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Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 03-05-2003 Electric Lawnmowers View Webcam for 03-05-2003 1 COMMENT
For whatever reason, both Duane and Brian are convinced I'm an idiot for using an electric mower. According to them, it takes me 3 hours to mow my lawn and my mower will break down in less than a year. Since neither of them have ever had PERSONAL experience with an electric mower I don't understand how they can be so convinced of it. I know for a fact it takes me less than 30 minutes to mow my front and back yard. Unfortunately I haven't had it for a year yet, but I'm sure the breakdown predicition will not come true. Beyond that, how someone's personal preference can be labelled idiotic I'm not quite sure. I can't even pinpoint WHY it upsets them, but apparently it does. My reasoning is simple: I like my electric mower. Instead of spewing out emissions and using a 20% or less efficient internal combustion engine, I use the much more efficient power plant that provides electricity to my house. That's my rant, and now that I've said it I'll just agree with whatever they say. Maybe I can put an exhaust pipe on mine and tell them it's not electric anymore.
User Comments for 03-05-2003:
So it's 2013 and Brad has a gas mower now... RANT FAIL

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