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Archived News starting from 08-22-2004 and earlier
Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 08-22-2004 Motorcycle Road Trip View Webcam for 08-22-2004 1 COMMENT
Today my fiance and I decided to take a cruise through Hines Park on the motorcycle. Riding a motorcycle is awesome, but riding with a passenger is even better. It's nice to share the freedom and have someone along to enjoy the ride, but it also makes other motorcyclists jealous, and that's the real reason I like having her along. We stopped at a turnoff and saw another motorcyclist that trained his dog to ride in the back. Then we drove the entire length of the park along with 50+ other bikers who had the same idea as us. A relaxing ride, aside from the sore butt syndrome.
User Comments for 08-22-2004:
Ahhh Freedom of the road. Reminds me of the old days of the TJ Hookers.

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 08-20-2004 Cat Torture View Webcam for 08-20-2004 1 COMMENT
Melissa bought her and myself radio control cars that fit on the end of a pen. How a pen and a radio control car could possibly relate to each other I don't know, but I do know it's fun to torture the cat with the little cars. After awhile, he figured out they could not hurt him and the entertainment value dropped, but not significantly. A cat chasing quarter sized RC cars just has an amusing quality all it's own.
User Comments for 08-20-2004:
Cats are evil

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 08-18-2004 House Sold! View Webcam for 08-18-2004 8 COMMENTS
For those of you holding out, you missed your chance. The house is SOLD as of today. Only a few more weeks till closing, then it's goodbye Redford, hello 6-car garage. I'll be calling on all friends to help move so if you have a bad back I'd recommend leaving town soon.
User Comments for 08-18-2004:
congrats Brad. I am glad to hear
I have a bad back and I've already left town but I'm there in spirit. You need to get the van and fly Myrone back to race mustangs in it
Correction: 2 car attached garage and 4 car detached garage which you will be living in with the cat!
I'll be there, wait a min I’m already there I’m sleeping in your garage. It's pretty comfy except your realtor keeps bugging me saying I can't be on the property. Is he related to Whinny ho?
So are the "pictures" staying with the new Homeowners?
Mr. Lloyd please remove your dad from the property, He's tearing down the house and redo the foundry
Insane Realtor
I'm so out of the loop. Stupid hurricane. Cable company said i should be connected again by monday... we'll see.
I foresee the person loosing the house, you renting it out to a chick and her Latino boyfriend; whom she breaks up with and your back to selling the house again in the near future. Your a zebra arnt you darlin!
Mrs Cleo

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 08-14-2004 Supercharger Recharged View Webcam for 08-14-2004 2 COMMENTS
Almost four months ago, my supercharger died on my Cougar. After a long process of yelling on the phone and waiting for the replacement it finally arrived a week ago. Today I managed to assemble a crew and after waiting for a house inspection to get done, we put it back in. We discovered a rotten battery cable assembly that had to be repaired first, then had to prevent my dad from going to jail (due to a conflict with the owner of my new home) which pushed the completion time back to late evening. The test run was successful, and I wept openly as the boost kicked in. Unfortunately it was discovered that the oil feed line had ruptured, and no parts store that carries it will be open till Monday. Thanks to Stavos, Zalec and Jaged for the help.
User Comments for 08-14-2004:
between my hand getting sucked up by the Supercharger, Electrocuted, and going to jail... It was a pretty normal day for the STAVOS!
Well i would have helped if i could have.

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 08-13-2004 Joseph? Are you Alive? View Webcam for 08-13-2004 5 COMMENTS
After being kidnapped by enorym, the mighty Joseph had to face the wrath of hurricane Charley. After some initial play-by-play reporting, contact was lost with the former TJ Hooker TV series star, current condition unknown. This photo was taken shortly before contact was lost. The evidence of a close hurricane combined with the lack of vodka does not lend itself to a high survivability rate, but our hopes are with the Joseph and his wife Lavonne. If anyone is near the left turn lane in Whorelando, FL and happen to see the toll booth in tact, please contact this concerned friend. WE LOVE YOU JOSEPH!
User Comments for 08-13-2004:
We have a couple trees down but initial sightings found that they did not hit the house. Lets see it in the light. It was an amazing experience. I went to my work and rode it out. The roads were a disaster. Trees down everywhere and with all the leaves blown off the trees the roads looked like grass lawns. I stepped out into the wind and it was MIGHTY. I will be spending the electricityless weekend removing trees...somehow :( Pray for us. We are safe tho.
Here's an update: I still have no power, now I have no water due to a water pipe burst. Gonna go to a hotel today around noonish. No telling when the power will be back. Lot of clean up crews have come to help. Some from other states. Gotta go now.
Glad you got lucky TJ, but then we all know you're protected by the great turn lane. Find out how the moon hut held up, I can't bear the thought of it being gone.
I hope you took some pictures TJ
YEAH! YOU survived the hurricane! YAY!!! I was worried although I knew you'd be fine. You are like he-man without the sword. Or optimus prime (well, with the matrix, but that's a different story) .. glad you're well.
bort vests

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 08-12-2004 Extreme In Car Entertainment View Webcam for 08-12-2004 1 COMMENT
Unfortunately for me, I happened across a fellow Cougar owner at Cougarfest who found a head unit that fit the Cougar beautifully. I have held off on an aftermarket system due to the crazy din and a half sizing on the car, and the lack of interesting available product. Once I discovered that this one not only fits beautifully without any nasty faceplates but plays DVD-Video, DVD-R/RW, DVD+R/RW, VCD, CD, CD-R/RW and MP3/WMA-Encoded CD-R/RW Discs I knew I had to have it, regardless of cost. $800 and an e-bay trade later I was in posession of the device and tonight it has been installed. Oh glorious day! To celebrate, my fiance and I watched XMen 2 in the car, sans popcorn.
User Comments for 08-12-2004:
it wasnt Extreme it was X-treme to the MAX. I'll be starting a paypal account so people can contribute to my DVD player.

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 08-09-2004 Shish Kabob! View Webcam for 08-09-2004 NO COMMENTS
What to do for dinner? Shish Kabob of course! Short on skewer holders? Try paving bricks, they work wonders on the grille! With a master chef at work, the end result has got to be good. Add some vegetables, a few bugs and voila, happy couple.
No Comments Entered for 08-09-2004

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 08-08-2004 Joseph in Danger! View Webcam for 08-08-2004 4 COMMENTS
AtomicInternet: What have you done with my joseph?!?!
enorym signed off at 10:14:40 PM.
User Comments for 08-08-2004:
I'm here. Your just never online
it wasnt me!!!
My name is Stavos-Monto-casponya, You killed my Joseph prepare to die!
Mother Nature is throwing her most destructive force at Joseph a class 4 Hurricane, Lets see how Joseph counter attacks this one Atomic.

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 08-07-2004 Toledo Zoo View Webcam for 08-07-2004 1 COMMENT
Melissa and I decided there simply wasn't enough monkeys throwing poo in the immediate area, so we decided to go to the Toledo Zoo to up our poo-flinging chances. The poo-flinging was never observed, but fortunately there were enough other animals to keep us entertained.
User Comments for 08-07-2004:
Sweet video's!... Bandwidth sucking time! muhahahah

User Comments for 08-03-2004:
When did you change the name of the Gnome cam to Elephant cam???....
SHUT UP THATS MY MOM! Oh wait. No its not.
Bad Stavos!
oh ho.... Busted
The large people are gone. Is this a new photo or was it modified?
HOLY CRAP...better check for structual damages!

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