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Archived News starting from 03-10-2004 and earlier
Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 03-10-2004 Goonies Attack! View Webcam for 03-10-2004 4 COMMENTS
Goonies Attack!
User Comments for 03-10-2004:
It appears the cappers of Myrone Gnome are planning another attack.
image is broken :(
I don't get it. I don't see anything attacking or being attacked or anything out of the ordinaty.
show it to those kids parents see if they will give you the gnome back or give you the money to get another one

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 03-09-2004 Happy Birthday Myrone View Webcam for 03-09-2004 4 COMMENTS
Today is Myrone's birthday, but unfortunately he moved to California so I can't take him out to BoxBar for the occasion. Instead, I've decided to pay a few curb squirrels to dress up in bright orange jackets and knock on my door at various times today. If you see one on the gnome cam you can relive the days of Myrone with me.
User Comments for 03-09-2004:
Happy Bday Myrone!!!!!!
Happy Birthday Myrone!
MYRN! happy day of the birth
Oh boy its my b-day!

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 03-05-2004 The Blustery Day View Webcam for 03-05-2004 NO COMMENTS
Today a warm front moved in resulting in wind gusts of up to 50 MPH. This made for some interesting scenes including uprooted trees and flying recycle bins. It also caused power interruptions which were entertaining at work. Unfortunately this warm front is only going to last till tonight, after which it's back to snow.
No Comments Entered for 03-05-2004

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 02-29-2004 Happy Leap Day! View Webcam for 02-29-2004 2 COMMENTS
The gregorian calendar is used by almost the entire world, and has been since 1582. Since the earth travels around the sun in exactly 365.2424 days, every 4 years this calendar has an extra day thrown in on Feb 29th. Why Feb 29th was chosen I don't know, but I do know that the Julian Calendar kicks the crap ouf the Gregorian. Convert now!
User Comments for 02-29-2004:
I prefer Leap frog
I like the leap frog leap pad. Lots of fun and very educational.

My friend Duane and I went to AutoRama recently to check out the latest classic and tuner cars, but wound up people watching. Detroit auto shows definately bring out some very interesting people.
User Comments for 02-28-2004:
I'm disapointed, no pictures of the people you were watching

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 02-26-2004 Back from the Brink View Webcam for 02-26-2004 3 COMMENTS
I had a hell of a time of it, but I'm finally back. I apologize to all 3 of my loyal readers, you are what I live for and I've let you down. For that I'll commence my own thrashings, followed by the castration. During my absence there was a snow penis on the webcam, and Butt went back on strike. Alright kids, see if you can spot the dates! My cat says hello to everyone, and I say goodnight.
User Comments for 02-26-2004:
Let me be the first to welcome back, and speaking for 1/3 of the AtomicInternet Population let me just say, that you saying PENIS will give you a sh*t load of pr0n enthusiasts in a couple weeks!
I seriously missed you and am glad you're feeling better.
Welcome back Brad
-loyal reader #3 - Zac

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 02-12-2004 Google Toolbar Addiction View Webcam for 02-12-2004 8 COMMENTS
I've had the Google Toolbar installed on my system since late August, and in that time it has blocked 572 popups. If the popup blocker was the only feature of the toolbar I'd love it, but add to that the text search/highlight features, convienient search box (with options to search images or current site only with one button) and it's a necessity. Much as I often ask "what did I do before Google?" I now ask myself the same question with regard to the toolbar. Too bad they're going public soon, stock holders tend to squash creativity with bean counting. Until then, I'm a proud member of the Church of Google.
User Comments for 02-12-2004:
Yahoo search is better. Yahoo has mail, news, finance... everything. Google has NOTHING.
How dare thee challenge GOOGLE! bad things will come to you, yahoo user!
I don't like going weeks without new updates
yeah to bad Yahoo was using Google till now as they're primary search engine. And now Google stole their thunder announcing an upgrade to their existing search engine that has over 1 billion web pages in it's search. Oh and did i mention it has a popup blocker for your toolbar! Yahoo is old, and week LONG LIVE GOOGLE!
Your short paragraph inspired me, I will convert to Google.
Ummm... hello... Yahoo has a pop up blocker. AOL has one too. Are you gonna hump AOL's leg too? pop up blockers are a dime a dozen. Yahoo has so much more than Google.
Google Power!!!!!
If google made medicine, My Atomic wouldn’t of been sick so long

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 02-05-2004 GnomeCam Reciever Malfunction View Webcam for 02-05-2004 4 COMMENTS
The suspected radiation fallout on the GnomeCam turned out to be a malfunctioning video receiver. Those of you wearing tin foil hats can once again rest assured impending doom is not near (at least not near my house). Fortunately I had a spare receiver just waiting for a chance to prove itself. We'll see if it can exceed the previous receivers record of 2 years non-stop receiving.
User Comments for 02-05-2004:
Serious. It was me exposing myself. Sad day here in Florida.
I liked the radiation fallout look better, put the old reciever back on
I love the Gnome's eye view Detroit, and check it out frequently. I am curious, though, what part of Detroit is the Gnome's home, and what direction is he/it facing? Thanks and keep the cutting edge sharp.
David Posner
Glad you enjoy it! The Gnome is near I-96 and Southfield freeways, about 30 minutes west of Detroit.

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 02-04-2004 Quizno's Marketing - Genius View Webcam for 02-04-2004 NO COMMENTS
If you've seen the latest ads for Quizno's you know their marketing department is on to something. Totally idiotic (read: shockingly funny), yet you can't get the song or images out of your head. Add to that a $1 off any sub and you have a winning combination. It worked on me, I took in a 2-for-1 beauty supply coupon for my discount. Strangely enough, the song stopped repeating in my head only while I was in the store. Maybe it's TOO effective.
No Comments Entered for 02-04-2004

Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 02-03-2004 Radiation Fallout View Webcam for 02-03-2004 2 COMMENTS
Apparently there is either a very strong solar flare or a nuclear device has been detonated near my house. My wireless webcam seems to be having trouble transmitting to my server. It definitely makes for some interesting captures, but isn't very effective at surveillance.
Radiated Capture
User Comments for 02-03-2004:
that explains this extra Appendage I woke up to this morning : /
i wanted to expose myself to people passing by without being on camera.

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