Archived News starting from 07-09-2004 and earlier
BlogAfter using a "debug mode" of my mobile phone that tracks things such as "Active Pilots," "Neighbor Sets", and "Recieve FER%" I decided to research the protocol my phone carrier uses, CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access). I was fascinated how I can get 300k connections wirelessly through my mobile phone in contrast to my old lowly 56k wired modem I had for so long before broadband connections were widely available. I also wanted to understand what the magical debug screen terms meant. I found
this article which gives a good high-level overview of how the protocol works. It starts with the original system used in north america and progresses through cdmaOne to the current CDMA2000 standard. Fascinating reading for anyone interested in cellular networks.
Alf's Hit Talk Show," airing tonight, is a poor attempt to disguise government propganda as a talk show starring a late 80s sitcom character. The comedy is from the same era, but the delivery is too poor to fool anyone into believing it's legitimate. Slowing down the broadcast, you'll see the real reason this show made it to your home. "REMAIN CALM IN UNSURE SITUATIONS", "OBEY AUTHORITY" and "OPINIONS ARE NOT NECESSARY" are just a few of the interspliced frames pushing subliminal messages during the broadcast. Perhaps the poor comedy is supposed to support these messages but I for one was unable to watch more than 5 minutes of it. This resurection of an 80s icon for government use is second only to the Scooter Store commercial with regard to new lows for propaganda.
Enorym is now engaged to
this girl in California. Together they are heading up the
Philipino political party with the primary agenda item to silence neighbors that complain when their children are sleeping. Congratulations Enorym! Here are some
relevant photos for the occasion. Excited about his recent engagement, Enorym has announced that not only is he now
a father, but also that his fiance and him are moving into a new house together! As before, here are
more appropriate photos.
annual celebration of our nations independence from the british colonies was today. Instead of firing guns we now light fireworks, but the end result is the same: lots of noise.
This girl was seen in northern Michigan celebrating. To the casual observer, she seems innocent but
this incriminating photo clearly reveals her true nature:
waterfoul stalker! Disguising
fetal pigs as potential mates, this twisted person lures aroused waterfoul into range and
fishes them out of the water. The
dance of confusion temporarily disorients them before she
turns them into squirrels. Look! There's
only one left! Run while you still can!
recent exploit of IE, supposedly as yet unpatched, exists for all versions for all Windows versions. For some reason the exploit is not effective on my machine (probably my virus scanner and ad-aware) but if you're vulnerable the windows calculator should appear when you load this page.
(disabled)Here's a
great home in Redford Michigan for $124,900. Spread the link around, let's see if we can get some google action going!
After replacing the
Snappy Capture device the
Gnome Cam is still crapping out regularly. I thought the day/night cam was overworked so I installed a timer to turn it off between 11pm and 8am when it's not in use. This appears to have made the situation worse. The Snappy software either craps out on capture, or displays "no video signal" which leads me to believe the wired cam is unreliable for picture quality. Since Snappy craps out in these situations I'll have to abandon my long-time friend and switch to a real capture card. There will be a ceremony in it's honor involving cremation (including it's original 9-volt battery for cool effects).

No silly goose! It's just the aftermath of the
annual fireworks! I was a virgin Detroit fireworks attendee until tonight when we decided to visit our neighbors to the north for the show.
I spent the weekend
visiting an old friend in Toronto. I haven't seen him since his wedding and a visit was well overdue. I managed to get lost despite a laptop with GPS and wound up witnessing some entertaining lower-income antics of the GTA (Greater Toronto Area). After I found my friends apartment I drove into the depths of of his parking garage, then took an elevator up to the 15th floor and realized just how vertical Toronto is. We promptly got intoxicated in preperation for the next days tourist adventures which consisted of the subway, trolley cars, the CN tower and the beach. A very relaxing vacation I hope to repeat soon.
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