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Archived News starting from 06-24-2004 and earlier
Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 06-24-2004 Detroit Bombed! View Webcam for 06-24-2004 2 COMMENTS
Detroit Fireworks
No silly goose! It's just the aftermath of the annual fireworks! I was a virgin Detroit fireworks attendee until tonight when we decided to visit our neighbors to the north for the show.
User Comments for 06-24-2004:
You can see me working hard in the middle tower on the 7th floor. Shortly after the flames enterted the building and all work was lost and I had to come in at 7am the next day.
Actually it's the neighbors to the South. The Detroit/Windsor area is the only part where Canada is South of the U.S.

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 06-20-2004 Welcome to Toronto View Webcam for 06-20-2004 2 COMMENTS
I spent the weekend visiting an old friend in Toronto. I haven't seen him since his wedding and a visit was well overdue. I managed to get lost despite a laptop with GPS and wound up witnessing some entertaining lower-income antics of the GTA (Greater Toronto Area). After I found my friends apartment I drove into the depths of of his parking garage, then took an elevator up to the 15th floor and realized just how vertical Toronto is. We promptly got intoxicated in preperation for the next days tourist adventures which consisted of the subway, trolley cars, the CN tower and the beach. A very relaxing vacation I hope to repeat soon.
User Comments for 06-20-2004:
GPS was a invented by the US Air Force as a joke on the canadians. It works within the US boarders but not in Canada.
and Canada can't do anything about it

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 06-18-2004 Terraserver: We See You! View Webcam for 06-18-2004 3 COMMENTS
Stavos recently sent me a link to Terraserver, a mapping site that Microsoft recently purchased which features satellite imagery of the earth. Last time I visited the latest image in their database was from 1989, but this time it had one from April 10, 2002. I quickly checked the Gnome cam for that date and sure enough you can see the satellite as it passes overhead. I've been putting in addresses ever since. Below is the image of my house, along with the Gnome Cam capture of the satellite pass.
Satellite Photo
Gnome Cam Capture
User Comments for 06-18-2004:
I saw one of those creepy satellites passing over one day so I shot it down.
Man they get close
The Satellite took MYRN Gnome!

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 06-17-2004 Happy Birthday 7135 View Webcam for 06-17-2004 3 COMMENTS
Kyocera 7135According to the date on the internal memory chip, my phone is now one year old. Aside from calling/text messaging people, I check my email, browse the web, listen to MP3's, store all my datebook/address info on it along with various photos/videos. I used to have all that on seperate devices, but after my purchase of a Kyocera 6035 followed by my current model I can't imagine life with all that clutter. When I bought the 6035 it was revolutionary, but now converged devices are becoming the norm, especially now that camera phones are catching on. I'm sure phones will become obsolete much faster as more and more features become available. However now that I'm approaching technological middle age I find myself less inclined to have the latest and greatest. Hopefully I'll be writing about the 2 year anniversary next year. Then again, I might lapse back into a techno frenzy. Only time will tell.
User Comments for 06-17-2004:
Wow, Happy B-day 7135
Happy B-day 7135!, I’ve talked to you many time and you've relayed messages to Brad for me without error, couldn't live without you!
I know I love the 7135 almost as much at the 8135.

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 06-16-2004 "Or Something" View Webcam for 06-16-2004 1 COMMENT
More and more I've noticed people around me ending their sentences with "or something." I'm guilty as well, and have consciously begun to take it out of my subconscious. My theory is that people are unsure of their statement, so tacking "or something" at the end gets them off the hook for accountability. I say it ranks up there with "um" and "like" and should be used only when necessary. Perhaps I'm just overanalyzing but I'm worried we'll lapse into a society where half our words are just filler words designed to lengthen our statements so we seem to have more to say. Just like in college when we all double-spaced our work to get the 5-page requirement met. If you find you're saying this frequently, ask yourself why you said it. If you can't come up with a good reason then fight it. Make your statements proudly and with confidence, don't muck them up with filler words. </soapbox>
User Comments for 06-16-2004:
I couldn't of stated that any better, I thought I was the only one! Or something... ( Sorry I had too)

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 06-11-2004 So Long Snappy View Webcam for 06-11-2004 4 COMMENTS
After over 2 years of faithfully snapping webcam shots every 5 minutes, my Snappy is finally showing it's age. For the fourth time in as many days the GnomeCam is down due to what I believe is hardware failure. The capture software hangs during acquisition so hopefully a swap to a brand new Snappy will be the answer. What do I plan to do with the old Snappy? Well E-Bay it of course!
User Comments for 06-11-2004:
Our hampster died but we're debating if we should bury it or throw it away. What did you do with your snappy?
Sell it on E-Bay!
Remind me not to buy anything on E-bay anymore...
You crooked fucker. BTW - I like the black and white photo of Dave McKague on Bon's page. I approve of your photoshopping techniques, but not you e-bay selling techniques.
Ur-Quan Dreadnought

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 06-09-2004 Florida Vacation View Webcam for 06-09-2004 1 COMMENT
My yearly trek to Florida concluded yesterday. This year I wanted people to think I was a rich snob so I rented a convertable Mustang to drive around in. We started the week at KSC where Melissa promptly got her head stuck in a rocket engine. She told me she wouldn't come out until I proposed, so I had to gave her a ring before her air ran out. That behind us, we went to visit JOSEPH who thoughtfully smashed the exit to his apartment complex so we could travel in and out without being traced by "the man." He and his wife Mrs. Lavonne Joseph joined us for Midevil Times, now a dinner tradition for my yearly trek. Later in the week we visited Universal Studios where Melissa was able to grab Shaggy's butt, a lifelong dream of hers. After some beach time, we decided to return to the Joseph's for some DVR and Bionicle entertainment. Later we went for some ice cream at Friendly's where Joseph began his daily domestic abuse against Lavonne, which proved to be quite entertaining. Our vacation over, we said Farewell to the Josephs and to sunny Florida. We'll miss you both.
User Comments for 06-09-2004:
Rich snobs don't drive American cars, Brad.
Ur-Quan Dreadnought

It's true, I proposed to my girlfriend near the Saturn V rocket at Kennedy Space Center. Even though a total of four people on the planet knew, she still had enough monitoring devices planted throughout the country to pickup on the plan. The day of the proposal I made a fatal mistake and transferred the ring between bags in plain sight. Her laser vision immediately locked onto the box and concluded a proposal was imminent. Unaware of my slipup, we proceeded to the space center where I dragged her out of a gift shop to propose. Fortunately she had not calculated the exact time and place of the proposal so it was a moderate surprise but expected. Despite the slipup, she was still very pleased.
User Comments for 06-07-2004:
Senator Kelley

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 06-06-2004 Annual Parade View Webcam for 06-06-2004 NO COMMENTS
Every year, the first monday after Memorial day, there's a parade right down my street. I always wind up missing it and this year was no exception. While I'm sad I missed my last chance of witnissing it first hand (moving in 3 months), the GnomeCam caught it from 2:00 - 3:00pm. A few associates from the area indicated it was nothing exceptional, but missing what is most likely my last chance to have a parade in front of my house made me a little sad.
No Comments Entered for 06-06-2004

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 06-01-2004 Buy my house View Webcam for 06-01-2004 2 COMMENTS
User Comments for 06-01-2004:
It's a good house, very quiet, has a huge swimming pool, nice size 2 car garage, 2 stories, and it's under 2k! WHAT A DEAL! (((BUY NOW!!!!))))
hmm sounds like a good house, i might take a look at it!
perspective buyer

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