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Archived News starting from 10-23-2013 and earlier
Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 10-23-2013 Health Screen Pass View Webcam for 10-23-2013 NO COMMENTS
My annual health checkup was today, and amazingly I passed 4/6 screening components to get the full discount. This was after 3 weeks of a 75-80% Soylent diet, which lowered my cholesterol to the lowest point I've seen, but seems to have jacked up my triglycerides and sent my HDL into the toilet. I'm not sure if these numbers are overall better or worse than my last screening, but I know I need to eat more fish pills and less sugar.
Metric Level Dead
Cholest: 207 > 240
HDL: 20 < 40
LDL: 114 > 160
Trigyl: 361 > 200
TC/HDL: 10.2 > 5.0
Gluc: 81 > 100
Waist: 38 > 40
Press: 118/78 > 130/85
No Comments Entered for 10-23-2013

After selling both my Surface RT and Surface Pro due to lack of use, it only makes sense I would buy a Surface 2. Tempted with the Tegra 4 quad-core and increased memory, I used Lila as an excuse to get yet another sure to be seldom used tablet. As long as I keep enough kid apps pasted to the start menu, I can convince myself I dropped the cash for Lilas education and not my sick need to buy the latest gadget on the market. I'm proud to have resisted the temptation of the Surface Pro 2, but it's higher price, greater heat generation and cooling fans are not child-friendly. Hopefully Lila won't be proficient at Visual Studio or Photoshop for another few years and can make do with the Windows 8 apps for the life of it. Oh who am I kidding, I'll have this thing sold before Surface 3 is out and post yet another lame attempt at justifying my technolust.
No Comments Entered for 10-22-2013

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 10-21-2013 Lumia 1520 Lust View Webcam for 10-21-2013 NO COMMENTS
Lumia 1520 With Lisa due for an upgrade on her AT&T account, I've been biding my time for the phone I lust for the most. After confirming several times her refusal to upgrade to a new phone of ANY kind, I purchased a $50 Lumia 520 as her backup, thus absolving me of any guilt over taking her upgrade. At fist I thought the Lumia 1020 was my lovechild, but then I began hearing rumors of the just announced Lumia 1520 and knew I had to wait. My hope is it shares at least 3G bands with Verizon and I can pop my SIM card into it and have a new phone. The more likely scenario is I'll use it as yet another tablet until the crippled (and probably smaller) Verizon version of the 1520 arrives to take my money.
No Comments Entered for 10-21-2013

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 10-19-2013 Jump Station View Webcam for 10-19-2013 NO COMMENTS
After visiting the local arcade/bounce house and eyeing the jump station nearby, I finally decided to take Lila in to see what it was all about. Turns out, they strap you into a harness and let you jump on a trampoline as high as you want, which is exactly what Lila wants to do ALL THE TIME. After letting her go jump crazy, her 10 minutes was up and in typical Lila fashion she threw a 10 minute tantrum. I explained to the operators she just wanted to keep jumping, but they were busy so she was sent to the back of the line. After calming down, she watched the other kids before her final 10 minutes of glory. The jump station is now written in pen on the list of things Lila loves to do.
No Comments Entered for 10-19-2013

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 10-18-2013 Lilas First Pumpkin View Webcam for 10-18-2013 NO COMMENTS
Every2Minutes With Halloween fast approaching, it was high time Lila carved her first pumpkin. After explaining several times that the knife was sharp and not to touch it, she proceeded to say "ouch" every time I cut into the pumpkin making for a very dark carving. She was excited about seperating the seeds from the goop for approximately 2 minutes, after which she was disgusted by the whole process leaving me to finish the job. Once I put the candle in I got her attention back for another 2 minutes before she wandered off to her room for something more exciting than a candle in a vegetable.
No Comments Entered for 10-18-2013

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 10-17-2013 Every 2 Minutes View Webcam for 10-17-2013 NO COMMENTS
Every2Minutes Upon learning Xbox is once again in bed with Mountain Dew and Doritos, I scoured their latest promotion to see what I need to do to win another major award. Not surprisingly, it's the same collect codes from caps technique that I perfected in my last win. This time however, I have an entire BUILDING of recycle bins to pull codes from. Add the OCR feature from my phone and I'm a code entering machine. My daily pilfering yields 5-8 codes every day, giving me a pretty good chance of winning some kind of major award. I'm pretty sure the game is more exciting than the prize at this point though, as the ugly NASCAR themed Xbox is turning me off more and more each day.
No Comments Entered for 10-17-2013

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 10-14-2013 Update to GDR3 View Webcam for 10-14-2013 NO COMMENTS
GDR3 Update Thanks to the release of the new preview app, I no longer have to wait for Verizons multi-month testing and delay for the new GDR3 release. While the app only upgrades the base OS and not the firmware or Nokia layer, it still offers a new memory display and car mode that is apparently awesome enough to get a sad blurb in the news. It also ups the maximum display resolution to 1920x1080 which is meaningless to my 1280x768 display, and still not nearly as big as the iPhones 960x640 size. It also supports the new Snapdragon 800 chipset which is equally useless to me, except my yearning for the Lumia 1520 just got more real. The car mode makes sure you're aware it's active with a voice alert, lock screen and home screen icon that screams it in case you somehow forget you're in your car. The new memory display has nothing on the Nokia storage check, and being able to close apps from the multitasking menu is nice, but aside from the driving mode I'm already in my post-update slump with nothing exciting to keep me turgid. At least one of my system numbers got bigger.
No Comments Entered for 10-14-2013

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 10-07-2013 Wordament Quintuple Dip View Webcam for 10-07-2013 NO COMMENTS
Wordament In my never ending quest for Achievements, the game "Wordament" holds a special place in my heart. Not only can I get 200G from Windows Phone and Windows 8 versions of the game, but I can also get 50G from the website and iOS versions. Today it increased by another 50G after releasing on Android, for a total of 550G across 5 platforms. Thanks to my save game living "in the cloud" all I have to do is spend a few minutes getting the non-cumulative cheevos and voila, fully completed on another platform. Only Asphalt 7 makes it easier, with all 200G popping instantly after completing a race thanks to 100% completion on Windows Phone. With Xbox One on the horizon, this double/triple/quadruple-dipping is sure to become more common, and I plan to dip as many times as I can!
No Comments Entered for 10-07-2013

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 10-06-2013 Soylent Powder Is People! View Webcam for 10-06-2013 NO COMMENTS
Soylent After reading this article and finding this recepie I decided it was time to change my food supply. With Lisa and I lifetime lazy when it comes to preparing food, I know my current diet is not condusive to long term health, so switching to a liquid diet can't be much worse. Mixing my first batch was messy on account of I had no idea what I was doing, but I'm confident my next batch will be more efficient now that I know what to expect. The taste is expectedly nasty, and trying to mask it with apple cider was not successful. I suspect I'll need to gulp my servings and quickly follow it up with a less nasty drink to get the taste out, but if all goes well I'll get 100% of my nutrients and none of the crap. I'll either die of malnutrition or become superhuman, I don't see any middle ground.
No Comments Entered for 10-06-2013

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 10-01-2013 Battlefield 4 Beta View Webcam for 10-01-2013 NO COMMENTS
Breaking Brad The Battlefield 4 open beta began today, and Lisa surprisingly agreed to download it for me while I was at work. Having Battlefield 3 Premium access on both Xbox 360 and PC I was able to get the early beta for both systems and can confirm the texture quality is very beta. The Xbox 360 version looked like modeling clay quality with the few detailed surfaces appearing to render in 480p mode. The PC was only slightly better with about 720p quality but also (hopefully) far from final texture render quality. Aside from that, the gameplay was disappointingly similar to Battlefield 3, but I keep hope it's because I've yet to discover all the hidden details waiting for me in the full release. One thing for certain is I still dominate and ranking up is much slower than Battlefield 3.
No Comments Entered for 10-01-2013

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