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With less than 2 months of winter left, mother nature is making up for lost time. Last night, the temperature hit a new low for this year at 7.7 °F. The depressing gray-death clouds of Michigan that slowly suck your life away contributed to this low, but in a meteorological irony helped keep it above zero at night. You learn these things about clouds when you're haunted by them constantly. The Morlocks might not be as warm as they're used to, but I'm betting they get more sun in their underground caverns than I do in Michigan.
Record Low:+7.7 °F at 23:11 on 25 January
User Comments for 01-26-2007:
it say's it's 7.7*F outside but i really feels like frozen nostral hair kick your ass -20*F
Lets see, if it was 7.7 degrees outside then that puts it at about -15 degrees downstairs where I live with no heat!
You want I should throw dry sticks down your exhaust vents? Start a raging fire that would drive you to the surface and steal my time machine? I think not.
75 here today! Heh Heh.

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