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Archived News starting from 03-17-2013 and earlier
Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 03-17-2013 Heart of Disappoint View Webcam for 03-17-2013 1 COMMENT
Starcraft Left 2 Die Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm released last week, and TomTom pressured me into buying it despite my hangups on paying for what is essentially a campaign expansion. It of course included extra multiplayer units ala Broodwar, so even strict multiplayers like me get motivated to pay up again. My first actual non-beta game was a "Left 2 Die" game mod based on defending against waves of zerg. Once we got seige tanks up and running, it was very satisfying to see them rack up kills, but I still feel empty about buying the expansion. The new units aren't all that hot, and at this point I'm sure I'll be destroyed in any multiplayer game I join.
User Comments for 03-17-2013:
Blizzard is milking StarCraft 2 baddly. I play custom games not the lame limited scenarios. Because choice.
Senator Kelley

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 03-14-2013 Cray Cray RAID View Webcam for 03-14-2013 1 COMMENT
RAID Cray My obsession with RAID configuration is well documented, so I was naturally curious when I discovered a computer at work was setup with a 120GB SSD and a 300GB HDD RAID. Someone had actually taken the time to configure a RAID0 container to pair a superfast 120GB SSD and only 120GB of the 300GB HDD, effectively negating any speed benefit of the SSD and eliminating more than half the capacity of the HDD. I demanded answers, and was essentially given nothing but a shoulder shrug in response. I'm glad my interactions with PC support at work are few and far between, my OCD would go through the roof if this was common.
User Comments for 03-14-2013:
Yo bra I heard you like Raids so I raid your raid!
Senator Kelley

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 03-12-2013 Battlefield 3 End Game View Webcam for 03-12-2013 1 COMMENT
Myrone Love Tunnel Over two years ago, we staked claim to the Myrone love tunnel in the BFBC2:Vietnam expansion. It was a glorious time, and our defense of the tunnel was unbroken for many months. Time passed, and so did our time with BFBC2:V, but today I felt the need to resurrect that glorious past. With the release of "End Game" for BF3, I decided to dedicate my rented server to those times gone by, and christned it Myrones Love Tunnel. It was on this sever that I confirmed the End Game easter egg, and banned several players I did not approve of in the fine tradition of rented servers. Sadly, the man of honor only played for 1.5 rounds and was mute for the entire time due to "microphone issues." I fear he may be pulled back into the real world and leave the Battlefield forever.
User Comments for 03-12-2013:
10 internet points for using that logo on your server for the world to see. Too bad 3 people will understand it.
Senator Kelley

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 03-10-2013 Snowman Dies View Webcam for 03-10-2013 2 COMMENTS
Our beloved snowman died today @ 1:29pm, at least technically. His head fell off a few days ago, but today the whole torso finally became disembodied. Lila noted the various stages of melting with noted interest, suggesting she's destined to become a famous (and rich) surgeon. I now plan to push her into that career for my own personal gain and disregard her feelings completely.
User Comments for 03-10-2013:
I'm sorry for your loss. What a shame. Now I'm happy I moved.
Send his remails via FedEx to the Morlock.
Senator Kelley

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 03-05-2013 SimCity Final View Webcam for 03-05-2013 1 COMMENT
SimCity The final version of SimCity launched today, and my decision to take a half was was not a wise one. The servers will go down in history as woefully unprepared for launch traffic, and instead of building cities the game of choice was instead how far I could get in the patch/login/load process before being kicked out. Nevertheless, I did manage to get into the Europe server which was apparently scary for most of north america thus making it less busy. I'll continue to add vain shots of my cities to this album. Our region consists of the Senator, his associate and Marco. Presently, Marco has no skyscrapers.
User Comments for 03-05-2013:
Poor Marco. Maybe I can gift him a Skyscraper
Senator Kelley

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 03-03-2013 Final Google Check View Webcam for 03-03-2013 NO COMMENTS
Google Check Still more frequent than my previous once a year schedule, but significantly longer than my last one, my final Google check came in the mail today. No, it's not final because my RC video finally stopped drawing the internet hoards to it's glorious nonsense, but final because Google no longer sends paper checks where it offers direct deposit. Forced to sign away the delivery of my internet monies, they will now forever remain an intangible and faceless currency.
No Comments Entered for 03-03-2013

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 03-02-2013 Monster Jam! View Webcam for 03-02-2013 NO COMMENTS
Monster Jam With free tickets from work, and free parking AT work, it was difficult to say no to Monster Jam. My expectation was for Lila to cry out in pain when the first loud truck made it's way around the track, ending the visit immediately. I was instead surprised to find she tolerated the ear protection and clapped every time a truck went airborne. The redneck contingent was in full force, getting as worked up over trucks as they do over wrestlers, but they were a surprising minority with most attendees there with kids for the obvious joy of big trucks. After asking Lila if she was "all done" several times and getting a strong no, she finally stopped answering and I decided an hour of Monster Jam was enough. We ended with the obligatory cop shot and so far her ears still work.
No Comments Entered for 03-02-2013

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 02-28-2013 Moar SimCity Beta View Webcam for 02-28-2013 NO COMMENTS
Round 3 of the SimCity beta was last night, and the Senator, his friend and I took full advantage of the opportunity. Launched at 8:00pm EST and ending at 11:00, we quickly setup a region and established our cities. I volunteered my city for the dump, and quickly had dump trucks hauling in all the crap nobody wanted and spreading it out next to my sewage outflow pipes. My hopes for radioactive zombies were dashed when the Senators friend had a zombie outbreak instead (perhaps because I didn't send enough ambulances). As 11:00 approached, I went on a mad spending spree and built an expo center, airport and nuclear power plant. 11:00 came and went and nothing happened, but around 11:30 we got bored and quit anyway. Hopefully the final release is still exciting without the time limit.
No Comments Entered for 02-28-2013

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 02-27-2013 Health Screen Pass View Webcam for 02-27-2013 NO COMMENTS
My annual health checkup was today, and amazingly I passed 4/6 screening components to get the full discount. I credit the addition of waist circumference for my passing grade. My oatmeal/stair climb regiment was in full effect during last years fail, so my ability to suck in my gut exclusively saves me $30/pay period. I'll just ignore the other numbers now that passed, and go back to fries with every meal (yes, breakfast too).
Cholest:260> 240
HDL:42< 40
LDL:178> 160
Trigyl:202> 200
TC/HDL:6.2> 5.0
Gluc:86> 100
BMI:26.4> 25
Waist:37.5> 40
Press:117/84> 130/85
No Comments Entered for 02-27-2013

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 02-26-2013 Good and Bad News View Webcam for 02-26-2013 1 COMMENT
Rebate Check I received two letters in the mail today, one was my rebate check from American Express for $536 and the other was from the secretary of state telling me how bad a person I am. They also demand I pay $50 of my rebate to them for being a bad person. My last ticket involved a printout of my snapshot history proving I had in fact not been speeding, but the judge waved her hand and said "you have a record!" which means I'm guilty even when proven innocent. I'm most certainly not paying the $50 fee they ask for, hopefully I get a warrant out for my arrest.
User Comments for 02-26-2013:
You can consult my brother on not paying a ticket, and getting a warrant. You can reach him anytime because he doesn't work.

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