Archived News starting from 11-30-2012 and earlier
Blog6 months ago, the SpaceX Dragon
docked with the IIS and made history
as the first private space vehicle to do so. Ecstatic, I immediately went to their website and was amazed they were hiring for a C# web developer. I immediately sent in my resume expecting to hear nothing.
2 weeks ago I received an email asking if I was still interested in the position; fast forward to today and I'm being flown out to Hawthorne for an interview.
Needless to say I'm terrified of getting the job, as it would mean moving to L.A, but I'm also terrified of not getting the job and missing out on this opportunity. Regardless of the outcome,
I get to enjoy a whole weekend in L.A, and possibly a job at SpaceX.
Today my
HTC Windows Phone 8X finally arrived; bringing dual 1.5Ghz processors, 720p screen, NFC, 8MP camera and LTE speeds.
AT&T managed to lock down my first choice of the Nokia Lumia 920 (for now), but Verizon did manage to get wireless charging added to the 8X as an apology.
8X benchmark claims the new phone has a CPU over 5x faster and storage memory over 3x faster than the ancient
HTC Trophy it's replacing.
It's also nice to finally have
LTE speed, but after months of waiting for this upgrade I'm not as excited as I thought I'd be. The WP8 OS has a few new features, but
surprisingly lost group SMS and bluetooth SMS support. Verizon also managed to cripple the new wallet by not providing a secure SIM, which means NFC payments are on hold until they decide to stop being jerks.
Hopefully the next update fixes some of my disappointment, as WP is still my phone OS of choice, but I fear I'll never be that excited teenage girl again when it comes to new phones.

Over 3 years ago, the Red Dawn remake was being
filmed in Detroit. It was scheduled to release a year later, but MGM went bankrupt and
China threatened not to show the movie if they were the enemy. Two years later, post production turned all the Chinese references into North Korea/Soviet references and today it finally sees the light of day.
Despite continuing the lazy trend of remaking classic 80s movies, I was excited to see it and can truthfully say it didn't disappoint. Lisa was also on board with approval until the last few scenes, which
I can't elaborate on without spoiling the movie, but I'm sure you'll piece it together.
With the bankruptcy of Hostess having been announced several days ago, I was not expecting to see
this bounty at the Detroit CVS. I instinctively purchased $10 worth on my first visit, then saw
several auctions starting at $10 each on eBay and promptly returned to buy out the rest. $50 later, I now have more twinkies than I'll ever eat in my lifetime, but hopefully the investment will pay out in the next few months. My plan is to unload them in a month or two when the saturation has died down but the expiration date isn't too far gone.

Despite dedicating the better part of
5 years to my Xbox 360 obsession, it's not long enough to warrant one of the
giveaways going to 10+ year veterans. I did, however, receive a code for a fancy XBL10 helmet as a consolation prize, which should keep me going for another 5 years.
In honor of veterans day, Michigan decided to gift us with a sunny 70° day. I took full advantage of what could possibly be the
last warm and sunny day of the year and got my suntan on. I can think of nothing more patriotic than laying shirtless in the sun
enjoying a beer, free from the forced labor camps of North Korea.
As you can see from
this video, my car is totally awesome. That's right, I hang with Porsches and Ferraris. Don't believe me? Watch the video, I'll wait. Now that I know what my car is truly capable of I'll be driving to work in the same manner since the cops clearly can't catch me. I just have to make sure the road is wet and filp the bird at the right time and I'm invincible!
Having been instructed to read the book by various friends, I finally finished World War Z a month ago. With the zombie fad winding down, I wasn't expecting to be that excited about it, but when they threw in the space station and a Chinese nuclear sub I was hooked. Now it looks like a
movie is releasing but sadly, according to
IMDB, will be related to the book in title only. Instead of a post-war documentary, it will be during the actual outbreak. I'm sure the old cliché of "book was better" will hold true, but I'm still excited to see it which says a lot given how overdone the zombie genre is.
After casting my vote for Gary Johnson, it was time to sit back and watch the results roll in with
intense Lila. While it's commonly considered a wasted vote when you choose a non-primary candidate, it's also a fact that if any of those candidates get 5% of the popular vote their party gets media coverage next election. While Obama won (to my delight, as Fox News quickly went into funeral mode) Johnson got 1% of the popular vote, meaning I am now the 1%.

Almost 5 years after that fateful day I decided to purchase an Xbox 360, I've hit the 100,000 gamerscore milestone. I still curse the person who
invented achievements, and the various copycat systems it spawned. I know now it is my weakness, and can only hope that by hitting this number
I will be at peace with myself.
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