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Archived News starting from 09-13-2014 and earlier
Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 09-13-2014 Lexis 3rd Birthday View Webcam for 09-13-2014 NO COMMENTS
Lexi Birthday Party Continuing his one-upmanship, the Senator this year had an entire petting farm shipped to his house for Lexis 3rd birthday party. It was agreed the only way to continue this upward momentem next year was to have the petting farm inside a bouncehouse, combining last years with this one. All the kids had photo ops with a replica of Waco, Texas and of course went nuts over the animals. Lucy was handed around like a hot potato as everyone tried to squeeze the last few ounces of baby out of the girl who is quickly becoming a toddler.
No Comments Entered for 09-13-2014

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 09-07-2014 Renaissance Fair View Webcam for 09-07-2014 NO COMMENTS
Renaissance Fair With Tigerbomb in tow, it was time to make one final annual visit to the Renaissance Fair. Lila was quite impressed with all the offerings available to her, and Lucy didn't seem to complain so I can only assume she was equally entertained. Tiger and I both heavily tipped a mermaid in a glass box with bloodshot eyes as it didn't look very comfortable. Lila however got wide eyes and very quiet after seeing a real live mermaid, so the experience was well worth the tip. Some mandatory shots in the jail and the entrance completed our visit, the very last one to the Holly, Michigan Renaissance fair.
No Comments Entered for 09-07-2014

State Fair With Lila and Lucy clearly underexposed to farm animals, it was time to familiarize their olfactory senses with the rich combination of manure and spoiled milk that accompanies the state fair. I give Lila credit for the 20 minutes she was able to dedicate to looking at animals before moving on to the various face painting and fair ride opportunities available. She was even careful enough to pick the Mountain Dew car when it was presented as an option, making her father proud. Lisa was of course thrilled to watch Lucy while Lila and I made a point to ride every ride she was allowed on.
No Comments Entered for 08-31-2014

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 08-30-2014 Moving Day(s) View Webcam for 08-30-2014 NO COMMENTS
Moving Day With a closing on my current house scheduled for the end of August, it rapidly became time to vacate. So began the great packing day, which would become the great packing days. After ordering a single POD for the first weekend, it became clear we would would need at least two, if not three total PODS to store the 10 years of accumulated crap that Lisa and I now own. Fortunately our moving crew comrades were able to accomodate the additional weekend with more drones, inappropriateness and hijinks. Now that our crap is all packed up and waiting for South Carolina there's nothing to do but wait.
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Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 08-24-2014 Lila Adjusts to an Empty House View Webcam for 08-24-2014 NO COMMENTS
Having relocated to my dads house, and with our house (mostly) empty in preparation for our move south, I decided it was time to let Lila tour the empty house. I wanted to see if there was any pent up trauma waiting to surface. She seemed to adjust well after I assured her all of her toys were safe and secure, the primary concern she had. After that it looked like a healthy acceptance, of which this video will prove to any court of law pending Lila's future trauma lawsuit against me.
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Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 08-12-2014 Great Flood of 2014 View Webcam for 08-12-2014 NO COMMENTS
Great Flood of 2014Over 2.5 hours after leaving work, I'm finally home in what was second only to the great power outage of 2003 in terms of slow moving traffic. Every route I took seemed to have impassable water over the road, forcing a u-turn every 20 minutes. A mapping app that routes based on elevation would have been a best seller, and I kept kicking myself for not making one before heading home.
No Comments Entered for 08-12-2014

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 08-10-2014 Drake Birthday Party View Webcam for 08-10-2014 NO COMMENTS
Drake Birthday! One of the benefits of having kids is of course birthday parties. A place where adults who've had their social lives destroyed can finally mingle with others in the same situation. The topic of conversation is always about kids, which 4 years ago I'd want nothing to do with, but fortunately that switch was flipped on and I'm all about it now. Lila made a point to avoid the water in the water splash park, and hovered over the birthday cake for 20 minutes only to eat a quarter inch cube of it. Lucy meanwhile laughed on command and tried to eat anything that wasn't fit to be eaten, so a typical outing with both kids.
No Comments Entered for 08-10-2014

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 08-09-2014 Garage Sale View Webcam for 08-09-2014 NO COMMENTS
Garage Sale! What began as a plan to pack up our crap turned into a spontaneous garage sale. After seeing my neighbor had set one up, I decided to take advantage of the traffic. We quickly grabbed anything we didn't want and threw it into the driveway for the unwashed masses to finger through and offer 50¢ for. While we wound up making over $400 I also decided to shove everything that didn't sell to the end of the driveway and write FREE. Not surprisingly, it took a scant 10 minutes for everything to disappear after that and I felt good after the healthy purge.
No Comments Entered for 08-09-2014

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 07-27-2014 Makers Fair View Webcam for 07-27-2014 NO COMMENTS
Makers Fair! With Lila quickly approaching 4 years old, it was time to introduce her to nerd culture. I wanted to make sure she understands where she comes from so when she's in college she'll wait till she's 21 before she takes off the nerd glasses and lets down her hair and becomes the nerd-turned-hottie that every 80s movie depicted. I was pleased to see she preferred the star wars cosplay and hope she aspires to become a storm trooper while inventing various gadgets. The go-cart races were also a highlight which is why I've decided to hold on to my old lawn mower. Overall it was a hot but interesting event, but one I don't plan to attend again.
No Comments Entered for 07-27-2014

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 07-18-2014 Farewell BBQ View Webcam for 07-18-2014 NO COMMENTS
Friends! The Senator decided to arrange a meeting of epic proportions in the guise of a going away party for my upcoming exit from the state. While I'm clearly not worthy of the friends I've accumulated, it was nice to see everyone show up and make homophobic jokes at each others expense. The kids all jumped in the neighbors trampoline and the adults shot darts at each others faces. After a few beers I got as close as I can to sentimental and thanked the Senator for his efforts (and food).
No Comments Entered for 07-18-2014

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