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My New Wii Thanks again to the transitive property, I now have a new Wii attached to my 42" Plasma TV. I decided to let the Morlock unbox, set up, and try it out before my Wii bowling debut. Lisa dominated the first few games, but the Morlock eventually beat us both. I was in last place due to the defective Wiimote which interpreted a curve for my every throw. This was later confirmed at the Kelleys where my bowling game improved significantly on their properly calibrated Wii. I imported my Mii from Steve's Wii, and Lisa whined excessively about the suggestive nose we gave her Mii, which of course prompted a permanent lock on her character. I have to admit it's an addictive gaming console; the giant 8-bit mario in Super Paper Mario alone justifies owning one, but something seems not quite right from this angle.
User Comments for 04-15-2007:
The wii is mine. I'm giving your mii a penis nose.
Damn I got a sexy ass, not to many people get to see their own ass you know! To bad it's not 1080i
He'd need 1080p in order to display your whole fat ass.
uhhh first off the video isn't in any HD and secondly changing from 1080i to 1080p wouldn't show more of a picture. I don't get it? /shrug... guess your not a nerd like you lead us to suspect.
1080p has a higher resolution for displaying even more of your fat ass and small brain then 1080i. Why don't you help yourself to some fucking wikipedia:
Oh I helped myself to some wikipedia and learned that Morlocks have no thumbs, and are hermaphrodites. Can't play with your wii huh?
Slander. Wikipedia says nothing about my thumbs or my sexual reproduction parts, which Lisa can assure you are quite male.
Your sexual repoduction parts are as big as a thumb? dude TMI
Yeah, a gorillas thumb you envious bastard.
Hey they don't call me the Elephant man for nothing monkey boy!
Have you seen your face? Go look at your face in a mirror, you'll understand. Or if you prefer:
damn i'm sexy! Why don't you wiki "pen" and move there!
Why don't you wiki merkin you damn ass pirate.

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