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Archived News starting from 09-12-2013 and earlier
Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 09-12-2013 Hello Lucy Jayne View Webcam for 09-12-2013 1 COMMENT
Lucy Jayne Lucy was scheduled to arrive at 2:00pm today, but a busy L&D unit pushed it back to 3:00pm. A scheduled C-section meant the haptic panic of Lila was replaced with an orderly calm and relaxed trip to the hospital. After being dressed in operating wear and assured I did not need to scrub in, I kept Lisa company while Lucy was extracted. The whole operation took less than 30 minutes, and after Lucy was handed to me I kept expecting to be rushed off to intensive care, or told I needed to give her back for more tests. The complete disregard for me holding my baby while Lisa was fixed up actually began to distress me. I wasn't used to experiencing a fully baked, bruise-free baby and soon found myself wrapping her up and moving to the recovery room with Lisa. Aside from some sneezing/coughing from extra fluid, I can't recommend the c-section experience enough for fathers. Lucy had no bruising, slept peacefully, and was very relaxed, while Lisa was well rested and not exhausted from 22 hours of labor. The whole thing happened so fast I didn't fully grasp I had a second daughter until after both my parents had visited and left. I already felt bad for Lila having to learn to crawl/walk/talk on her own, but now felt even worse that she had to endure such a traumatic birth compared to Lucy. There's no doubt Lucy gets it easy with a big sister to help her out, and Lila is clearly up for the job.
User Comments for 09-12-2013:
Good thing they can't remember longer than a fish at that stage!
Senator Kelley

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 09-07-2013 Plymouth Fall Festival View Webcam for 09-07-2013 NO COMMENTS
Fall Festival Rumors of a carnival in Plymouth proved to be true, and our recent string of them continued. This time it included polish dancers and craft crap, but most importantly buttered corn on a stick. The dancers distracted Lila long enough to tire her out significantly before she discovered the overpriced rides. Luckily she was only drawn to the "froggy jump" which was relatively cheap (and safe). "Up and down" being her favorite thing lately, the ride was perfectly suited to her needs.
No Comments Entered for 09-07-2013

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 09-05-2013 Xbox One November 22nd View Webcam for 09-05-2013 NO COMMENTS
Now that Xbox has revealed I have to wait 11 weeks before I can get my Xbox One on, my commander in chief Major Nelson has teased me with shots of it being packed up. No doubt for shipping to some warehouse where it will sit for 11 weeks and wait for inventory to build up proportional to my agony over waiting. Screw you Major Nelson, I want my XBONE NOW!
No Comments Entered for 09-05-2013

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 09-04-2013 First Motorcycle Oil Change View Webcam for 09-04-2013 NO COMMENTS
After 1,800 miles on my new Ninja, it felt like the right time for it's first oil change. Fortunately, Lila was up for the job and helped by dropping a ratchet extension into the exhaust pipe. After fishing it out with a magnet, I realized I had no idea how much oil to put in, so I guessed at 3 quarts and later discovered I was correct. One of the nice things about this motorcycle (in addition to fuel injection, foldable mirrors, and digital speedometer) is a spin-on oil filter. The last 3 motorcycles I owned had a filter element that was a pain in the ass to remove and replace, now it's just like a car oil change.
No Comments Entered for 09-04-2013

Disc Golf The previously cancelled Michigan state fair was resurrected by Fifth Third bank this year at the Novi Expo center. This resulted in shrinking it to 1/3 the size and adding a carnival (which worked out well for Lila). This also meant the animals were in an enclosed, air conditioned area instead of being outside. While the cool air was nice, the concentrated animal stink was a bit overwhelming. Lila, fresh off her pot smoke exposure was ready with her nose holding "pee ew" face and utilized it frequently. The carnival had the expected rides, about 1/3 of which Lila was tall enough to ride. I'm fairly certain the "roller coaster" and swings may have permanently traumatized her, but she's good at burying her pain and made it look like she brushed it off. I'm sure I'll be paying for both rides well into her adult years with therapy.
No Comments Entered for 09-03-2013

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 09-02-2013 Lilas First Disc Golfing View Webcam for 09-02-2013 NO COMMENTS
Disc Golf Lila had her first disc golf adventure today, and surprisingly had a blast. I was certain she'd quickly grow bored of it, but tromping around in the woods after frisbees is clearly on her enjoyable activity list. After meeting a father and his 4 girls on the course, I was assured "you get used to it" when I inquired what it's like to have 4 daughters and no son. Lila then decided the oldest daughter was "mama" and the dad was "papa" and refused to leave their sight for 4 holes in a row. Eventually I felt like I was intruding on their day and threw up enough distractions to get her to disengage. Notable events include Lila holding her nose and saying "pee ew" when she smelled the obligatory pot smoke, making it up a 45 degree incline all by herself, and finding a disc even I couldn't find (reward was tickling).
No Comments Entered for 09-02-2013

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 08-30-2013 Ninja Recalled! View Webcam for 08-30-2013 1 COMMENT
Not even 6 months after I bought my new Ninja, a recall for the engine ignition module was issued for stalling problems. I didn't expect to feel like a Honda owner, but it looks like my only japanese vehicle suffers a similar quality problem. Fortunately the recall part was an easy swap, with my old part going back to Japan for some reflashing magic before being passed on to some other unsuspecting owner. I can now commute confidently that my motorcycle won't stall unexpectedly, despite my religious downshifting which probbably rendered the whole recall pointless for my driving style.
User Comments for 08-30-2013:
Wait you own a jap product!!!! Next you'll be saying you own a Jap phone! #inconsistent

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 08-29-2013 Tigers Basesballs View Webcam for 08-29-2013 1 COMMENT
Xbox One Today was a work sponsored team building event that just so happened to be a Tigers baseball game. Rather than enjoy the game and shout what for at the opposing team, I took the opportunity to play with my $10 eBay zoom lens and the various Nokia camera apps on my phone. The result was enjoyable, and passed the time quite well. The free food was also a nice bonus, and of course Ron showed up because why wouldn't he. I found myself in the strange position of rooting for a sports team in the 9th inning when the Tigers were down 2 runs. They managed to come back with a 3 run home run and everyone went nuts of course. I celebrated by making sure I grabbed one final free Mountain Dew for the road.
User Comments for 08-29-2013:
Baseball? BASEBALL?? I want my nerd friend back.

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 08-26-2013 Lila plays Minecraft View Webcam for 08-26-2013 1 COMMENT
Bored with her teaset, Lila descended into my lair and demanded she hold the Xbox controller. I decided Minecraft was right up her alley since I already had all the cheevos and no longer cared about my progress on my default world. Amazingly, she figured out the dual-stick navigation relatively quickly and was soon moving around on her own. I asked her to go different directions and she was able to in the general direction I requested. Excited my daughter could finally operate the most time intensive thing in my life, she promptly grew bored and demanded I read her a book. I took that as a good sign.
User Comments for 08-26-2013:
Approved. Setting up the highchairs for baby minecraft lan time BMLT

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 08-25-2013 Lila at the Pool View Webcam for 08-25-2013 1 COMMENT
Xbox One With the end of summer fast approaching, I decided it was time to use one of Lisas friends for their pool membership. I promise myself a trip to the beach at least once a summer, and since it looks like I won't be able to keep that promise this year, I can pretend this counted. Upon entering the pool, I was in shock after learning it featured a diving board. I was convinced they had all gone extinct with our great litigious society forcing them out of all insurance plans. I confirmed with the lifeguard that flips and dives were in fact allowed, and proceeded to fill my stomach with burgers and hot dogs. Once I was full enough to guarantee stomach problems, I did my first diving board flip in at least 10 years. Lila was highly entertained, so I proceeded to do 2 more before landing one square on my back, resulting in some pool-wide entertainment. Undeterred, I continued with cannonballs and dives, before returning for a few more flips. Lila became bored quickly, so we moved to a game where she threw diving rings and laughed while I scrambled after them and put them back on her head.
User Comments for 08-25-2013:
Diving boards kill if you even just look at them! Like guns!

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