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Rating: 3.33 - Link to this Article 12-28-2009 A Google Christmas Miracle View Webcam for 12-28-2009 6 COMMENTS
Google Check A post-christmas miracle is responsible for another Google check that arrived today. The gap between checks was only a month longer than usual this time, which is surprising given the state of the economy (and subsequent reduced number of ad-clicking fingers/bots). I credit the federal bailout money for keeping my Google check regular, and gladly accept it. As with the last few checks however, this one is not going to stimulate the economy in it's time of need, but instead getting set aside for the next 1,000 commenter party which I anticipate to occur in 2035. Assuming we survive the galactic alignment of 2012 with John Cusack, and thawing of Simon Phoenix in 2032 I should have enough saved for at least 3 rounds of hoverkarts and slightly more than the standard ration of protein paste for refreshments.
User Comments for 12-28-2009:
Normally I'd insist that you hand the money over as part of the "friend tax" but as I will be the cause of the next 1000 comment party, I will allow you to keep it in the bank.
I'll hit 2000 comments before 2012 as long as you post new articles faster.
Shit! The Morlock passed me... I MUST NOT ALLOW THIS!
I'll get to 1000 before you hit 2000 Stavos! Admit defeat Canada!
On a side note, how do you continue to collect Google money when your site doesn't appear to have ads?
Man google loves you.

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