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Archived News starting from 10-06-2013 and earlier
Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 10-06-2013 Soylent Powder Is People! View Webcam for 10-06-2013 NO COMMENTS
Soylent After reading this article and finding this recepie I decided it was time to change my food supply. With Lisa and I lifetime lazy when it comes to preparing food, I know my current diet is not condusive to long term health, so switching to a liquid diet can't be much worse. Mixing my first batch was messy on account of I had no idea what I was doing, but I'm confident my next batch will be more efficient now that I know what to expect. The taste is expectedly nasty, and trying to mask it with apple cider was not successful. I suspect I'll need to gulp my servings and quickly follow it up with a less nasty drink to get the taste out, but if all goes well I'll get 100% of my nutrients and none of the crap. I'll either die of malnutrition or become superhuman, I don't see any middle ground.
No Comments Entered for 10-06-2013

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 10-01-2013 Battlefield 4 Beta View Webcam for 10-01-2013 NO COMMENTS
Breaking Brad The Battlefield 4 open beta began today, and Lisa surprisingly agreed to download it for me while I was at work. Having Battlefield 3 Premium access on both Xbox 360 and PC I was able to get the early beta for both systems and can confirm the texture quality is very beta. The Xbox 360 version looked like modeling clay quality with the few detailed surfaces appearing to render in 480p mode. The PC was only slightly better with about 720p quality but also (hopefully) far from final texture render quality. Aside from that, the gameplay was disappointingly similar to Battlefield 3, but I keep hope it's because I've yet to discover all the hidden details waiting for me in the full release. One thing for certain is I still dominate and ranking up is much slower than Battlefield 3.
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Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 09-29-2013 Breaking Brad View Webcam for 09-29-2013 1 COMMENT
Breaking Brad After much harassment by the Senator, Lisa and I are engaged in Breaking Bad on Netflix. The expected negative reaction to the first episode by Lisa never occured, with an indifferent expression and "whatever" response giving me the green light to continue watching it with her. Now on the third episode, I suspect she may actually be enjoying it, but I know I'll never get such a groundbreaking positive response from her. I accept the standard "whatever" and live day by day wondering when one of her stories will take precedence and the adventure will end. The Senator remains ecstatic about the development.
User Comments for 09-29-2013:
Senator Kelley

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 09-25-2013 Rapping about Science View Webcam for 09-25-2013 NO COMMENTS
Over a year ago we were solicited by a guy selling CDs of rapping about science. It was unique enough to stick in my mind to the point where I started looking for him. Months passed and I eventually forgot all about it, but today he appeared! I demanded a photo and bought his CD, another chapter in my life closed.
No Comments Entered for 09-25-2013

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 09-22-2013 Lucys First Cider Mill View Webcam for 09-22-2013 NO COMMENTS
Cider Mill With the realization that 3 week old Lucy had yet to experience a cider mill in Michigan, it was determined this must be remedied before I return to work. After explaining the activities and excitement she was about to experience, Lucy promptly agreed to the assessment by falling asleep and farting. A seasoned veteran of cider mills, Lila was of course ecstatic and sang "Old MacDonald" the entire way affirming she was in fact familiar with the petting farm and all the animals she would soon be meeting. On arrival, I spared no expense and loaded up with a dozen donuts and a gallon of cider. I was denied Lucy for both the cardboard cutout and hay wagon photo opportunities, proving yet again despite my genetic investment I am not authorized for any child I father until they are at least one year old. Full of sugar, we made the petting farm rounds and headed home for nap time.
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Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 09-21-2013 Lucy Visitors View Webcam for 09-21-2013 NO COMMENTS
Visitors Now that Lucy demonstrated she will not be suffering from SIDS or spontaneously combusting any time soon, Lisa deemed it safe for visitors and Holly was finally able to see Lucy. It was good practice for the soon-to-be mom, and I was able to scare her with several stories highlighting poop and throwup. Up next was Senator Kelley and wife who are both closet Mountain Dew addicts, completely clearing me out of all traces of the beverage. On Facebook the Senator claims he's off it completely, which only means he consumes that much more in the safety and privacy of my house. There was much trampolining and shenanigans as tends to happen after consuming large quantities of the Dew. Finally the Schmieders stopped by and James quickly learned that tossing Lila in the air once really meant tossing her up in the air 100 times before she got bored with it. Lisa was determined to spend the night watching TV until the capital idea of a bonfire was raised and executed. With all toddlers, infants and assocaites surviving the night without any burn incidents I can confidently claim all visits were a complete success.
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Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 09-19-2013 Lila Zoo Time View Webcam for 09-19-2013 NO COMMENTS
Zoo With Lila trying to pick up and toss Lucy regularly, it was time to show her some animals five times her size to give her some appreciation for fragility. We started with some butterfly action, and made our way toward the monkey exhibits when the planet of the apes began playing out in front of us. Lila was clearly unphased by the looming monkey apocolypse, and laughed through the whole episode. After spotting some snakes, turtles and crocodiles Lila ran out of energy and amazingly did not go into default tantrum mode. We arrived home just in time to begin the napping.
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Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 09-18-2013 Disc Golf Sister View Webcam for 09-18-2013 NO COMMENTS
Disc Golf With Lila taking the end of her status as "only child" better than I expected, I thought it was high time for a post pediatric appointment disc golf outing. I could immediately tell she was excited to be free from the shackles of family, as we set out tossing frisbees randomly and occasionally getting one in the bucket. My mistake was showing Lila the attached playground, which resulted in over an hour of the slide pattern. followed by repeated visits to all the other equipment. As dusk fell and the temperature dropped, I finally had to drag Lila kicking and screaming away from the playground back to the car, while trying my best not to look like a kidnapper.
No Comments Entered for 09-18-2013

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 09-12-2013 Hello Lucy Jayne View Webcam for 09-12-2013 1 COMMENT
Lucy Jayne Lucy was scheduled to arrive at 2:00pm today, but a busy L&D unit pushed it back to 3:00pm. A scheduled C-section meant the haptic panic of Lila was replaced with an orderly calm and relaxed trip to the hospital. After being dressed in operating wear and assured I did not need to scrub in, I kept Lisa company while Lucy was extracted. The whole operation took less than 30 minutes, and after Lucy was handed to me I kept expecting to be rushed off to intensive care, or told I needed to give her back for more tests. The complete disregard for me holding my baby while Lisa was fixed up actually began to distress me. I wasn't used to experiencing a fully baked, bruise-free baby and soon found myself wrapping her up and moving to the recovery room with Lisa. Aside from some sneezing/coughing from extra fluid, I can't recommend the c-section experience enough for fathers. Lucy had no bruising, slept peacefully, and was very relaxed, while Lisa was well rested and not exhausted from 22 hours of labor. The whole thing happened so fast I didn't fully grasp I had a second daughter until after both my parents had visited and left. I already felt bad for Lila having to learn to crawl/walk/talk on her own, but now felt even worse that she had to endure such a traumatic birth compared to Lucy. There's no doubt Lucy gets it easy with a big sister to help her out, and Lila is clearly up for the job.
User Comments for 09-12-2013:
Good thing they can't remember longer than a fish at that stage!
Senator Kelley

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 09-07-2013 Plymouth Fall Festival View Webcam for 09-07-2013 NO COMMENTS
Fall Festival Rumors of a carnival in Plymouth proved to be true, and our recent string of them continued. This time it included polish dancers and craft crap, but most importantly buttered corn on a stick. The dancers distracted Lila long enough to tire her out significantly before she discovered the overpriced rides. Luckily she was only drawn to the "froggy jump" which was relatively cheap (and safe). "Up and down" being her favorite thing lately, the ride was perfectly suited to her needs.
No Comments Entered for 09-07-2013

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