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Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 03-26-2008 Sonic Update View Webcam for 03-26-2008 21 COMMENTS
Sonic Southgate My quest to camp out at Sonic Southgate for opening day continues, and today I decided to check up on the building progress. After driving to what I pinpointed as the exact location of the future Sonic, I took various photos of the lot including a building closeup and wide shot. I'm guessing late April at this point, since the parking lot hasn't been poured and it looks like utilities aren't even hooked up yet. Couldn't find anything to help find a contact for the company building it, but seeing the sign and actual building definitely got me all hot and bothered.
User Comments for 03-26-2008:
ZOMG! I am so excited about this. After being taunted for years regional commercials we will finally know the goodness of Sonic. I'm in for the first road trip. Gina, of course, believes me to be retarded.
We all must show up opening day and blog the hell out of this!
Duane, if Gina knew how wonderful Sonic was she would not think you are retarded.
I posted a Sonic grand opening thread on the forums under the special events section. Go discuss.
OK, why is Sonic so exiting???
Sonic is perty good food, I wish they would open a white hastle here. It has been a long time since ive been hastled, and have had a proper bowel movement.
Why hasn't there been another update? I'm dying for more news regarding the Sonic that I won't be here for! Also, do you know where they do have Sonic? Phoenix, AZ.
Too bad it will be too hot to roll down your window when its 110 plus outside.
I guess I'll have to experience it for myself when it opens.
Canadians are not allowed at Sonic. Did you read the sign? "America's Drive-in". However there's a Tim Hortons next door.
Ahhh Tim Horton's...15 million retards and growing (15 million and 1 when Excelcier shows up).
Since I'm an American... I hate Tim Horton's... since I am indeed an american who will in fact be moving to AMERICA!
Really? Where and when?
Probably on the day they disband the INS. Like we'd let canadian trash move into our country.
...Actually we do have Canadian trash transported to Michigan and we get money for storing it, guess that's what you get for having a Canadian Governor.
Someone's going to have to pay an awful lot for us to store Excelcier in our great land. Perhaps we can deal with him like we should the rest of the trash, send it to the sun....or feed it to hungry immigrants.
I was hoping you'd say "hungry Morlocks" but that's not any better then Tim Hortons so I guess Immigrants will do.
Morlock's eat (and rape) eloi, they don't have anything to do with Canadians (though some scientists keep trying to prove that Canadians are the retarded step children of the noble Morlocks).
They say smart genes skip a generation so Ron's kids should be as sharp as tacks...
Too bad they'll still be Canadian. Perhaps they'll be smart enough to finally solve the age old problem of how to get Americans to not think of all Canadians as retards.
May 14th!

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