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Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 11-11-2007 Football Fever View Webcam for 11-11-2007 1 COMMENT
As the only male on the planet who is not interested in professional sports, it's ironic I work at a primarily sports-oriented company, and married a raving mad Pittsburgh Steelers fan. Given these facts, it's not surprising I was coerced into attending a Steelers game with said wife this weekend. The official Steelers experience® was kicked off with an 8am tailgate party including various brands of beer, burgers, dogs, a cornhole game, and crab legs. After 4 hours of working up an alcoholic daze it was game time, which meant braving the cattle call and security checks while verbally bashing anyone brave enough (dumb enough?) to wear a Browns uniform, or any clothing close to those colors. While Lisa and her brother got horse yelling at the Browns, and falling into spectators below, I spent my time watching the Red Zone ketchup bottles pour virtual ketchup. When the Steelers won, everyone went nuts of course, then slowly filed out of the stadium. I was expecting at least a few celebratory flaming cars but I guess that's exclusively a Detroit thing. I also discovered the ketchup bottles were actually only half-bottles on my way out, I was fooled. Overall it was an enlightening experience, and nice to see Lisa isn't the only person who goes completely insane watching a football game. A light rain cancelled the after-game tailgate party but 8 hours of football was more than enough for me.
User Comments for 11-11-2007:
I'm the 2nd only male person on the planet not interested in any sports. I prefer a good lan party where I actually am apart of a team. And when I say "we" won the game i actually mean myself and other who actually played, not watched.

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