Archived News starting from 04-26-2004 and earlier
BlogAlmost 5 years ago I built a computer for
Lomar with a tagline from him: "Money is no option, and I want to be able to upgrade easily." I chose the Asus A7V Motherboard, Athlon 1200 (top of the line at the time) and 256MB of Memory (unheard of back then). We also went with a massive (for the time) 60GB HDD, Radeon All-In-Wonder, and Creative AWE32 soundcard. Lastnight he returned with it, along with 2 other computers for spare parts to build a frankenstein. Working into the night we managed to get the processor up to 1200Mhz (thanks to a BIOS upgrade). The A7V motherboard is phenomenal: he can crank up to the latest Athlon processor with no problem using the same 5 year old motherboard. The original BIOS could only run to 900Mhz. Memory upgraded to 458MB, and an additional HDD (his 60GB only had 256KB free on it). We also replaced Millenium (Yeah, that joke was on us Microsoft) with Windows XP. I originally built his computer at the beginning of my dual-partition awakening so I easily wiped out the system partition and replaced it without having to backup any of his data files. I'm still working on final updates and restoring his applications, but I feel like a long lost child has come back to visit me for a short time. It put up with untold abuse from Lomar and is still going strong. I think I might cry when he comes to pick it up again.
Today I transitioned the
GnomeCam to the day/night wired camera in preperation for "Project Flamingo." Captures are extended to 10:00pm until the project is underway, at which point they will run 24/7 at one minute intervals (besting
Stavos). The new cam is vastly superior in terms of image quality and I hope to catch more high-resolution curb squirrels than ever. The fact that it sees in the dark is also a plus.
Despite the fact that my
Cougar is no longer supercharged I went to this years SCCA school in Ypsi. The classroom instruction was useful and I was assigned a great instructor. On track day he plowed into some cones when he went for the brakes and told me my brakes suck. I've never driven anything else so I was happy when he recommended some brakes pads to fix the problem. He also gave me a few other pointers that will hopefully bring down my times. My lowest time of the day was 36.338 with the average track time hovering around 39-40 seconds. The best part was the 9 runs that we got (compared to the typical 4). Now I can't wait for the season opener.

Today during my transition between work and school I parked in my driveway and went inside to get my school bag. No more than a minute after I turned off my
Cougar I went to start it up again and got the clicking sound of low voltage. My stock battery had finally died. I jumped in my truck and went to school, then headed to
CostCo for an
Optima Red Top battery. I have been planning on getting one for quite some time now, but found myself excited that I bought it because I actually needed it instead of just wanting it. My neighbor saw me installing it so we started talking shop and I got distracted enough to connect the battery wrong. We were treated to a bright flash and some ozone. Fortunately my front
fuse blew and saved my Cougar, otherwise I would have had a fairly fried engine computer. Moral of the story: don't get distracted when working with high amperage equipment.
Steve and I went shopping for pink flamingos to complete the upcoming "Project Flamingo" when I made the fatal mistake of walking into CostCo. After looking futily for pink flamingos (in bulk) we spotted the 15 foot diameter, 4 foot deep
InstaPoolTM complete with pump, ladder, skimmer and cover. It was an awesome sight, but when I saw it was only $200 I had to have it! Even now I feel a tinge of post purchase regret, along with the standard bloated consumer lemming feeling, but it was a truly great deal and now I have a place to keep my pet shark. Unfortunately it was too cold to setup the pool, so we used my USB Microscope to take
60x, and
200x photos of an infamous boxelder bug instead.
Internet Menace: Sup stranger?
AtomicInternet: He lives!
AtomicInternet: Let me print out my screen and save it
Internet Menace: yes
AtomicInternet: so I can always have an opening conversation with you
Internet Menace: how you been?
AtomicInternet: good
Previous message was not received by Internet Menace because of error: User Internet Menace is not available.
AtomicInternet: JOSEPH!
Previous message was not received by Internet Menace because of error: User Internet Menace is not available.
AtomicInternet: COME BACK!
Previous message was not received by Internet Menace because of error: User Internet Menace is not available.
AtomicInternet: JOSEPH!
AtomicInternet: I can't go on any longer.
AtomicInternet: Without Joseph there is no life.
AtomicInternet: COME BACK JOSEPH!
My good friend Jeremy (Lomar) and his Fiance Angela
were married today and threw a great reception. Sergio and Bon flew in from Portland for the event to join countless other fellow Novi High School graduates in congratulating the couple, many of whom I had not seen for over five years. We had a great
bachelor party two days earlier and it was good to see everyone again. Angela: welcome to Clan Lomar!
Per request of the active members of Plasma Team,
PlasmaTeam.Net is now running from this server. The website will become the central hub of the group, consisting of various members from different parts of the country. The team specializes in random movie and musical productions but also engage in random activities with a comedic goal. It's destined to become a Google favorite, and is already endorsed by
SBK Radio.

While driving my
Cougar at lunch today I heard a strange whining noise from the engine. Fearing the worst, I pulled over and found nothing visibly wrong with it. Still, the whine persisted so I decided to drop to third and floor it. The definition of anemic greeted me and my boost gauge mockingly told me I was not generating any pressure over manifold vaccuum. A call to
Vortech revealed yet another revision in the jackshaft/compressor connection was made to prevent what happened to my supercharger kit. The shaft runs from my accessory belt to the compressor and connects using splines that had finally worn off and was now spinning in the compressor socket. Unfortunately the kit is out of warranty, but fortunately I was offered a discount on the necessary repair work. Oh well, at least I don't
drive a Honda.
The latest
critical updates from Microsoft were released today and consequently this server got a reboot. I took the opportunity to image the system partition and noticed the last reboot was 2 months ago so I thought I'd screen cap the network status:

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