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Archived News starting from 08-29-2007 and earlier
Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 08-29-2007 Telnet SMTP View Webcam for 08-29-2007 2 COMMENTS
At work today our emails for orders, returns, and all sorts of other important things stopped sending. Fearing the worst, I checked all our configuration files and they all seemed in order. Still email wasn't going through, so remembering you can telnet to an SMTP server I quickly ran "telnet smtp 25" from our server and was greeted with a prompt. I followed instructions in this link and discovered first hand how SMTP really is a simple mail transfer protocol. Trivial for some, unexciting for most, but something noteworthy for me. My lack of an email confirmed the server had a stuck queue but an hour later I got my very first telnet email and celebrated with a Mountain Dew.
User Comments for 08-29-2007:
Atleast you celebrated with the correct beverage
Senator Kelley
You're recent posts have proven infrequent and unsatisfying. Please up both quantity and quality or I will auction off your server on ebay.

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 08-25-2007 Earthwatts Power Supply View Webcam for 08-25-2007 3 COMMENTS
Power Supply Compare After seeing a deal on a 500w EarthWatts power supply, the hippie in me decided to make the purchase and save the world. Curious as to how much less power an 80Plus certified power supply would draw, I checked the UPS reading for this server and noted 174 watts. I then swapped out my standard boring power supply with the new exciting hippie supply (it's actually colored green) and was shocked to see it required 24 fewer watts to run the exact same equipment. That's a savings of 210.24 kWh per year at 6¢/kWh which means my $40 upgrade will save me $12.61 a year with a full ROI in 3.1 years. Definitely not a wise investment, but satisfies your inner hippie as long as you don't toss the old supply in a landfill.
User Comments for 08-25-2007:
In 4 years it will be paying for itself! To bad the Moores law on powersupplys predicts that we will require 1000Watts by then... Do you notice if your videocard or processor are starving for power?
Senator Kelley
I completely offset your savings by using approximately 40 amps for my computer.
Just to make sure Brad doesn't unbalance the world with his power savings, I left my 2nd computer online all weekend -- if power supplies were cars this thing would be like strapping two Hummer's together...

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 08-24-2007 Extreme Makeover View Webcam for 08-24-2007 2 COMMENTS
Two people at my work have been redesigning for almost a month now, with the rest of us jumping in for the last two weeks at 12 hours a day. Taking a step back and realizing all the bugs are fixed, it finally hit me what a great looking site it really is. Don't believe me? Click on a product image, any image. Most of you will choose the swimsuit models (Entertainment -> SI Swimsuit). Notice the "zoom" slider on the left. Move it up and down. Tripping out yet? If that's not enough, compare with what it used to look like and you'll get an appreciation of how drastic the change is. Now that it's finally live, I plan to sleep all weekend. You may post your criticism below while I slumber.
User Comments for 08-24-2007:
The Zooming in feature on the swimsuit models is key. The pron ind. could sure use this!
Sleep was good...

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 08-15-2007 Burning Car View Webcam for 08-15-2007 2 COMMENTS
Coming back from lunch today, EternalOne and I noticed a fire truck at the front of our office building. After we got back to our desks everyone was talking about the car that burst into flames. We missed the actual burning, but I managed to get some aftermath photos, and was emailed the time lapse phtos of it happening. The guy who owned the car said he just had it worked on so our theory is someone got oil on the engine and shorted a connection (apparently it started burning very slowly). After they towed it away (spilling gas/oil/antifreeze behind it) we took a look at the parking spot and saw it actually melted the asphalt.
User Comments for 08-15-2007:
Amazing how the firewall actually contains the fire in the engine. Notice the smoked up headlights!
Senator Kelley
You definitely need to get a camera just like the one that shot the car fire, look at the quality!
Senator Kelley

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 08-12-2007 Chicago Move View Webcam for 08-12-2007 1 COMMENT
Wondering what else would be fun to do on a 90° day, I decided to help my sister move from Grand Rapids to Chicago. After we filled a 15-foot truck and drove 4 hours to her new apartment, we discovered a garage door leading to a 500ft hallway we had to move everything down. Luckily someone had already stolen and left shopping carts to help new tenants. Now I can finally say I've moved various pieces of furniture with a shopping cart.
User Comments for 08-12-2007:
Hey lloyd, what's your sisters address in Chicago? I might just have to go visit her and see if she has some Morlock inside of her (or just put some in).

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 08-11-2007 Cougar Meet View Webcam for 08-11-2007 2 COMMENTS
Bye Bye MorlockNot quite sure what to do on a 90° day, I thought it would be fun to work on Cougars all day in a hot barn. Luckily I wasn't the only one who had this thought and quite a few fellow owners joined me. Once we got the first spark plug change done it was decided grilling and lounging in converted Cougar chairs was a better option than actual work. The last remaining Morlock also moved out today, leaving my fellow Eloi and I with an uncertain future. While the constant threat of cannibalism and caustic smoke made daily life with the Morlock stressful, his ability to maintain vauge machinery and keep us entertained will be missed. I don't doubt he'll find more Eloi to consume/befriend in his new basement.
User Comments for 08-11-2007:
Can a Morlock own a Morlock? Or is that a paradox?
Senator Kelley
Perhaps we should be pondering the more important question, what is a Morlock? What is it to be a Morlock? Is it all crawling around on all fours and eating Eloi, or is there something more.

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 08-09-2007 Picnic With Poopy View Webcam for 08-09-2007 2 COMMENTS
A recent project launch at my work had me spending 12 hours a day at work, neglecting my soon-to-be-wife. Now that the project has launched (and before another one begins) I decided to take the day off and take her to the park. Having been almost a year since I last visited, I was shocked to find a freaky water park in the middle of the beach. Lisa was so shocked she immediately started doing freaky stretches to compensate mentally. I was determined to find out if it was worth stripping naked and running through it wildly until I saw the $4/day fee which saved untold numbers of kids from a scarring childhood trauma. Instead, I rode a dinosaur for free.
User Comments for 08-09-2007:
You had to pay to get into the water park at a park? Thats insane and looks like it's really working out for them.
Senator Kelley
I have been there before "waterpark" I cant rememebr where it is but remember that place.

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 08-04-2007 Slumber Party Supreme View Webcam for 08-04-2007 2 COMMENTS
SPS What do Cougar owners depressed about Cougarfest being over do? Although listening to Chocolate Rain and crying is the obvious answer, the correct one is to plan a Slumber Party Supreme. Thanks to Excelcier and LadyX the solution was implemented and brouhaha ensued. The highlight of the event was easily the various air mattress launches which miraculously did not break a mattress or Cougar owner.
User Comments for 08-04-2007:
You can't use the word "supreme" without mentioning "Supreme Commander"!
Senator Kelley

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 08-01-2007 Record Heat View Webcam for 08-01-2007 1 COMMENT
Just when you thought Michigan might give more than a week of pleasant 75° weather, you're reminded this is a state of extremes. Extreme cold, extreme heat, or extreme cloudiness is always within a week of nice weather and today was the hottest extreme yet at 97.9°. I spent the hottest day of the summer at work, as I'm sure most people did, which made the sunny day outside less painful since I knew it was too hot to enjoy. I was planning on a fried egg photo but unfortunately never had the time to put egg to asphalt.
Record High:+97.9 °F at 16:01 on 01 August
User Comments for 08-01-2007:
I haven't driven my TransAm w/o cats all summer and the heat still rises. There's your proof right there about global warming!
Senator Kelley

Bee Otch Mowing my yard yesterday I felt a sharp pinch in the back of my leg and saw a group of bees circling it. My initial attempt to swat them away resulted in a doubling of the number of bees, so my next move was to run as fast as I could completely around my house, which successfully eluded them. After I lost them, I returned to the scene and saw my mower was now taking the brunt of the attack. Satisfied my mowing was done for the day, I took off for Jairds BBQ. When I returned, I dumped a quart of motor oil into their nest in the ground and pissed them off a final time. Hopefully the oil transforms them into super lubricating metallurgist modifiers and they bond themselves with my car to change it into a real-life transformer. Unfortunately it will probably be a Decepticon since they'll most likely still be pissed off at me. Fortunatley they stung me first so I'll have swollen to the size of a blimp and can take the abuse.
User Comments for 07-29-2007:
Don't tell the DNR, cuz you just committed a crime. You polluted your land and didn't dispose of hazardous materials properly.
Can you redo the scenario however this time have video cameras and digital camera's running to entertain us?
Senator Kelley
THose aren't bees freak boy, those are yellow jackets. Yellow Jackets live in the ground like that, not bees.
Yes - it reminds me of a guy in my old stomping ground who had this stone circle driveway and two large trees in his front yard. Hated all the weeds that grew in the driveway so he used gasoline to kill the weeds. Guess how long he continued to have trees in his front yard. I hope the weeds were worth the thousands of dollars in home value he lost!
did the gnome cam catch your mini bee-marathon?
We had some yellow jackets nesting in the ground like that in the Farmington Hills house. I'd hit it with the riding mower and piss them off every time. Seeing bees in the ground was weird--for some reason growing up in that area, I had never seen bees make a nest in the ground. Perhaps I was too sheltered.
That is so hot. I must capture this super villain "Yellow Jacket" the next time I am playing and force things upon him.
Spider-Man xXx
Never had a problem with bees like this, but I've had quite a number of mowing experiences with fireants that got my attention quickly. Never seen anything so scary as millions of ants storming towards me. (hairspray and a lighter does make for fun times, though)...

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