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Bee Otch Mowing my yard yesterday I felt a sharp pinch in the back of my leg and saw a group of bees circling it. My initial attempt to swat them away resulted in a doubling of the number of bees, so my next move was to run as fast as I could completely around my house, which successfully eluded them. After I lost them, I returned to the scene and saw my mower was now taking the brunt of the attack. Satisfied my mowing was done for the day, I took off for Jairds BBQ. When I returned, I dumped a quart of motor oil into their nest in the ground and pissed them off a final time. Hopefully the oil transforms them into super lubricating metallurgist modifiers and they bond themselves with my car to change it into a real-life transformer. Unfortunately it will probably be a Decepticon since they'll most likely still be pissed off at me. Fortunatley they stung me first so I'll have swollen to the size of a blimp and can take the abuse.
User Comments for 07-29-2007:
Don't tell the DNR, cuz you just committed a crime. You polluted your land and didn't dispose of hazardous materials properly.
Can you redo the scenario however this time have video cameras and digital camera's running to entertain us?
Senator Kelley
THose aren't bees freak boy, those are yellow jackets. Yellow Jackets live in the ground like that, not bees.
Yes - it reminds me of a guy in my old stomping ground who had this stone circle driveway and two large trees in his front yard. Hated all the weeds that grew in the driveway so he used gasoline to kill the weeds. Guess how long he continued to have trees in his front yard. I hope the weeds were worth the thousands of dollars in home value he lost!
did the gnome cam catch your mini bee-marathon?
We had some yellow jackets nesting in the ground like that in the Farmington Hills house. I'd hit it with the riding mower and piss them off every time. Seeing bees in the ground was weird--for some reason growing up in that area, I had never seen bees make a nest in the ground. Perhaps I was too sheltered.
That is so hot. I must capture this super villain "Yellow Jacket" the next time I am playing and force things upon him.
Spider-Man xXx
Never had a problem with bees like this, but I've had quite a number of mowing experiences with fireants that got my attention quickly. Never seen anything so scary as millions of ants storming towards me. (hairspray and a lighter does make for fun times, though)...

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