Archived News starting from 02-24-2019 and earlier
My last wireless Xbox has itched at me long enough to warrant a 6th network switch.
With my exterior walls insulated and not easily accommodating a network wire, I was forced to use a plastic wire hiding tray which looks at least presentable and finally delivers reliable gigabit Ethernet. Having run out of devices that accept wired Ethernet, my
latest topology map should last me for some time.
While my Linksys WRT32XB is amazing at network routing, it's lack of a media sharing server has been a sore spot. Today I discovered that will no longer be the case, as a whole new world of SSH configuration was made known to me. After following
this article, I discovered I only needed three lines total to
enable a DLNA server on my router:
ssh root@
root@ATOMIC: opkg update
root@ATOMIC: opkg install minidlna
you'll need to configure where it should look for media with the following command:
root@ATOMIC: vim /tmp/minidlna.conf
A note that may hopefully help any fellow WRT32XB DLNA server hopefuls is to force a rescan after it's installed. You can do this by running "ps" and finding the process id that minidlna is running under, then type "kill ###" where ### is the process id. After that you can force the rescan with this:
root@ATOMIC: kill 12924
root@ATOMIC: /usr/bin/minidlna -R -f /tmp/minidlna.conf
It's important you include the -f so it knows the config file to use when it rescans. You can see from
my minidlna log where it initially found 0 files, and when it actually found them on the forced rescan. If you see "finished (0 files)!" try the rescan line above.

After spotting Xbox 360 Launch Team Xboxes on eBay for over $1k, then spotting Xbox One Launch Team Xboxes on eBay for under $300, I decided I could fool myself into believing I was making an investment and
bought two. While one has a stained controller, and the other has some rough plastic wear, I'm encouraged by my neighbor who says he can polish the plastic smooth and hopefully bring it back to pristine. In reality it's purely fanboy motivated, but I also pretend I'm making a long term investment.
It was only a matter of time before I decided to torture myself with another trip to the attic, this time to give my projector network cable some company. My WRT32X sends sufficient signal to cover all wireless Xboxes, but two of them are next to interior walls and were begging for network drops. After an hour of cursing and leg cramps, I now have only one remaining Xbox that still relies on wireless signal (the one on an exterior wall). My new
attic switch is hopefully the last thing I install in that cursed area of my house. Oh hey, it's time for an
updated network topology.
Today my Xbox(s) gain mouse/keyboard support, so I thought it was appropriate to catch them all updating together. Total update was less than 500MB, so whatever magic they have now wasn't very heavy.

Not satisfied with my NEST thermostats perfect operational record, I decided it was time to complicate my life with a less popular, less supported but much better looking smart thermostat. Enter the GLAS. I knew it was Windows 10 IOT based, but you couldn't really tell until it prompted me for my
Microsoft login and then of course the Cortana integration also gave it away. It reported as "Windows Phone" to my router, so clearly the remains of that ecosystem have found a new home in this thermostat. My Microsoft fanboy satisfied, I quickly learned how limited it is compared to the NEST, save for the awesome touchscreen and
air quality monitoring. Since I'm not a thermostat power user it suits my needs, but definitely a step down in terms of features from the NEST. Hopefully that's rectified by future software updates because it
looks amazing.
Tired of wireless connection drops with my solar controller, and still trying to figure out a solution for my security camera DVR when the power is out, I decided it was time to make a proper networking solution. I routed all the outside wires that run upstairs and to my office into the garage, and ran wires from the solar controller and security camera DVR. I then ran an extension cord from the security camera DVR UPS to power the new switch that
all 4 cables now plug into. Now I'm 100% proper CAT6 cabled to all my wired devices, with no more powerline adapters. I was so excited I immediately drew a
network topology.

Senator Kelley is a well known jerk for making me spend money on hardware I don't need. That said, he mentioned upgrading his PS4 Pro - Kevin Edition with a new hard drive and I immediately had to one-up him and upgrade my Xbox One X. I chose the
Samsung 860 EVO 1TB drive because SSD and same size as my current crappy 5200 factory drive, although I soon learned the factory drive is actually a 960GB because false marketing. A quick review of
this video and the stock ST100LM035 was free of it's prison.
Clonezilla Live then
imaged it over to my new drive and I magically had an SSD enabled Xbox One X. Sadly, the 7 partitions only used 960GB and I was too scared to expand the data partition, so I hid a bunch of illegal documents in the extra unaddressable 40GB. System and game bootups are all pretty much 5 seconds faster, so nowhere near making the $150 upgrade price worth it. The Senator is rightly jealous though which makes up the rest of the gap.

At the behest of every tech magazine I read, I decided my
5.1 surround system was in need of an upgrade. No sooner did I put the idea of a new receiver in my head, than Woot
obliged me with a sale. My existing 5.1 8 ohm speakers were up to the task, save for two additional ceiling mounted ones for the final
5.1.2 configuration for the minimum Atmos experience. A quick trip to hell (my attic) and I was ceiling speaker enabled. Having already upgraded to an
Optoma UHD60 last year, I was now Atmos and 4K HDR equipped. My
Xbox One X began pumping out all the goodies immediately, save for the Blu-Ray of Oblivion which for some reason only gave me Dolby True HD instead of Atmos despite supporting it. I'm almost happy I have one last configuration item to pick at, as long as it's a minor one. All the "demos" work perfectly in crisp object oriented Dolby Atmos glory. Full equipment list below:
Yamaha TSR-5810, Projector:
Optoma HD60
Source: Xbox One X, Screen: 10ft x 6ft x 15ft throw
Klipsch HD Theater 300 + two ceiling speakers

After powering down my latest alt-coin miner and reducing my total power footprint to a 50 watt PC, I finally found a server that only requires 5 watts. I upgraded the
ASUS VivoStick TS10-B017D to a full Win10 Pro and now host this server off of it. At 5 watts, I can happily run a local server indefinitely in this age of cloud computing. I keep kicking myself for not saving my BBS, so this server will live on as long as it can in it's current 1990s design style. Hopefully I get more sections operational, so for now you'll be greeted with a large number of 500 or 404 responses.
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