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Eve Online As the first snow of winter falls, I find myself doing something I swore I never would: playing an MMORPG. I've been tempted before watching Brian play World of Warcraft but I could never justify the time and money required. It was all going according to plan until the Morlocks both got deep into Eve Online. Anytime I came downstairs they were both glued to their monitors uncommunicative. Given the choice of doing something productive or joining their obsession I quickly moved my computer downstairs after the promise of a free 15-day trial to get me good and hooked. In addition to us, 3 more people join via VOIP for a total of 6 that are now in the "corporation" that the Morlocks created. Fortunately the game is designed to allow some freedom, I can sign off for a few hours while I learn a skill, walk away for a few minutes while my cargo bay fills up with mining ore, or make dinner while my ship warps and jumps across the gigantic universe the game resides in. Hopefully I'll get tired of it before my 15 days are up, otherwise I'll slowly abandon all personal hygiene and turn white from lack of exposure. Oh wait, it's winter in Michigan that's going to happen anyways.
User Comments for 11-17-2005:
MMORPG's are up there with crack in the addiction lvl. No one knew I existed IRL (in real Life) for 6 months while I played Dark Age of Camelot. I interfered with my Women, Job, Friends, and family. And I only played 4 hours a day online and was still behind everyone else I'm now a RMMORPGA (Recovering Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game Addict.) for the n00bs. WARNING USE WITH (((CAUTION)))
Hi my name is Steve...
Thank goodness the adiction doesnt work well with dial
Yeah, I'm staying a mile away from that addiction as well! Brad has been trying to talk me into it.
Worst part is you can login via the web and see you need to start a new skill training, or something along those lines, but you cannot do anything about it until you get home... Ooooh the dread! I lost out on 3 hours of valuable skill training time! But, next on the list is to get Brad into a free trial of PlanetSide. :D Nothing like a MMOFPS, fragging and capturing bases along the way! Wooo!
Morlock #1
Mr. Wagle is also hopelessly addicted to Eve. I almost decided to join before finding out the lack of a Mac client lead me to WoW instead. I found it is quite easy to stop playing MMORPG after having a kid. So that's one way to break the addiction.
I suggest not playing it. I know someone who nearly lost their kids from playing Dark ages of camelot
man you need to move to California...I havent played a computer game since I moved here.
Do me a favor and get more car parts and a grage heater. You will stop playing stupid games very quickly.
The garage will be insulated soon and then the car lift will be installed! Brad is sure one luck guy!

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