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Archived News starting from 07-18-2018 and earlier
Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 07-18-2018 Home Theater Dolby Atmos Upgrade View Webcam for 07-18-2018 NO COMMENTS
Dolby Atmos At the behest of every tech magazine I read, I decided my 5.1 surround system was in need of an upgrade. No sooner did I put the idea of a new receiver in my head, than Woot obliged me with a sale. My existing 5.1 8 ohm speakers were up to the task, save for two additional ceiling mounted ones for the final 5.1.2 configuration for the minimum Atmos experience. A quick trip to hell (my attic) and I was ceiling speaker enabled. Having already upgraded to an Optoma UHD60 last year, I was now Atmos and 4K HDR equipped. My Xbox One X began pumping out all the goodies immediately, save for the Blu-Ray of Oblivion which for some reason only gave me Dolby True HD instead of Atmos despite supporting it. I'm almost happy I have one last configuration item to pick at, as long as it's a minor one. All the "demos" work perfectly in crisp object oriented Dolby Atmos glory. Full equipment list below:
Receiver: Yamaha TSR-5810, Projector: Optoma HD60
Source: Xbox One X, Screen: 10ft x 6ft x 15ft throw
Speakers: Klipsch HD Theater 300 + two ceiling speakers
No Comments Entered for 07-18-2018

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 06-12-2018 This Server Will Live Forever! View Webcam for 06-12-2018 NO COMMENTS
New ServerAfter powering down my latest alt-coin miner and reducing my total power footprint to a 50 watt PC, I finally found a server that only requires 5 watts. I upgraded the ASUS VivoStick TS10-B017D to a full Win10 Pro and now host this server off of it. At 5 watts, I can happily run a local server indefinitely in this age of cloud computing. I keep kicking myself for not saving my BBS, so this server will live on as long as it can in it's current 1990s design style. Hopefully I get more sections operational, so for now you'll be greeted with a large number of 500 or 404 responses.
No Comments Entered for 06-12-2018

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 12-04-2015 One year of South Carolina View Webcam for 12-04-2015 1 COMMENT
After neglecting this blog for exactly one year, I decided it was time for an update. I blame bookface for the lack of updates of course, but really it's because blogs are dead per Senator Kelley. Well no longer! Blogs are not dead! I'm bringing this one back! It's a beautiful 65 degrees today in South Carolina, and 38 in Michigan. The only regret I have from the move is losing all the great Michigan folks that for whatever reason refuse to follow me down here. I can only hope next year I am writing about everyone that also moved.
User Comments for 12-04-2015:
You see its 64f in Michigan now and it's just 1 degree colder. All that time/money for just 1F?
Senator Kelley

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 12-04-2014 Hello South Carolina! View Webcam for 12-04-2014 NO COMMENTS
Aquarium With a closing date of December 5th finally set, we scheduled our trip to South Carolina to arrive December 30th before the final walk through on December 1st. What to do while we waited for the closing date? Why visit the underwhelming aquarium of course! We also made a point to hit the beach and drive around the area to get familiar with everything, but the palm trees by far were my personal highlight of the whole vacation.
No Comments Entered for 12-04-2014

Halloween Our last Halloween in Michigan was typical of the state: cold, dark and rainy. The combination limited us to a total of 10 houses, but Lila was quite happy to go back inside after making the rounds. Lexi did a few more but soon succumbed to the Michigan curse as well. Afterwards we took off the jackets and let the kids show off their outfits for a bit longer before calling it a night. At least South Carolina won't have the cold factor and we can hold out longer even if it's raining.
No Comments Entered for 10-31-2014

Baby Party With the last baby party having taken place almost a year ago, it was high time to have another. The age increases allowed this party to feature more chaos and a total dance party. Marco and Amanda were inducted into the group despite not ejecting the offspring quite yet, and seemed to enjoy themselves just as well.
No Comments Entered for 10-25-2014

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 09-27-2014 Lucys First Birthday View Webcam for 09-27-2014 NO COMMENTS
Lucy Birthday Lucys first birthday was apparently farm themed, and Lisa picked a great venue with lots of animals. To be clear, it was not farm animals in a bounce house as the Senator is scheduled to provide, but it was pretty impressive nonetheless. I know for a fact Lucy had an absolutely awesome time because she never stopped smiling, and was quite thrilled with her smash cake. I also learned Marco is in fact the farm animal whisperer as he was inside and bonding with almost all of the animals at some point, while Lila preferred to enjoy them from afar.
No Comments Entered for 09-27-2014

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 09-21-2014 I96 Fun Day View Webcam for 09-21-2014 NO COMMENTS
I96 Fun Day Despite cold and rainy weather, I wasn't about to miss the opportunity of a lifetime. I96 fun day was possibly the only chance I'd get to run around an interstate with my kids for an hour (without getting arrested). Lila was initially hesitant with all my photo requests, but Lucy was happy to get out and crawl on the pavement. After Lila warmed up to the idea, I was able to get several good shots to prove without a doubt she was in the middle of an interstate. Hopefully Lila and Lucy can look back on this trauma free and tell their friends how irresponsible her father was even when they were a toddlers.
No Comments Entered for 09-21-2014

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 09-13-2014 Lexis 3rd Birthday View Webcam for 09-13-2014 NO COMMENTS
Lexi Birthday Party Continuing his one-upmanship, the Senator this year had an entire petting farm shipped to his house for Lexis 3rd birthday party. It was agreed the only way to continue this upward momentem next year was to have the petting farm inside a bouncehouse, combining last years with this one. All the kids had photo ops with a replica of Waco, Texas and of course went nuts over the animals. Lucy was handed around like a hot potato as everyone tried to squeeze the last few ounces of baby out of the girl who is quickly becoming a toddler.
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Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 09-07-2014 Renaissance Fair View Webcam for 09-07-2014 NO COMMENTS
Renaissance Fair With Tigerbomb in tow, it was time to make one final annual visit to the Renaissance Fair. Lila was quite impressed with all the offerings available to her, and Lucy didn't seem to complain so I can only assume she was equally entertained. Tiger and I both heavily tipped a mermaid in a glass box with bloodshot eyes as it didn't look very comfortable. Lila however got wide eyes and very quiet after seeing a real live mermaid, so the experience was well worth the tip. Some mandatory shots in the jail and the entrance completed our visit, the very last one to the Holly, Michigan Renaissance fair.
No Comments Entered for 09-07-2014

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