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Archived News starting from 02-02-2013 and earlier
Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 02-02-2013 Server Room Makeover View Webcam for 02-02-2013 2 COMMENTS
New Office After years of suffering with a pale pink server room, I decided to re-invent this neglected space with a dark blue makeover and a discontinued space themed border. I actually bought the border over 2 years ago, but extreme procrastination delayed it's unveiling. It also turns out I'm exactly 20 ft short of the discontinued border, leaving a nice unpainted gap to remind me why I should stop procrastinating. I also took the opportunity to convert it into a full-fledged office so Lila can continue her manifest destiny of the house and inherit the old one as her new toy closet.
User Comments for 02-02-2013:
Time to update that 2002 internet cloud it was dated the day it was printed! I do miss the 1999 3d images you had framed in your office. To this day they were still mindblowing
I bet a custom fathead would fill that border gap nicely.

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 01-30-2013 Media Center Downgrade View Webcam for 01-30-2013 2 COMMENTS
After an email informing me the free media center add-on to Windows 8 was about to expire, I panicked and decided it was time to upgrade Electron to Windows 8. After my final Win7 backup to my home server, I nuked the system partition and loaded up Win8, which seemed to go pretty quick. It found all the drivers except InfiniTV which was a quick download (and firmware update), then proceeded with the standard CableCARD readyness check and TV guide setup. While I managed to get Win8 to auto login on startup, this article confirmed the "start media center on startup" option was deleted, so my upgrade was actually a downgrade. Everything else looked identical, so I definitely don't recommend the switch. My guess is the new Xbox will have some sort of centralized DVR function, making my media center obsolete, but I'll keep this downgrade for now and see if it's any less stable.
User Comments for 01-30-2013:
No American idol mean's very pissed off wife! I hope you had a backup system planned!
Senator Kelley
Can't you just put media center in the startup folder?

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 01-26-2013 Jan LAN 2013 View Webcam for 01-26-2013 1 COMMENT
Jan LAN 2013 A surprising 12 person turnout responded to Tigerbombs BF2142 LAN call, and we actually had 11/12 of the attendees all playing 2142 at the same time. This only lasted a few hours of course, with 4 people eventually being jerks and playing a 4-person max game while everyone else struggled in the giant maps of 2142. Tigerbomb was uncharacteristically silent, due most likely to a lack of bourbon. He was no where near his all time high of two years ago. The Senator and I made sure our toddlers were uncomfortably close to all the childless folk, and James got his first taste of Starcraft II. Webcam and timelapse to excite your loins.
User Comments for 01-26-2013:
Who was the slacker that didn't play BF2142?
Senator Kelley

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 01-22-2013 So Cold in the D View Webcam for 01-22-2013 NO COMMENTS
0 degrees Despite what the weather station says, it officially hit 0° today according to my Focus. I feel the need to report this since my last Cougar frost post was over 2 years ago, and now that the Cougar is abandoned in the barn it's time to move on.
No Comments Entered for 01-22-2013

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 01-20-2013 NAIAS 2013 View Webcam for 01-20-2013 1 COMMENT
NAIAS 2013 My first NAIAS without the Senator since 2006 was focused entirely on Lila. Her initial shock from the crowd and lights wore off quickly, and she was more than accomodating with me placing her in inappropriate and irresponsible places. Eventually, I made the mistake of letting her linger in the back of a pickup truck longer than I should have and she got comfortable. Moving on involved an extended tantrum that was only quelled by introducing her to the Fiat display where the cars were just her size. After she fell in love with a green couch occupied by a creepy sleeping teen, another tantrum convinced me it was time to go, but not before using her siren wail to beeline for the basement. There I found the disappointing Focus ST Shelby variant, which had no performance changes whatsoever.
User Comments for 01-20-2013:
I broke the tradition! Although you broke it 2 years ago, well actually Lisa broke it for you. I still feel ashamed. Time for an NAIAS reboot!
Senator Kelley

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 01-18-2013 Sync Upgrade View Webcam for 01-18-2013 1 COMMENT
Sync Upgrade A physical letter arrived in my mail today notifying me of a new upgrade for the Sync system in my Focus ST. Suddenly giddy, I hopped on my computer to find a 1.5GB download required for the update. While it downloaded, I actually read the letter that said I had to order a physical SD card replacement before the upgrade or my nav wouldn't work. It took me 10 seconds to decide to upgrade anyway, blinded by upgrade excitement. The letter also said "up to an hour" and "keep your engine running during the upgrade" which turned out to be good advice, as it was almost exactly an hour before the upgrade completed, and then another 10 minutes before it really completed. Aside from yelling about the wrong SD Nav car everything seems to be working fine, but no major changes other than the exterior temp now shows up at the top. Hopefully the replacement SD card will show me a world of wonder with the new nav system.
User Comments for 01-18-2013:
1.5 gb firmware? Was that a full re-install? and 1hr engine idle to install? That's not going to fly with the hippies!
Senator Kelley

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 01-17-2013 Snowman Down For The Count View Webcam for 01-17-2013 1 COMMENT
Snowman Down The ups and downs of the giant snowman have been well documented this past week, but it seems todays wind finally scored a victory I'm too lazy to rectify. After inspecting the webcam footage, the southwest mooring line looks to have de-anchored, which created the initial instability. Shortly afterwards, we can assume the northwest line buckled as well, eliminating all counter to the westerly winds. The Snowman then wanders east, until the remaining lines keep him flapping like a fish for freedom before I told Lisa to put it out of it's misery and unplug it. Hopefully there is no permanent damange and it can rise again for it's 11th year of terror.
User Comments for 01-17-2013:
This needs to stop. I can't take all this emotion! /Rollercoaster!
Senator Kelley

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 01-15-2013 WP7 Game Drought View Webcam for 01-15-2013 1 COMMENT
Exclusive Games Ever since my first windows phone, there has been at least one new Xbox LIVE game released every week. That means every month I have the potential to be 800 gamerscore richer just by playing on my phone. Today marks almost a full month of no new games, and rumor has it this may be a permanent drought. Meanwhile, Nokia keeps releasing exclusive games that I'm not allowed to buy. I managed to play the first of these exclusives before I sold my Lumia 900, but now I'm locked out of 1200 cheevos because Nokia went exclusive to AT&T for 6 months. Sadly, I can see myself buying an old Lumia 710 off eBay just to get these cheevos now instead of waiting another 3 months for the Verizon debut. The 100k milestone does not appear to have affected my sad cheevo obsession, and the allure of FC Rocket, Blobster, Parking Mania, Picnic Wars, Trivial Pursuit and Spy Mouse may be too strong for my insanity.
User Comments for 01-15-2013:
Time to switch to iphone!
Senator Kelley

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 01-13-2013 Guess Who's Back View Webcam for 01-13-2013 1 COMMENT
Snowman Having survived ground zero of the flu, I decided my superpowered immune system might be indicative of an overall power of healing. I put my theory to the test by actually inspecting the disabled snowman only to discover a blown fuse. As you would expect, a spare fuse was located right next to the blown one for maximum eyesore uptime. A quick fuse swap and my 10 year old snowman is back in action, obnoxious as ever.
User Comments for 01-13-2013:
This article negates your previous article. It's like nothing ever happened!
Senator Kelley

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 01-12-2013 Grand Rapids Flu Quest View Webcam for 01-12-2013 1 COMMENT
Grand Rapids With Grand Rapids trending as the highest flu concentration for the season, I decided it was high time to visit my sister. Despite shopping at a gas station, visiting a local park, eating at Yesterdog and enjoying some frozen yogurt nobody showed any signs of flu-like symptoms. Disappointed, we decided to stay an extra day in hopes the virus might not have taken hold yet with no results. Either Google Trends is full of crap or we are immune to the latest flu supervirus.
User Comments for 01-12-2013:
Senator Kelley

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