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Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 01-31-2003 Why the RIAA Sucks View Webcam for 01-31-2003 NO COMMENTS
The RIAA claims to protect recording artists from the evils of MP3 file sharing. Anyone who loves an artist will purchase a CD or go to a concert, so the artists are not suffering as much as the RIAA claims. In reality, the RIAA is protecting profits by attempting to squash all other means of music distribution it cannot control. The latest round involves attempting a blanket charge on all ISP's. Amazingly they are actively promoting this. This surpasses their previous attempt to force major ISP's to censor a chinese site that had MP3's for download. (Their website claimed they "asked for help" which is RIAA speak for threatening a lawsuit against them if they did not comply.) Fortunately, my hatred for the organization is shared by those more technically capable than myself. The site is frequently hacked. Ironically, the RIAA claims these hacks threaten the RIAA's right to free speech. How convienient to say that after you tried to censor a website from all ISP's. It's obvious the RIAA has no clue about technology, and are bumbling around like an upset infant. They have an untold number of lawyers trying to pass all kinds of laws to prevent profit drain, just now realizing the laws have no effect. As a result, they are considering more drastic measures. Assuming this techno-saavy organization actually manages to pull it off, there is already one ISP that plans to prevent it. Hopefully, this signals a change in public opinion in regards to the RIAA. I just hope I live long enough to see them run out of money (projected date: 2067).
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