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Archived News starting from 07-26-2006 and earlier
Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 07-26-2006 Happy Birthday Lisa and Enorym View Webcam for 07-26-2006 5 COMMENTS
Today is Lisa's birthday which means today she finally turned 18. Since I'm 21 that also means for 6 months we're only 3 years apart. As a special birthday present, I got the neighbor to wake us up at 8:00am with a tree removal service which made her very happy. Through some weird cosmic anomaly, today also marks the 3rd anniversary of Enorym's California exodus. The statute of limitations on friendship states that any friend who does not return for a visit after 3 years of absence officially does not exist anymore. The recruitment for a new Enorym never really took off, so it looks like I'm out a Myrn. Unfortunate, but who am I to argue with regulations.
User Comments for 07-26-2006:
Happy B-day Lisa!
Happy Birthday Lisa. It sucks that Myrone doesn't exist anymore.
Who's Myrone???
So, uh, who's the dude in his underwear hanging out with Risner in that picture?
His lover

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 07-25-2006 Keg Party Friday View Webcam for 07-25-2006 4 COMMENTS
MorlockPrime is finally having his housewarming party this coming Friday (July 28th). There will be a full keg of Oberon brand beer, along with various intoxicating and non-intoxicating beverages available (and various types of meat). If you know where I live, consider this your personal invitation and feel free to join us anytime after 6pm.
UPDATE: Party Photos
User Comments for 07-25-2006:
Maybe a possiblity... gotta check with the boss
I might be available, depends on how this weekend works out with kids and such, since I have a plant launch on Monday to get ready for.
i'm there
I drank too much and went boom
Morlock Prime

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 07-23-2006 Garage Sale View Webcam for 07-23-2006 5 COMMENTS
After deciding I have entirely too much junk in my house, and that most of it was too large to ship (non-eBayable), I decided to try and sell my junk at my Beta house. Yesterday went rather well and I sold almost 40% of it (60% if I measure by volume). I'm hoping today goes as well, which would net me over $200 for crap I was going to throw out anyways. If you're "in the know" stop on by, I'll be here 9am - 5pm all day. Those of you who have been patiently waiting for the day you could buy my InstaPool, wait no longer. It's here, and only $60! Drive slowly, I don't want any accidents in the rush for my pool.
Garage Sale
User Comments for 07-23-2006:
Pool has been sold! muhahahah
Pool has a hole in it, I setup a bounty on Brad Lloyd's head for $40.
Bounty resolved I killed him myself taken over his site and put up Knight rider in the upper right hand corner of this site.
Here are a few sweet pics of Stavos squeezing the pool into his car, along with the payment. Also a good shot of Lisa saying goodbye to her stuffed animals for sale.
Those pooor stuffed animals!! They'll be sooo sad and lonely now :(

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 07-22-2006 Badger Badger! View Webcam for 07-22-2006 4 COMMENTS
OK, it's really a Groundhog, but Badgers are cooler and I get away with putting this link up for mentioning Badger. It's been living under my deck for about a month now, and today I noticed a second one. Apparently my deck is a happening place for bachelor groundhogs. It's kind of cool having them around, but I know they probably aren't the best thing for the integrity of my deck foundation. Keith if you read this bring your air rifle when you visit Michigan, you can do some good old southern animal killing.
Groundhog Squatter
User Comments for 07-22-2006:
I'll bring my 9mm and we can BBQ them.
They would have already been mounted on my wall.
The Elder
Badgers could kill a full size human within 20 secs, ranking them very high in the l33t ninja haxxor crowd. Groundhogs are the couch potato's of the animal kingdom. Urban peps call them porch cows. Dont make this mistake again....
I'll loan you my unlimited pump rifle and a nice selection of high velocity pellets. Something that size will take a few hits to the body, so go for a headshot near a soft place (ears, eyes, etc.).

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 07-21-2006 Gnome Cam Live View Webcam for 07-21-2006 2 COMMENTS
Years have passed (4.5 to be exact) since the Gnome Cam began dutifully snapping captures of my porch at 5-minute intervals. Through those years, as the cam became a witness to history, I've had a frequent request for faster update times. The request usually goes something like: "That cam is super mega awesome, your porch is like happening central! I can't get enough of it! I need more than just 5-minute intervals of capture goodness!" to which I reply "Not even Stavos can convince me to up the capture time, friend." I was happy with this answer for almost 5 years, but lately I've begun to realize how important my porch is to humanity, and how selfish it is to only share 5 minute increments of it with the world. Thus, Gnome Cam Live is born. Because I'm a Microsoft zealot who hates all things non-Microsoft (or because Media Encoder comes free and I'm cheap) it only works for sure in Windows Media Player. Also, the timing of my live cam has nothing at all to do with the recent release of Duane's live cam.
User Comments for 07-21-2006:
What about the archive!? Can you still run the 5 mins snap shots and archive them? /neverhappy
I'm not archiving, and I use a combination of independent IP-based cameras with self-contained web servers that I proxy images via central apache server and wireless video cameras attached to USB adapters. So, you're doing more with less.

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 07-20-2006 30,000lbs Of Paper Towel View Webcam for 07-20-2006 1 COMMENT
Joseph has gone back to cross-country truck hauling and lastnight he hauled 30,000 lbs of paper towel to a distributor. I have never seen 30,000lbs of paper towel in my life, but I imagine it takes up quite a bit of volume. Today he found out exactly how much volume it is when they spent over eight hours unloading it with a forklift. I wished him good luck with his load and went on with my life a bit more knowlegeable about the transportation of goods in this country.
User Comments for 07-20-2006:
30,000 lbs of paper towel is a lot of ass wiping... Useless fact: an American uses an average of 57 sheets of toilet paper a day (20,805 a year).

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 07-17-2006 Hot Milwaukee View Webcam for 07-17-2006 2 COMMENTS
Tonight marked the end of my 4-day Milwaukee odyssey. The trip started as a visit to Lisa's brother and her new nephew; but quickly escalated to record temperatures and cheap beer. After arriving Friday night the temperature proceeded to climb to and remain in the 90's the entire trip, topping out at 100 degrees on Sunday. The only logical thing to do was visit a brewery and take the $3 unlimited sample tour to maintain hydration, which was exactly what we did. After drinking all the beer and pop we could hold, we decided to call it a night and rest up for the next days custard adventure. On our way back, Lisa decided to drive in an unsafe manner which required some quick talking on my part to keep her out of jail. For those of you who actually read this far, and believe we were driving around in 208 degree temperature, at which point the human body begins to boil, it was actually closer to half that, but the engine temp seemed to be more inline with perceived reality.
Hot Milwaukee!
User Comments for 07-17-2006:
Google search: "Milwaukee" Results= Your search - Milwaukee - did not match any documents.
Nigga what is pop?
Dave Chappelle

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 07-10-2006 Cougarfest 2006 View Webcam for 07-10-2006 5 COMMENTS
Cougarfest, the yearly event I started for 1999-2002 Mercury Cougars ended yesterday. This year I drove down on Tuesday, July 4th for a total of five nights, the longest Cougarfest I've had yet. Fortunately I wasn't the only nut who showed up so early, and we decided to celebrate the holiday by lighting fireworks off the hotel roof. Naturally the security guard was not happy with our choice, and confiscated our stash. The next morning we found out just how much money Cougarfest brings in to the hotel when we were apologized to and our fireworks returned to us by the management. Never before have I been apologized to for comitting an illegal act. Highlights from this year include a 15 Cougar drive-in, pool volleyball, Karaoke, rental car abuse, Ranger abuse and the events leading to the best photo of me ever. The Canadians and my local group of Cougar owners always make the event enjoyable, but this year everyone was also blessed with the entertainment of laughing seizure Lisa, who despite having little interest in Cougars still managed to have a great time. The drive to and from Cougarfest was uneventful, so I entertained myself by zipping up and down our caravan from time to time.
Caravan Photos | Event Photos
Cougarfest 2006
User Comments for 07-10-2006:
Looked like fun, sweet use of the google video, and you damn kids get off the roof!!!
Gotta love midnight, drunken calls to the lawyer... :P
Damn... too long till next year
do u have to drive a cougar to attend cougarfest?
Your Name
No you don't have to drive a cougar. You can also drive a cougay just like all of the people in the photo above.

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 07-02-2006 Hicks Hate My Car View Webcam for 07-02-2006 5 COMMENTS
Lastnight Lisa and I went to see the Waterford fireworks at Maceday lake after a short round of Disc golf. By pure dumb luck we managed to park right next to where they were launching the fireworks. So close in fact that my car was parked right next to the fireline. As we got settled, a beat up pickup truck flew into the space between my Cougar and the no-parking sign, breaking through the fireline tape in the process. My sphincter clenched as I thought of my car being hit, or burning from the various sparklers the 8 hick kids in the back were now waving near the hood of my car. Lisa jerked as her maternal instinct kicked in, but I held her back. I told her how I had burned a BoohBah with some hicks just last weekend, how my hick friend Keith in Mississippi had recently shot a bird while I was on the phone with him, and that Duane was becoming an honorary hick. I was convinced my "faggoty girl car" reeked of hick smell from my proximity to my friends and my recent travels to Brighton and Howell. I knew the toothless people in the pickup would pass my car off as just another car on blocks abandoned by the side of the road. The fireworks commenced shortly afterwards and we imitated "The Smurfs" with plenty of ooo's and ahhh's. The hick truck took off after the disappointing grand finale most likely to make moonshine and pass out somewhere. We were almost home when I felt a wobble in the rear end (the cars, not mine) and pulled over fearing sheered lugs. I breathed a sigh of relief as I saw it was only a flat tire and had Lisa time me as I changed it. Today I brought the tire to a firestone dealer ranting and raving about a failed sidewall belt to which he replied "somebody knifed your tire, man." The knowledge that the hick truck people had slashed my tire rushed in and I felt betrayed by the hick community. The tire guy took pity on me and offered to replace my $120 tire if I purchased $60 worth of road hazard warranty. He also told me that categorizing a group of people based on their appearance or lifestyle was called stereotyping, and was not a reliable method of predicting behavior or actions of individuals believed to belong to this group. I knew he was right, and took the whole incident as a life lesson: when a hick approaches your girl car, pull out a firearm and aim for his head, that's the only way to stop them.
User Comments for 07-02-2006:
I'm sad you didn't mentiont he fact that I live in a trailer park and drive a truck. What does Duane do?
You're too urban Joseph, trailer trash is all you get. Duane lives out in the sticks now.
You also forgot I live in the redneck captial of the world.... "Redford" Was it my neighors in the blue house?
Having trees around you doesn't make you a hick. However, I do aspire to tear down the dirt road on a quad someday. When that day does come, a hick I will be.
Did you die? Where are you?

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 06-21-2006 Gnome Cam Offline View Webcam for 06-21-2006 3 COMMENTS
As you can see, the Gnome Cam has been hit by a focused electromagnetic pulse weapon. I can only assume my neighbor fired the shot as he's been bragging about taking down jets over his house with his EMP gun recently. The gun is not all that accurate so I'm guessing the cam was only hit with fallout from a close shot, resulting in the melted images it's currently sending. This would also explain why my printer has been randomly printing fascist paraphernalia. Since a new camera is over $100 I'm hoping the problem will fix itself like it did last time an EMP hit it.
User Comments for 06-21-2006:
dont electromagnetic pulse weapons destroy your ability to procreate?
The power required to take out an unshielded electronic device isn't significantly harmful to humans.
Mr. Science
looks like just a bad connection.
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