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Archived News starting from 07-17-2006 and earlier
Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 07-17-2006 Hot Milwaukee View Webcam for 07-17-2006 2 COMMENTS
Tonight marked the end of my 4-day Milwaukee odyssey. The trip started as a visit to Lisa's brother and her new nephew; but quickly escalated to record temperatures and cheap beer. After arriving Friday night the temperature proceeded to climb to and remain in the 90's the entire trip, topping out at 100 degrees on Sunday. The only logical thing to do was visit a brewery and take the $3 unlimited sample tour to maintain hydration, which was exactly what we did. After drinking all the beer and pop we could hold, we decided to call it a night and rest up for the next days custard adventure. On our way back, Lisa decided to drive in an unsafe manner which required some quick talking on my part to keep her out of jail. For those of you who actually read this far, and believe we were driving around in 208 degree temperature, at which point the human body begins to boil, it was actually closer to half that, but the engine temp seemed to be more inline with perceived reality.
Hot Milwaukee!
User Comments for 07-17-2006:
Google search: "Milwaukee" Results= Your search - Milwaukee - did not match any documents.
Nigga what is pop?
Dave Chappelle

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 07-10-2006 Cougarfest 2006 View Webcam for 07-10-2006 5 COMMENTS
Cougarfest, the yearly event I started for 1999-2002 Mercury Cougars ended yesterday. This year I drove down on Tuesday, July 4th for a total of five nights, the longest Cougarfest I've had yet. Fortunately I wasn't the only nut who showed up so early, and we decided to celebrate the holiday by lighting fireworks off the hotel roof. Naturally the security guard was not happy with our choice, and confiscated our stash. The next morning we found out just how much money Cougarfest brings in to the hotel when we were apologized to and our fireworks returned to us by the management. Never before have I been apologized to for comitting an illegal act. Highlights from this year include a 15 Cougar drive-in, pool volleyball, Karaoke, rental car abuse, Ranger abuse and the events leading to the best photo of me ever. The Canadians and my local group of Cougar owners always make the event enjoyable, but this year everyone was also blessed with the entertainment of laughing seizure Lisa, who despite having little interest in Cougars still managed to have a great time. The drive to and from Cougarfest was uneventful, so I entertained myself by zipping up and down our caravan from time to time.
Caravan Photos | Event Photos
Cougarfest 2006
User Comments for 07-10-2006:
Looked like fun, sweet use of the google video, and you damn kids get off the roof!!!
Gotta love midnight, drunken calls to the lawyer... :P
Damn... too long till next year
do u have to drive a cougar to attend cougarfest?
Your Name
No you don't have to drive a cougar. You can also drive a cougay just like all of the people in the photo above.

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 07-02-2006 Hicks Hate My Car View Webcam for 07-02-2006 5 COMMENTS
Lastnight Lisa and I went to see the Waterford fireworks at Maceday lake after a short round of Disc golf. By pure dumb luck we managed to park right next to where they were launching the fireworks. So close in fact that my car was parked right next to the fireline. As we got settled, a beat up pickup truck flew into the space between my Cougar and the no-parking sign, breaking through the fireline tape in the process. My sphincter clenched as I thought of my car being hit, or burning from the various sparklers the 8 hick kids in the back were now waving near the hood of my car. Lisa jerked as her maternal instinct kicked in, but I held her back. I told her how I had burned a BoohBah with some hicks just last weekend, how my hick friend Keith in Mississippi had recently shot a bird while I was on the phone with him, and that Duane was becoming an honorary hick. I was convinced my "faggoty girl car" reeked of hick smell from my proximity to my friends and my recent travels to Brighton and Howell. I knew the toothless people in the pickup would pass my car off as just another car on blocks abandoned by the side of the road. The fireworks commenced shortly afterwards and we imitated "The Smurfs" with plenty of ooo's and ahhh's. The hick truck took off after the disappointing grand finale most likely to make moonshine and pass out somewhere. We were almost home when I felt a wobble in the rear end (the cars, not mine) and pulled over fearing sheered lugs. I breathed a sigh of relief as I saw it was only a flat tire and had Lisa time me as I changed it. Today I brought the tire to a firestone dealer ranting and raving about a failed sidewall belt to which he replied "somebody knifed your tire, man." The knowledge that the hick truck people had slashed my tire rushed in and I felt betrayed by the hick community. The tire guy took pity on me and offered to replace my $120 tire if I purchased $60 worth of road hazard warranty. He also told me that categorizing a group of people based on their appearance or lifestyle was called stereotyping, and was not a reliable method of predicting behavior or actions of individuals believed to belong to this group. I knew he was right, and took the whole incident as a life lesson: when a hick approaches your girl car, pull out a firearm and aim for his head, that's the only way to stop them.
User Comments for 07-02-2006:
I'm sad you didn't mentiont he fact that I live in a trailer park and drive a truck. What does Duane do?
You're too urban Joseph, trailer trash is all you get. Duane lives out in the sticks now.
You also forgot I live in the redneck captial of the world.... "Redford" Was it my neighors in the blue house?
Having trees around you doesn't make you a hick. However, I do aspire to tear down the dirt road on a quad someday. When that day does come, a hick I will be.
Did you die? Where are you?

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 06-21-2006 Gnome Cam Offline View Webcam for 06-21-2006 3 COMMENTS
As you can see, the Gnome Cam has been hit by a focused electromagnetic pulse weapon. I can only assume my neighbor fired the shot as he's been bragging about taking down jets over his house with his EMP gun recently. The gun is not all that accurate so I'm guessing the cam was only hit with fallout from a close shot, resulting in the melted images it's currently sending. This would also explain why my printer has been randomly printing fascist paraphernalia. Since a new camera is over $100 I'm hoping the problem will fix itself like it did last time an EMP hit it.
User Comments for 06-21-2006:
dont electromagnetic pulse weapons destroy your ability to procreate?
The power required to take out an unshielded electronic device isn't significantly harmful to humans.
Mr. Science
looks like just a bad connection.
Your Name

Leaving a meeting at work, on my way to Beta house to paint the porch, I remembered I needed two bags of mulch. Finding myself on my motorcycle doing 90 down I-275 when I remembered this gave me an insane idea. Pile two bags of mulch over the rear seat and hope like hell they don't fall off. By some miracle the bags maintained integrity and position during the whole 5 mile trip. Having gained confidence I'm now eager to carry other obnoxious and unsafe articles on the back of my bike, such as Lomar
User Comments for 06-20-2006:
I bet someone will buy that house within 24 hours after you paint that porch to another color besides blue
i want to buy it.
Your Name
i hate mulch
Grumpy Smurf
The porch was painted the same blue as it was before... Besides, the blue looks great on that house...
Your Name

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 06-17-2006 Lisa's Move View Webcam for 06-17-2006 3 COMMENTS
This weekend was Lisa's move weekend into her new Condo. People as far away as Howell and Ohio flocked to participate in this unforgettable event. Lisa's hard work and use of electronics made the move entertaining, but she was very careful not to strain herself lifting any heavy objects. Thanks to Superman, Assman and the UnaBomber we got everything moved in a day and a half. I can honestly say I've never been more excited in my life.
User Comments for 06-17-2006:
I will have nightmares for life from that last photo titled "more excited" thanks
try seeing it in person.....
the unabomber looks kinda more 'fem' than i expected......

Tonight was bike night in Royal Oak, and Jaird and I decided to see what it's all about. Motorcycles loop around a section of main street waiting for cars to leave parking spots, then swoop in and fill it up when they become available. The result is almost the entire section lined with bikes, and a few pretty full parking lots. I did mange to find one other Ninja 250 whlie we walked around so I confirmed I wasn't the only slow one there. On the way home I found out my bike tops out at 95mph with 11,000 RPM's in top gear. It just wouldn't go any faster. Jaird also thought it was a neat discovery until he kicked down a gear and took off. I yelled that I get 70mpg but I don't think he heard me since he was already in the triple digits.
User Comments for 06-15-2006:
I'm jealous
How the hell did you find your bike afterwards?
he just looks for the lil one that resembles a moped....
250 times 2!!

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 06-11-2006 Niagara Falls View Webcam for 06-11-2006 4 COMMENTS
In keeping with our illusion of living the high life and vacationing every month, Lisa and I joined some fellow Cougar owners for our annual Niagara Falls trip. Lisa was not a Niagara Falls virgin, but she hadn't been in almost 15 years so she faked it to make me feel better. We saw the sites, had a BBQ, and I sacrificed some heterosexuality at the butterfly conservatory. Also, I love broccoli.
User Comments for 06-11-2006:
I don't know about that broccoli.....
Lisa (but which one?!)
Brad touched my special spot...
Butterfly from Conservatory
Brad's all about the brocoli!
Brad likes bushy things.
A bushy thing

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 06-06-2006 Fun Things To Do on 6/6/6 View Webcam for 06-06-2006 6 COMMENTS
Today is 6/6/6 and (thanks to Google) there's something for everyone to celebrate it with. For doomsdayers, you can wait for the anti-christ. For music nerds, you can listen to Slayer. For math nerds, you can square primes. For motorcycle nerds, you can meet me in hell (but it's getting pretty packed). However, if your pregnant, hold on to that baby!
User Comments for 06-06-2006:
Here's a fun thing to do on 6/6/06... I have a morning ritual that I need to share. I call it "the terminator". First I crouch down in the shower in the classic "naked terminator traveling through time" pose. With my eyes closed I crouch there for a minute, visualizing either Arnold or the guy from the second movie (not the chick in the third one because that one sucked) and I start to hum the terminator theme. Then I slowly rise to a standing position and open my eyes. It helps me to proceed through my day as an emotionless, cyborg badass. The only problem is if the shower curtain sticks to my terminator leg. It ruins the fantasy.
Steve... I'm going to be sick... Here's a better 666 day fun item. Replace the X's with the right characters.. you know them!
You could have also went to go watch my movie that came out today as well. "The Omen".
The Devil
your movie sucked
saleen cougar
Yeah Mr. Devil it was a POS movie I did see it on 6/6/06 as well. Go to hell! Oh wait..... nevermind
Blah on the Omen, what a waste of my gas and money.
Lunar Limelight

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 06-02-2006 I want a Google AdSense Check View Webcam for 06-02-2006 2 COMMENTS
Just before Christmas last year, an article came out on PCWorld that linked to my website (39. Play, Inc. Snappy Video Snapshot). After getting almost 1,000 clickthroughs from that article I decided to plaster my site with "Ads by Google" in an attempt to cash in on it. Six months later I am able to confirm that idea was just short of a flop, but it helped me get close to the $100 minimum to get a check mailed to my house. I know you're dying to know what you can possibly do to help me get my $100 check that you won't see a penny of, so I'll tell you: just click some ads on my site! As a reward, I'll scan in my check so you can print it out and cash one of your own.
Google Adsense Account
User Comments for 06-02-2006:
haha! nice, since the people helped you get that I suggest you upgrade the server with that $100 for the people! wooohoooo tittybar yeahhh!!!!
You are a money grubbing whore. And i am your king.

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