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Rating: 2.82 - Link to this Article 03-23-2009 Rating System Go View Webcam for 03-23-2009 11 COMMENTS
With my last entry most likely boring 2/3 people that read the crap I type, I decided to implement a rating system. I actually had some extra time and felt like gaying things up a bit, but we'll pretend my first reason is a valid one. Now you can tell what Stavos thought of a particular entry at a glance, since he's most likely the only one who will make it through the entire rant and assign a rating. A highly complicated formula called "division" determines an average rating and displays accordingly. Let's break this shiz down, yo:
Lame - suxorz, do not read EVER, header turns bright red.
Boring - only read if you're bored, header turns bright orange.
OK - it's a crapshoot, take your chances.
Good - high caliber crapper material, header turns limeilicious.
Awesome - quality material, header turns radioactive good green.
I've taken the liberty of rating all past entries as "OK" since they truely are a crapshoot, except for the last one which gets orangesuckle, and since my Cougar is totally awesome that one gets the green. Let the rating wars begin!
User Comments for 03-23-2009:
are these ratings or threat levels?
I prefer red to green, so I'm marking everything as lame from here on out.
I hang on your every word
Just cause Stavos thinks I hate everthing, I'm rating EVERYTHING as lame. (insert Dr. Evil laugh)
I love the terrorist warning system incorporated into the site. But we need an avg rating at the top.
Well isn't that what the title color is for?
Moving to DEFCON RED
Yeah but it needs to be bigger, and I think a number would be better then color, or both!. orange and yellow are very close.
so are both of the greens
Why isn't this article changing colors?
Hover over the note icon in the header (top left) and it shows the avg rating of the post. Brad just informed me of this little tibbit. (Now I got hippy-stink on me.)

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