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Rating: 3.45 - Link to this Article 08-01-2009 Comment Party Great Success View Webcam for 08-01-2009 31 COMMENTS
Senator Kelley 1000th Party Stavos party for his accomplishment exceeded all expectations. The promised karting event, complete with pink frosting cake was just the beginning as three Sonic virgins were deflowered shortly thereafter. The senator then commanded a visit to the local metropark beach, with only Whineyho able to escape his bidding. A dip in the ocean and a space shuttle ride was enough to convince parents to keep their children a safe distance from our group. Some disorganized putt putt and this abomination completed our visit to the metropark. After surviving 4 separate incidents of driver insanity it was back to the house for piano shenanigans and a viewing of Tron. A higher level of entertainment was soon required and met by The Hangover which properly ended the evening in laughter seizures.
User Comments for 08-01-2009:
OMG! It's funnier even reading it again. I again, burst into a fit of snortdom when clicking the "abomination". Truly a great day. Can't wait to hit MY 1000th post, where we'll all spend a lovely day, at the spa. :D
so, how many more posts till I hit 1000???
998 more posts but 1000 was already broke so you need to make 10,000. The day was more exciting then any of my birthdays. I thank Google and Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd for the event.
I had a blast yesterday, and I don't think I've ever filled a day with so many interesting events! But today begins my life journey, to complete 999 more posts on this site! So get ready to be annoyed and confused by my random posts from here on out! Hehe
So, how many more points till I hit 1000??? j/k
That was truly a most excellent day of fun. All hail the great Senator on a successful day of racing, gay cake eating, Sonic deflowering, "parking", goofy golfing, disturbing sign abominations, traffic dodging, piano shenanigans (buzz word lately), Tron deflowering (not received well by the youthful Candy), mysterious unknown pizza locations and the movie of laughing fits and snorting and Lisa giggle twitching and infectious laughter spreads with disturbing video content. We all felt like "ritards" that night with dignity! Let's do it again! Leave Aug 29th free for another gathering of fun and stupidity. BRING IT
I gotta follow par too; So, how many more points till I hit 1000???
So, how many more point's till i hit 10,000???
10000 - 1013 = 8987 more posts! Keep workin it.
So, Brad... who's gonna post all those pics to Facebook so we can tag the hell outta them?
With one last squeeze of 1000th comment juice I command Excelcier to upload all these photos to Facebook. Don't question it, just do it!
Much easier if B-rad does it locally so I don't have to d/l each one, one at a time when he can do it locally in one foul swoop.
omg! you guys are hillarious!!! 998. I've posted WAY more than twice over the years!!! whatEVER! And, it was left out, about the three of you kareening your weapons of destruction, also known as go karts into my kart, and then into the wall..AFTER having being t-boned already by the good senator. Too bad we don't have photo evidence of THAT!
The deed is done, my master (Darth Vader voice)
On another, totally random note. This will make 14 comments on this noted point of interest. This must be a record or something!!
16!! he posted at the same time!! I can SO count!
I have no clue what you guys are talking about, are you speaking Canadian? However besides just user counts, Brad also counts the most popular articles and this one is getting up there! However we have to push it past 35 comments.
Than it'll have to be an international effort, just like the space station that Brad and I were on that shuttle to head to. Let's keep pushing.
why do we need an international effort when we can do it obviously very easily amongst ouselves!! Whoo whoo, what do you know, yet again another post!!
Well. we're Canucks! So, we're making it international. Which automatically, makes it MEGA COOL! EH
We do need bacon aboard the Space Station, i'll let this slide.... this time!
No, sliders are only in the US.. Canucks don't have White Castle. :)
Live amazing blog post, LIVE!
Let's keep the grease slippery in here.
Bacon grease? mmmmm bacon...
I definitely smell a pork product of some kind in here.
Uh oh... why are you guys letting this thread die?!?!
who is?!!? I don't see anybody letting anything die. What crack are YOU smoking?!?! Bacon crack?!!?
hey I was having fun reading all of this why did you guys stop?
I didn't stop! I'm hoping this will keep living a life of it's own
Oh god... it's officially dead now... so much for making this the top post. :(

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