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Archived News starting from 04-14-2004 and earlier
Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 04-14-2004 Where's The Boost? View Webcam for 04-14-2004 6 COMMENTS
Where's the Boost?While driving my Cougar at lunch today I heard a strange whining noise from the engine. Fearing the worst, I pulled over and found nothing visibly wrong with it. Still, the whine persisted so I decided to drop to third and floor it. The definition of anemic greeted me and my boost gauge mockingly told me I was not generating any pressure over manifold vaccuum. A call to Vortech revealed yet another revision in the jackshaft/compressor connection was made to prevent what happened to my supercharger kit. The shaft runs from my accessory belt to the compressor and connects using splines that had finally worn off and was now spinning in the compressor socket. Unfortunately the kit is out of warranty, but fortunately I was offered a discount on the necessary repair work. Oh well, at least I don't drive a Honda.
User Comments for 04-14-2004:
Join the NA side again Mr Lloyd and together we will be old school! Well atleast you know the problem, they should replace it no matter what, sounds like Vortech has been sucking to much air.lately
did this just happen out of the blue? or was it a problem in the making?
Yeah... good thing you don't drive a honda: []
built by: Randy Hughlett @ So you spent about 20 Gs to have some company make it? yawn....
Now I feel obligated to come back to michigan to change your axle shaft.

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 04-13-2004 System Uptime View Webcam for 04-13-2004 NO COMMENTS
The latest critical updates from Microsoft were released today and consequently this server got a reboot. I took the opportunity to image the system partition and noticed the last reboot was 2 months ago so I thought I'd screen cap the network status:
2 months of uptime
No Comments Entered for 04-13-2004

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 04-12-2004 Name That Biker Chick View Webcam for 04-12-2004 2 COMMENTS
Biker Chick
User Comments for 04-12-2004:
The girlfriend
Verse I: (soft music) Mindy was the quiet type Reserved and neatly dressed Took great care in hygiene Clothes were always pressed Turtlenecks and sweaters Skirts below the knees Picture perfect etiquette Always thank you and please But Mindy had a wild side At the office it didn’t show But when she was on the town She was a sexy dynamo Chorus: She was a Sunday school teacher Wrote poems about the rain But there was something about Mindy That drove the guys insane Among those long sleeve blouses And the barely there lipstick Was black leather jackets and chains She was a closet biker chick Metal instrumental… (Back to soft music)Verse II: She was good at being both Balanced them quite well At the office she was reserved On the town she gave em hell Rebel woman cloaked in linen With a g-string hidden under Mindy was a private hustler And it often made em wonder She never revealed her secret Though she often gave a wink To anyone that noticed Her shoulder’d been carved in ink Repeat chorus:

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 04-10-2004 Lomar Lives Again! View Webcam for 04-10-2004 1 COMMENT
Lastnight Lomar, was asked to do an interview for SBK Radio about his Anti-Brad and other popular songs. Somehow the songs made their way to Texas and have a significant following in the area. Lomar, his fiance, Ryan and I huddled around my computer for the interview, followed by a live performance of the Anti-Brad song courtesy of Lomar and Ryan. Afterwards we decided to go for a beer run and steal an ice cream sign to dedicate to his live performance. Look for the DVD in stores!
User Comments for 04-10-2004:
SBK Radio wont authorize me to look at it!

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 04-09-2004 The Passion of the Christ View Webcam for 04-09-2004 NO COMMENTS
The Passion of the Christ
No Comments Entered for 04-09-2004

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 04-07-2004 I'm (not) lovin it! View Webcam for 04-07-2004 4 COMMENTS
Not Lovin It About a month ago I started singing the latest idiotic (and blatently targeted) McDonalds slogan over and over in my head. It was on it's way to being etched into my subconsciousness when I found myself singing it only while debugging code. The self defense mechanism of my mind had turned the evil jingle into a sarcastic commentary. Now I consciously chant it when something goes wrong and everyone gets the joke. While the Quizno's commercials stuck with the public because they were flat out funny, the McDonald commercials stick in your head because you're left struggling to find a point. Extremes are definitely the most effective marketing tool.
User Comments for 04-07-2004:
Speaking of annoying songs... I'm sick fo those badgers!
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Fuckin' a. Anyways, now that my Absolut-inspired ass has managed to navigate the difficulty of your comment-adding utilities, I have this to say: FUCK Quiznos. As a resident of Ann Arbor, I can say with 100% certainty that Quiznos has completely ripped off JIMMY JOHN'S advertising campaign, mainly targeted at stoned college-aged youths. And it's not working out here. In fact, as a member of the Ann Arbor community, I am nowhere near reluctant to declare that QUIZNOS SUCKS. Who the fuck wants to pay another $3 just for the poor sap behind the counter to put your damn sandwich onto a slowly moving toaster device. Pointless. I would rather have my nuttsack properly emptyed by a Bangledeshi immigrant. Not that that's a bad thing. In fact, if anyone wants to alleviate the pressure in my scrotum, please e-mail me, BOBAWITZ@HOTMAIL.COM
s. p. s. j. n. LaPointe
How about that Bachelor party? That's what I thought.

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 04-04-2004 Go fly a kite View Webcam for 04-04-2004 1 COMMENT
Today was yet another blustery day, but instead of hiding inside we decided to go fly a kite! Unfortunately the string we used was not suited for the wind speed and broke frequently. Thanks to Melissa the kite repair turnaround time was minimal. We decided to head to the dollar store for some upgraded string in preperation for the next blustery day. When we returned, we found an exciting addition to the favored spot for random pooping.
User Comments for 04-04-2004:
play the video and have the badger song play in the background, and you'll see Mr Atomic dancing with the song

User Comments for 04-01-2004:
Badgers, a snake, and a musroom what more do you need?

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 03-30-2004 Are you diabetic? View Webcam for 03-30-2004 3 COMMENTS
Watching broadcast TV for more than 20 minutes will result in at least one advertisement for a drug you need to be taking or a health problem you may have "but might not even know it!" Clearly, we are a nation of potential health problems just waiting to happen. The only way to delay your inevitible sickness and/or death is to take the advertised drugs as often as recommended. Since I'm a sugar junkie, I'm clearly a high risk for diabetes. However, I took this test that says otherwise. Unwilling to accept that I'm not at high risk for at least one major health problem I decided to ignore the results and continue my regiment of sugar in the hopes that I'll soon be dependant on insulin. Any volunteers willing to inject me in the ass?
User Comments for 03-30-2004:
Thanks again to boogle: [Medicine is] a collection of uncertain prescriptions the results of which, taken collectively, are more fatal than useful to mankind. - Napoleon Bonaparte
We can inject each other. It'll be the bomb.
I'm in for a Diabetic Injection party!!! BYOEP (Bring your own Epi-Pen)

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 03-29-2004 View Webcam for 03-29-2004 1 COMMENT
For those of you not in "the know," I'll give you a helper course. Google is dead. Long live Boogle! Anybody who's anybody is using Boogle, don't get left behind.
User Comments for 03-29-2004:
A good quote from boogle: The fewer clear facts you have in support of an opinion, the stronger your emotional attachment to that opinion.

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