Archived News starting from 12-12-2013 and earlier
The longstanding gift one-upping between
Myrn and I left off with my gift of Battlefield 4 for X360, sealing his addiction to the series and
securing another squadmate in my colossal time wasting shooter. Interpreting my gift as something other than self-serving, Myrn decided to ship me some
fancy Mizuno running shoes and warned me a ninja would jump out and kill me if I tried to wear them in the snow.
I decided to call his bluff and sure enough, a ninja
jumped out and killed me when I wore them in the snow.

With my kidneys fresh recovered from Dorito and Mountain Dew overload, it was high time for another poor diet choice food to
tempt me with yet another free Xbox One. McDonalds stepped up to the challenge with
One Hot Holiday which
promises my chance to win an Xbox One. In reality, you win older games for Xbox 360 and random episodes of TV shows with the ever present tease of an Xbox One
or even possibly the Wolverine movie. Still, I can't complain about free games and decided to spread the holiday cheer by posting the codes up for the unwashed masses to
fight over.

Lisa and I arrived home tonight, and unbeknowest to us an owl was waiting for our garage to open.
He quickly took up residence in the rafters, judging us from above and stating in no uncertain terms he was planning to stay.
I immediately pumped up Lila about the owl in the garage, and took her out to meet this dangerous wild animal.
Despite her best efforts, Lila was unable to make enough noise to get the owl to peck her eyes out and left with what I'm sure will
be a life long impression.
After almost 2 months of digging through recycle bins at work like a homeless person, and over $75 worth of Doritos I finally got the
email of success regarding my
winning auction of an Xbox One from the Mountain Dew / Doritos contest.
Why would I need another Xbox One after celebrating my launch edition so thoroughly? eBay of course, you fool! Also, my easy access to Mountain Dew caps made this investment almost a requirement. With a retail price of $499, I'll take my $429 profit to the bank, laughing at everyone who gave me dirty looks as I dug through the recycle bins. The possibility of winning a second one via the Dec 5th Sweepstakes still has me all hot and bothered ABOVE AND BEYOND my current titilation of winning an auction.
Hard to believe it's been
over 6 years since my achievement obsession began, and now 8 years to the day since the Xbox 360 launched, a new
generation begins. After watching a few minutes of the "Launch Party" on my Xbox 360, I made my way to the Best Buy who had my midnight launch Xbox One. I was ushered into the store like a celebrity while the
non pre-order people waited in the cold rain. My Amazon and Microsoft Store Xbox Ones no doubt on delivery trucks as I paid for my new baby. John the procrastinator, unable to secure an Xbox One anywhere else,
asked me to hold a place for him in the peasant line. In an act of true friendship, I stood in the loser line with a pre-order slip in my pocket until he arrived to take my place. After securing my baby,
I made sure to stop by and show John and all the freezing wet people in line my Day One Xbox One before speeding off. The Taco Bell workers who served me the fuel to keep me going all night saw my baby
buckled in and knew what was up. They approved of my procurement, and wished me luck getting the update and getting online.
When I arrived home, I quickly unboxed and plugged it in, tossing the Day One controller into a box for later eBaying. After syncing my existing controller it was time to start up and experience the 1.5GB day one patch.
The patch turned out to be a measly 512MB, so I'm guessing my Xbox was one of the last to leave the factory.
I barely finished my first taco before the patch was done, less than the advertised 15 minutes, and it was time to configure my cable box / projector / receiver. I was surprised it found 2/3, with only my receiver being left uncontrolled by the Kinect IR. Next up was buying and installing Battlefield 4, which only took two tacos to complete. While it installed, I also popped in the Need for Speed Rivals game and let that install. I spent the rest of the night importing my BF4 profile from X360 and working the single player campaign while fighting the new party system. I can see Microsoft decided to
make every feature an app, the downside of which is clunky at best party/friends/achievement integration. Hopefully
these are addressed first, but overall not bad for launch-day functionality. I can't remember, but I'm pretty sure I passed out around 4:00am because old.
three part South Park epic about the console wars began today, perfectly timed between the lauch of the PS4 and Xbox One. Sadly I have not watched "Game of Thrones" so I've been told I'm missing a good portion of the references. Despite my lack of throne gaming, the first one was pretty enjoyable and spoke to my inner fanboy.

While I prepare my body for the upcoming Xbox One launch, I decided it was time to finish out my Xbox 360 version of Battlefield 4.
final achievement popped tonight after an epic
boosting session with Ty, Wyndsock and Billszoverdu. I'm sure I'll be back to finish off the DLC achievements, but for now I'm 100% complete.

Having completed all the
achievements I care to in Call of Duty: Ghosts, I decided to take the very last of my Xbox 360 accessories to Gamestop to trade in. On arrival, I was informed the $10 upgrade only applied if I purchased the game FROM GAMESTOP. Distraught, I spied an Xbox One controller on the shelf and opted to trade in my crap for that instead. I'm now the proud owner of an
Xbox One controller with no console to use it on. It doesn't even have PC drivers yet, so it's essentially a $60 paperweight till Friday. After confirming the $10 upgrade conspiracy extended to my local Microsoft Store as well, I finally learned Amazon doesn't give a crap where you got the game from. I'm now short just the Xbox One console and my digital copy of BF4 to keep me warm at night, while my Call of Duty upgrade is destined for a quick cheevo raping followed by an eBay auction.
Today was leaf cleanup day, or at least my attempt at it. Lila assisted by giggling every time I aimed the leaf blower in her direction, and wandering off occasionally to give me worried parent heart attacks.
Eventually she bored of my work, and asked to ride my motorcycle. Technically she said "Lilas motorcycle" which I interpreted to mean she wanted to go for
one last ride before storing it for the winter.
As I have written about in the past, and continue to freely admit here, I took her on a trip down to the end of my street and back as she repeated "go fast."
Being as how Lisa never reads any of these updates (or anyone at all for that matter) I fear no reprisals. Oh yeah, my
Xbox One shipped today as well, so that was nice.
With so many babies popping out lately, I thought it was high time to have a fucking baby party. Sadly, none of these babies could show up on the same day, so it wound up being more
of two baby gatherings instead of a party. On the plus side, I bought way too much meat and cheeses so I could handily eat myself out of the depression from the whole debacle.
In both gatherings, Lucy alternated between sleep and crying, while Lila promptly became hyper and over emotional alternating between joy and tantrums.
This worked to confuse and distract the other babies and kept the chaos relatively controlled. I'd like to say I trained my daughters to perform the extremes, but in my heart I know
it's genetics.
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