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Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 09-06-2005 Pumps Locked At $2.99/Gal View Webcam for 09-06-2005 8 COMMENTS
Wondering why so many gas stations around me are closing/remodeling, I think I may have found the answer. Some gas pumps are unable to display a price higher than $2.99 / gallon. With recent amounts of $3.15 or more stations are now requiring an upgrade. Whether my detective work is correct or not, it's an interesting read: gas price article.
User Comments for 09-06-2005:
Fucking ass holes... gas whoring son of a bitches... they can all suck my dick...
I blame the Canadians... not sure hot to connect the two but I just blame them kthxbye
Carefull Stav.... I'll have Candy shoot you again in heated online battle tournaments!
For the record... it's acutally the Canadians who need to blame the US. Our gas is all extracted and refined in Canada. Yet your mess-ups are jacking our prices too! BASTARDS!!!!!!
I refine my own gas from my own personal supply. I can demonstrate the process next time I consume some White Castles.
Don't blame me, Canada! I don't set the prices or have any control over that. I do, however, control FEMA and I'll send them to bomb you if you don't behave.
Awww sheeeeot, he's gonna send FEMA up in your ass!
I shit you not, he will send FEMA the moon once was heavly populated untill Tim called FEMA

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