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Rating: 4.2 - Link to this Article 03-29-2009 The $100 Sappy Thank You View Webcam for 03-29-2009 5 COMMENTS
My trip to California last month ended with a $100 bill folded into the back seat of Enoryms mustang, which I only alerted him to after I was boarding my plane home. The deception was necessary to combat his insistence that he pay for everything. Twice I was able to wrestle a meal bill out of his hands and pay for it, but my L.A. flight, transportation and all the other meals were gratis. Unable to accept the $100 (which probably didn't even cover the flight,) he took advantage of Stavos recent trip (also all expenses paid) to sneak an envelope with the $100 into his luggage. I had to document the note since I immediately missed him and his brand of comedy. The envelope was passed at Stavos' 30th birthday party, where our wives and us quickly became the most obnoxious members of the party, with Lisas signature laugh-seizure indicating the level of entertainment. Later that night, while playing Xbox with Excelcier I realized how lucky I am to be surrounded by so many great friends, except for Duane who never showed up for Resident Evil 5. So here's my sappy "thank you" to everyone who makes my life so great (if you're reading this, that's you), and for helping me dupe Lisa into marrying me. Let it also be know the $100 will soon be returned to its rightful owner.
User Comments for 03-29-2009:
Did anyone ever tell him we stuck a bunch of money in his pocket while we were at the mall getting pretzels? That was funny.
You actually excepted it better then I thought. I tried so many times to return it without him knowing. It's almost impossible. Yes Candy and Lisa were more entertaining then the Chefs at Benihana. My sister in law even gave lisa the evil look. Well done Candy and Lisa.
OK, this post earned a green rating.. you brought a tear to me eye my friend. (sniff)
So in other words he just flew out Steve so he could return your $100 to you? UPS has it all wrong. Custom hand delivery.

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