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Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 12-06-2007 Evader Enabled Comments View Webcam for 12-06-2007 8 COMMENTS
Evaders! Stavos recently suggested avatars for the comment section of this website. Not quite sure how I would fit the images in my compact comment area I resisted at first, but some gentle coaxing and a few mockups later and I was convinced. What else was I going to do for two hours anyways? While I was working on the design (before crying uncle with DIVs) Lisa asked "What is your evader supposed to be anyways?" It required a full 8 seconds of mental processing before I realized she was mispronouncing avatar, which then prompted several minutes of uncontrollable laughter and Lisa shakes. So now that you know why I call them "Evaders", next you'll ask "So what?" Well I don't really have an answer for that, but the dropdown allows you to choose from some preset Evaders (uploadable custom capability coming soon). Once you choose one, the preview shows below the dropdown and once you submit, it sticks along with the other fields in the cookie for next visit. Yes, way over engineered for a website 2 people visit on a regular basis, but fortunately for those 2 people, I made exclusiveTM custom©® avatars©®TM and backfilled old comments with the same one. I promise I'll keep my sugar intake down in the future.
User Comments for 12-06-2007:
I for one welcome our new Evader overlords. I'm also happy to be your muse, but I won’t be completely satisfied until I can upload my own "Evader", and animate them to make you panic.
Wow my Evader didn't take! wtf I guess i'm the beta tester too!
Hot cha cha
What a piece of crap. Fixed!
It better be my reputation is on the line here!
Now, why the hell is my default avatar a cop icon??? You tryin to tell me somethin, lol... Where's my "I support single moms" stripper pole?
OMG!!! I have my very own AVATAR!!! I love it!
What you should have done is played nicely with the other children and used a standard gravatar site to pull the gravatars from which would then save your bandwidth, make one less thing I had to select when I comment on your blog (bad enough I have to enter a number), and allow people to set them up once and for all based on email. Example: The Elder
Keith Elder

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