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Archived News starting from 06-06-2004 and earlier
Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 06-06-2004 Annual Parade View Webcam for 06-06-2004 NO COMMENTS
Every year, the first monday after Memorial day, there's a parade right down my street. I always wind up missing it and this year was no exception. While I'm sad I missed my last chance of witnissing it first hand (moving in 3 months), the GnomeCam caught it from 2:00 - 3:00pm. A few associates from the area indicated it was nothing exceptional, but missing what is most likely my last chance to have a parade in front of my house made me a little sad.
No Comments Entered for 06-06-2004

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 06-01-2004 Buy my house View Webcam for 06-01-2004 2 COMMENTS
User Comments for 06-01-2004:
It's a good house, very quiet, has a huge swimming pool, nice size 2 car garage, 2 stories, and it's under 2k! WHAT A DEAL! (((BUY NOW!!!!))))
hmm sounds like a good house, i might take a look at it!
perspective buyer

Today was the storm that will forever be known as the "green cloud" storm. Major thunderstorm alerts were going off on every channel and supposedly this green cloud (which I never saw) made it more dangerous. So given the danger, I decided to videotape some of it. It had a few high points, but wasn't all that spectacular in my opinion. Here is the best shot from the Gnome Cam, which was quickly covered with water after the shot was taken. As long as we get cool thunderstorms like this I don't mind the constant rain as much.
User Comments for 05-23-2004:
My weather coverage was better, I posted during the storm and showed radar images. However your video bested me, so we are even.
its dry and sunny here everyday. Can't wait till you get here. Yeah Steve, another excuse to brag.

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 05-21-2004 Motorcycle Rescue View Webcam for 05-21-2004 2 COMMENTS
Lastnight, my girlfriend and I went to rescue my motorcycle from the parking lot it broke down near. I brought along my portable power pack to use as a temporary battery and hooked it up to the bike. With my girlfriend following, I balanced the power pack in my lap, passing a police car who looked at me funny. It's really quite difficult to ride a motorcycle with a 25lb 2'x3' power pack in front of you, but the extent of my cheapness that prevented me from hiring a towtruck also kept me going. Once I got home, I disconnected the power pack, expecting the bike to die (which would mean the alternator was shot) but instead, it kept on going, and the power pack registered 100% charge. Now I just need a $30 battery instead of a $100 alternator. There was much rejoicing, and I owe it all to my girlfriend.
User Comments for 05-21-2004:
The love....
Thank You!

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 05-19-2004 Motorcycle Breakdown! View Webcam for 05-19-2004 4 COMMENTS
The GnomeCam caught me leaving for work on my motorcycle today, unaware of the events that woud occur before I reached my destination. About 15 minutes from work, an old man pulled right in front of me oblivious to my existance. I decided not to honk since he'd most likely have had a heart attack. A fellow motorist pulled up at the light and said "That could have killed you, I hope you're alright!" to which I replied "Happens all the time, thanks." Once the light turned green the bike completely died! No power whatsoever. I had to push it off into a gas station where I was told "You can't leave that there, after 9/11 no abandoned vehicles are allowed on the property." At this point I felt like I was in the twilight zone, so I pushed it into an adjacent lot and had Duane pick me up for work. Somehow the old man who cut me off was able to affect my timeline and force me into a parallell universe. If the bike starts right up after work I'll know it was his doing. If not, my battery most likely died.
User Comments for 05-19-2004:
to...many.....comments..... can't keep..... up!!! ARRRR RGGG GGHHHHH
Hey, what about the girlfriend who helped you get it back home!!!
Yesterday on my way home from work I pulled into Chevron and got some gas. As I pulled out into the lane an old man cut me off and nearly hit me. I promptly pulled up next to him and notified him that he could have hit me. His responce was the middle finger to which I replied "WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT OLD MAN!" Then as I pulled away from the light my bike sputtered and died. After sitting for 10 minutes in 91 degree heat, wondering how I would get it home, I started it back up and it ran fine until I got home.
Motorcyclists are just screwed from the get-go. I would have thrown my helmet at the guy after he gave me the finger. Good thing it started back up, I was about to head down there and pick you up.

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 05-18-2004 GnomeCam Malfunction! View Webcam for 05-18-2004 1 COMMENT
After 2½ years of flawless operation, my Snappy Video Capture Device errored out. The software jammed while acquiring an image, shutting down the GnomeCam from 7:00pm until I discovered it around 10:30pm. I restarted the server and reset the Snappy and all appears well again. I have 4 backup Snappy units ready to go if the hardware goes kaput. At $12.95 each, it's the only good thing that came out of Play, Inc. going out of business.
User Comments for 05-18-2004:
oh the panty man can

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 05-16-2004 Niagra Falls View Webcam for 05-16-2004 1 COMMENT
Melissa and I went to Niagra Falls for the weekend for a Cougar event. After the Cougar event was over, we went for a ride on the Maid of the Mist and Melissa helped a few people out of the water. Apparently 4-5 people jump into the falls a day and at least 50% survive and are picked up by tourists. We also went to see a wax museum and did some shopping.
User Comments for 05-16-2004:
Way to go Melissa or should I call you "AquaWomen"?

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 05-14-2004 Ass of the Mailman View Webcam for 05-14-2004 NO COMMENTS
Mailman Ass
No Comments Entered for 05-14-2004

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 05-13-2004 Gnome Cam 2002 on CD View Webcam for 05-13-2004 1 COMMENT
With the Gnome Cam approaching 2GB worth of archives (5 minute captures every day for the last 3 years) I rewrote the code to first search the local HDD for a requested date, then search the CD(soon to be DVD)-ROM. I've offloaded all of 2002 onto a CD in the drive, and it seems to work great. The initial and image loads are a little slower than normal, but I've saved 700MB on my hard drive. Once I put in the DVD-ROM I'll have all the archives off the hard drive and my weekly server backups should be lightning fast. Thousands of tiny image files are harder to backup than the same size in large files.
User Comments for 05-13-2004:
That idea is patented by DetroitArchive I will require a fee.
DetroitArchive - Lawyer

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 05-12-2004 House for Sale View Webcam for 05-12-2004 3 COMMENTS
I'm putting my house up for sale, asking $129,000. I'm trying FSBO (For Sale By Owner) so if you know of a high traffic area, download the flyer and post it all over. Cross your fingers for me, I hope to sell before I move into my new house.
User Comments for 05-12-2004:
Come on he needs that 6 car garage... even though he only has 2 cars, but come on! Downloaded, and posting. perhaps our friends at Fat Kats will leave some flyers out?
No, he has 4 cars!
if you need a relator let me know 1/3 billion his carrer

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