.
No Comments Entered for 04-15-2013

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 04-14-2013 Xbox In-Game Patching View Webcam for 04-14-2013 NO COMMENTS
After being talked into Defiance by several people at work, I was disappointed to find the same old rivalry preventing a cross-platform experience. Rumor has it the PC, Xbox and PS3 instances of the game are seperated by a simple firewall at the request of those involved. Regardless, the game is enjoyable enough to get past the false hope. The most interesting thing I've found so far however, is an in-game patching system. Instead of waiting on the painfully slow Xbox certification process to get updates, Trion somehow got MS to buy into a self-contained system that bypasses them completely. The result is almost daily updates similar to what PC MMO players have enjoyed forever. This gives me hope for the next Xbox being more open to game developers and less restrictive (translating into more games and more cheevos!)
No Comments Entered for 04-14-2013

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 04-13-2013 Grand Rapids Ho View Webcam for 04-13-2013 1 COMMENT
Meijer Gardens With Lila excited about her new room, we decided the best thing to do is whisk her away from it to see some butterflies. Also included was a visit to see my sister and their dog, which Lila went absolutely nuts over. The butterflies were excited to see Lila, who managed to not eat a single one. To celebrate, we went to a local brewery where I became intoxicated and acted belligerent to the waitress, to the delight of all those around me. A trip to another self-service ice cream store (seem to be all the rage lately) completed the visit, with promises of a boat adventure next time.
User Comments for 04-13-2013:
Where's the self service brewery, and self services butterflies? They're falling behind the rage.
Senator Kelley

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 04-12-2013 Lilas New Room View Webcam for 04-12-2013 1 COMMENT
Lilas New Room Despite Lisa breaking her promise that my next child would be a son, we decided it was time to retrofit our old office into Lila's new room. After cramming 5 cubic yards of compressed crap into the now utility/server/office/storage room, Lila now has her own room play area. Lisa has informed me the nursery is now off-limits as it is no longer Lila's room, meaning our sleep will be interrupted by Lila visits regularly since she is no longer contained by a crib. Aside from the obligatory panorama, Lila and I decided to break the room in properly with our very first Booger Racer 5000
User Comments for 04-12-2013:
The second child get's sloppy seconds in room choice. Racist.
Senator Kelley

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 04-07-2013 More Java Jungle! View Webcam for 04-07-2013 1 COMMENT
Java Jungle After my last adventure at Java Jungle, I decided it was time to have another with the Senator family. This time we decided on the Canton location which proved to be 80% more fun and 95% cleaner. It also had a slide Lila could get to on her own which was a tremendous help for my back. After alternating inappropriate and offensive photos for an hour, we quickly hungered for a nearby Mexican resturant followed by the also nearby ice cream establishment.
User Comments for 04-07-2013:
Canton is the new Disneyland!
Senator Kelley

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 04-05-2013 Opening Day View Webcam for 04-05-2013 1 COMMENT
Tigers Opening Day Today was opening day for some sports team in Detroit, and lots of people arrived in the dump I call work to be excited about sports. Excited about the excitement, I decided to document the whole thing including a panorama by the cops. For some reason a co-worker had a bear head to wear for the event, and you can imagine the confusion it created among people cheering for a different animal entirely.
User Comments for 04-05-2013:
Chip Foose - The event?
Senator Kelley

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 03-31-2013 Happy Easter View Webcam for 03-31-2013 1 COMMENT
Easter Lila awoke to the paparazzi documenting her awakening. Today was the day she got to hunt for eggs from rabbits! Forget all the things we taught her about mammals and live birth, this was happening! Immediately excited after her first discovery, she exclaimed "abo" or however her default word is spelled at each egg she found, all the while sporting a hairstyle worthy of the 1980s. After uncovering them all, she discovered there was chocolate inside them. Thus began the largest sugar consumption of her young life, followed by the biggest sugar crash after brunch resulting in a 3 hour nap. Oh sugar.
User Comments for 03-31-2013:
My parents hid the basket itself instead of eggs. Each year got increasingly difficult. One of the last time's it ended up in the spare tire compartment of my moms Suburu.
Senator Kelley

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 03-30-2013 Bike Upgrade View Webcam for 03-30-2013 1 COMMENT
Ninja 300 My trusty Ninja 250 and I first met 4 years ago and it's been a beautiful relationship. Aside from some troublesome starts in cold weather, it's been good to me. What better way to repay those years of reliability than to abandon it for a younger model with fuel injection and a 50cc larger engine. It's a tale as old as time. With Lila having approved my new big girl bike, it was time to haggle with the dealer. I found myself looking forward to what ended up being a 4 hour trek through sales pitches, trade-in appraisals and outright lies. My last purchase taught me no matter how much of a jerk you are, the sales people are either not allowed to kick you out or too desperate to move product. My trusty 250 went from "the most you'll get is $1500" to upwards of $2,500 to make my $3,000 cash I was willing to throw in match invoice and make the sale. I took one last shot of my new and old bikes before abandoning my ex to whatever abuse the new owner was sure to dish out. After a kindly old man pointed out a cracked fender on my new bike which I was sure to get a IOU from the dealership for, I started up my new fuel injected baby and left that reliable old workhorse in the dust. Keep your hands to yourself, Focus ST!
User Comments for 03-30-2013:
Mtn dew vinyl decals or didn't happen
Senator Kelley

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 03-29-2013 Webcam Upgrade View Webcam for 03-29-2013 1 COMMENT
Over 5 years ago I upgraded to a Hawk 147-IRCB and I can conclude it was a wise investment. It stood watch over all the Robbie adventures, and the Morlock departure, faithfully capturing without any interruptions. A comparison between first activation and today however, suggests the IR light might be dimming. All it took was a Zmodo CM-S23349SV on Woot to convince me to push the button. Alas, the new camera has a much more narrow field of view and doesn't seem to be as clear as the trusty Hawk it replaced. You can see the difference from the 3:32pm Webcam Images, but to be fair it could be the now 8 year old 12v power supply causing the problem. Being too cheap to buy another power supply, may end up going back to the trusty Hawk.
User Comments for 03-29-2013:
I heard this guy at does this for realz and professional like. I also heard he made the gnome cam. Just sayin
Senator Kelley

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