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Archived News starting from 12-21-2012 and earlier
Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 12-21-2012 End of the World View Webcam for 12-21-2012 NO COMMENTS
End of the World Party What better way to celebrate the end of the world then an end of the world party? At least if the zombies or asteroids kill us all we'll be plenty liquored up and ready for it. My attempt at making a vault-like atmosphere wound up confusing everyone in attendance, and roughly 20% of the dollar store glow items malfunctioned. The mandatory viewing of the 2012 movie wrapped up just in time for an EST end of the world, but we decided the Mayans lived in the mountain time zone. When 2:00am rolled around we finally gave up and accepted the world would continue.
No Comments Entered for 12-21-2012

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 12-19-2012 Return Of The Snowman View Webcam for 12-19-2012 NO COMMENTS
Snowman Today marks the 10th anniversary of the giant inflatable eyesore that is my 8ft snowman. This year Lila helped reanimate him with me, but sadly the Morlock is 2,300 miles away this year and won't be raping it. When I told Lila this the disappointment was evident, but she quickly recovered after discovering she could kick it as much as she wanted.
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Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 12-16-2012 Wayne County Lightfest View Webcam for 12-16-2012 NO COMMENTS
Lightfest The Wayne County Lightfest consists of bright lights viewable from the car, which makes for a perfect toddler event. While we weren't initially sure if Lila could actually see the lights, she started making noises similar to the smurfs when they see fireworks and we were convinced. Several sheriff cop cars also drove by with their lights on at one point, clearly jealous of the attention the other lights were getting. Lila withheld noises while the cops passed, showing the same distrust of authority that her dad has.
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Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 12-12-2012 Sequential No More View Webcam for 12-12-2012 1 COMMENT
In honor of the last sequential date to occur, at least in my lifetime, I decided to dine at the famous super hero eatery of Lunchtime Global and setup a train around the Christmas tree. Lila did not approve of the latter, most likely due to the completely unrelated nature of the activity.
User Comments for 12-12-2012:
The train POV was more entertaining than the 3rd person point of view. That's why Lila disapproved.
Senator Kelley

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 12-10-2012 Rochester Lights View Webcam for 12-10-2012 NO COMMENTS
Rochester Overdue for a visit with the Schmeiders, it was decided we would meet in downtown Rochester for some pre-holiday merrymaking I was unaware how completely overboard the city goes with regard to holiday lighting, so we took a stroll in the cold weather after dinner to enjoy it. We discovered the lighting also managed to make room for ice cream, so we promptly filled it from a local diner.
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Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 12-08-2012 Birthday Adventures View Webcam for 12-08-2012 1 COMMENT
Belle Isle Aquarium For my 35th birthday, I wanted two things: to see the recently re-opened Belle Isle aquarium, and the new Wreck-it Ralph movie. Both dreams came true today, with Lila patiently making it through each one in order. The aquarium was much smaller than I expected, with only half the tanks containing fish of some sort but the empty ones helped keep Lilas excitement in check. Wreck-it Ralph was able to hold her attention for 90% of the movie, after which she played "wander the theatre" until it was over.
User Comments for 12-08-2012:
So basically you'd see more firsh in a Chinese restaurant lobby, than the Belle Isle aquarium?
Senator Kelley

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 12-04-2012 Google Check View Webcam for 12-04-2012 1 COMMENT
Google Check My status as an internet millionaire has its perks, as today I received my annual Google check and was surprised to find it was double it's normal value. While the content of this site is more than enough draw to account for the entire check, I think this time I'll have to credit the random cross-link of destiny for the extra amount.
User Comments for 12-04-2012:
You better send those bots a gift basket!
Senator Kelley

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 12-03-2012 ZOMG No SpaceX View Webcam for 12-03-2012 NO COMMENTS
California Today I learned I will not be moving to L.A. to work for SpaceX. I had a feeling the interview went south, but now it's officially confirmed. While I'm obviously disappointed, it's also a relief to know for sure. Hopefully I can re-apply sometime in the future once I ramp up learning and become an expert in the areas they're looking for. The facility itself was amazing, with the Dragon capsule hanging from the soon to be completed cafeteria ceiling, which was located on the factory floor. Watching space hardware being tested and assembled would have made for an amazing lunch break, and the people I spoke with would have been great co-workers, but the sureal atmosphere felt too good to be true. The trip was far from a waste, as I got to visit my cousin and tour the area with Lisa who had never been before. We hit all the major attractions including the observatory, chinese theatre, Beverly Hills and Fry's electronics. Of course the trip coincided with the only 3 day rainy period of the month, but I like to think that helped lessen the disappointment of not getting the job.
No Comments Entered for 12-03-2012

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 11-30-2012 OMG SPACEX! View Webcam for 11-30-2012 NO COMMENTS
6 months ago, the SpaceX Dragon docked with the IIS and made history as the first private space vehicle to do so. Ecstatic, I immediately went to their website and was amazed they were hiring for a C# web developer. I immediately sent in my resume expecting to hear nothing. 2 weeks ago I received an email asking if I was still interested in the position; fast forward to today and I'm being flown out to Hawthorne for an interview. Needless to say I'm terrified of getting the job, as it would mean moving to L.A, but I'm also terrified of not getting the job and missing out on this opportunity. Regardless of the outcome, I get to enjoy a whole weekend in L.A, and possibly a job at SpaceX.
No Comments Entered for 11-30-2012

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 11-28-2012 HTC Windows Phone 8X View Webcam for 11-28-2012 NO COMMENTS
New Phone Today my HTC Windows Phone 8X finally arrived; bringing dual 1.5Ghz processors, 720p screen, NFC, 8MP camera and LTE speeds. AT&T managed to lock down my first choice of the Nokia Lumia 920 (for now), but Verizon did manage to get wireless charging added to the 8X as an apology. The 8X benchmark claims the new phone has a CPU over 5x faster and storage memory over 3x faster than the ancient HTC Trophy it's replacing. It's also nice to finally have LTE speed, but after months of waiting for this upgrade I'm not as excited as I thought I'd be. The WP8 OS has a few new features, but surprisingly lost group SMS and bluetooth SMS support. Verizon also managed to cripple the new wallet by not providing a secure SIM, which means NFC payments are on hold until they decide to stop being jerks. Hopefully the next update fixes some of my disappointment, as WP is still my phone OS of choice, but I fear I'll never be that excited teenage girl again when it comes to new phones.
No Comments Entered for 11-28-2012

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