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Archived News starting from 07-26-2013 and earlier
Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 07-26-2013 Happy Birthday Sassy View Webcam for 07-26-2013 1 COMMENT
Happy Sassy Day Little did I know way back when that Lisa would be carrying my second baby on her birthday today. From a smoking, drinking party girl to her current form of super mom, It's nice to pause and reflect on all the adventures we've had together. I'm also reflecting on what I did what that power glove, I forgot I had one and it's awesome!
User Comments for 07-26-2013:
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start. YOU WIN!

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 07-25-2013 Nokia Lumia 1020 View Webcam for 07-25-2013 1 COMMENT
Lumia 1020 The Nokia Lumia 1020 released today, sadly it's exclusive to AT&T for now. While Lisa is due for an upgrade, she refuses to enter 2011 and clings to her tiny 3.7" Lumia 800 with ferocity. I can only hope what I'm sure will be called the 1028 arrives on Verizon soon. Fortunately the local AT&T store knows I'm a rabid fanboy and let me play around with their demo model. I made sure to capture myself in the glorious 41 megapixels before handing it back and deciding I could wait. A few short years ago I would have bought it on the spot, despite not being compatible with my carrier. I fear my fanboy level is falling, hopefully the Xbox One brings it back up to my usual fervor.
User Comments for 07-25-2013:
Ugly yellow fone is ugly

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 07-24-2013 Free Bikes View Webcam for 07-24-2013 1 COMMENT
Famous! After learning about free bikes provided by my work, I went full hipster and decided to expand my lunching locations accordingly. On a return trip, the Free Press was taking photos and captured my soul in an article. The next day I was inundated with autograph and photo requests. Finally my moment of fame had come, and it was glorious. Not really though, because nobody reads newspapers anymore.
User Comments for 07-24-2013:
Urghhh hippie
Senator Kelley

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 07-19-2013 Power Outage View Webcam for 07-19-2013 1 COMMENT
A freak gust of wind blew half a tree into my yard, and almost into my living room today as you can see at 8:38pm on the webcam. The resulting rain and storm lasted less than an hour but also left me without power for 24 hours. I'd spend some time referencing photos and describing what happened but I think this Vine says all I need to. It also uses my latest obsession so I'll leave it to do my work. I should also mention Lila helped clean up since it's not clear on the Vine, but true Vine addicts would have already figured that out. My neighbor also had an entire tree blow over that he said cost $2,000 to clean up. Suddenly that window investment doesn't feel like such a cash flush.
User Comments for 07-19-2013:
That tree limb came from nowhere!
Senator Kelley

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 07-17-2013 New Window View Webcam for 07-17-2013 1 COMMENT
At 2:07pm today, Magic Windows arrived at my house to replace the window which has had a broken seal since I moved in. The resulting cloudiness between panes finally angered Lisa into demanding I pay $1,200 for a new window. The Senator of course knew I was going to pay this amount all along, but decided to wait until today before revealing a free method to simplay remove the moisture and clean the window. This would have pleased Lisa equally for significantly less than I'm currently flushing down the toilet on a house I plan to abandon.
User Comments for 07-17-2013:
Abandon your house, all the cool kids are doing it in Michigan anyway!
Senator Kelley

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 07-15-2013 I'm on Vine View Webcam for 07-15-2013 1 COMMENT
Vine With my recent discovery of Vine, I've gone on full sharing overload posting over 30 videos in the first 3 days of using it. After infecting the Senator, he recorded what is easily my proudest vine with this pool shot a close second. I'm pretty sure it's my shrinking attention span that makes 6 second videos perfect for this point in my life, but as I get older I'm sure I'll return to the 30 second or more full Youtube videos once again. For now, I'm proud to be hip with the kids on Vine again, as long as it stays far away from that Instagram madness.
User Comments for 07-15-2013:
You have still yet to record vines on vine. Its the newest trend
Senator Kelley

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 07-13-2013 Cougarfest 2013 View Webcam for 07-13-2013 NO COMMENTS
Cougarfest 2013 For Cougarfest 2013, the decision to add Contours to our dwindling numbers was made. My introverted social skills were very against this change, but having given up control of the event several years ago I didn't make a fuss. I'm absolutely amazed that 14 years after Drive Home I'm still going to an annual Cougar event. I'm only slightly more amazed my Cougar is still on the road, so I'll chalk both up to the unique fork in this dimensional timeline. I demanded Lila accompany me on what may be my last Cougarfest, which meant pregnant Lisa was also coming along. Our first day involved a relaxing trip to the beach, then dinner with Melinda and Adriano. The evening was giving rides in my supercharged Cougar which was woefully disappointing compared to my new Focus ST, but still exhilerating for those still driving the Cougar as their primary car. I decided to call it a night shortly after a cop arrived to ask about a silver Cougar that was driving with excessive speed (and was subsequently greeted with shoulder shrugs). The next day was Lila pool day, Autocross and the main show. Despite my best efforts, I was unable to stay awake the whole night. Instead, I passed out and claimed the first chalk outline of the night before heading in to end another enjoyable Cougarfest.
No Comments Entered for 07-13-2013

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 07-11-2013 New Modem/Router View Webcam for 07-11-2013 NO COMMENTS
IRS With a threatening letter from my cable provider that they would begin charging me rent for my cable modem, I decided it was time to demand a new one and get my monies worth. When the technician arrived, I learned I had no choice but to accept a wireless gateway modem that refused to talk nice with my existing router. A factory reset and an hour later, I had the admin password to the new modem, which is a surprisingly full featured router. DynamicDNS, port forwarding and DHCP reservations are all supported. If it was in a better location I might even use the wireless capability, but I know it won't come close to my upstairs access point. Satisfied with the new modems router performance, my trusty Linksys E3000 wireless router is now on eBay awaiting it's new home, and I have one less network device to power.
No Comments Entered for 07-11-2013

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 07-10-2013 (Almost) Audited View Webcam for 07-10-2013 NO COMMENTS
IRS An exciting letter arived today from the IRS informing me I owe $3,130 in back taxes. While not quite a full audit, it's equally exciting in that I now have to prove I was insolvent during my multi-house short-sale adventure of 2011. Hopefully I can gather the metric ton of paperwork I'm sure will be required to prove my innocence.
No Comments Entered for 07-10-2013

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 07-09-2013 Cedar Point View Webcam for 07-09-2013 NO COMMENTS
Cousins! While technically Lilas' second visit to Cedar Point, this was her first visit free from Lisas womb. After some disagreement on where we would eat, I made a beeline to the kids rides and was pleasently surprised to find Lila was all about them. Sadly, she was still too short for some rides, but she didn't seem to care. A visit to Snoopy on ice and another round of kids rides gave me a completely different Cedar Point experience than I normally have. I usually avoid the kids areas entirely, so this visit was like a whole different park. Watching Lila grin as she was whipped around on the rides, and having her excitedly ask to go again was quite possibly the best feeling in my life so far. Sadly, heavy rain forced us to leave before we got to try all the kids rides, but the tilt-a-whirl had done a number on me (Lila did not appear to be affected at all) so it was probably for the best. Can't wait for the next visit!
No Comments Entered for 07-09-2013

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