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Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 08-27-2005 Goodbye Keith Party View Webcam for 08-27-2005 1 COMMENT
Lastnight was the farewell party for my resident co-worker who left for Mississippi today to face Hurricane Katrina. The party planner called for an early LAN party followed by a standard alcoholic stupor party. Unfortunately Keith had to get his hair done during the LAN party so he was absent, which caused it to spill over into the drunken stupor creating an outright brohaha. Lessons learned include absolute chronological seperation of LAN and drunken parties, hosting of drunken parties on Fridays rather than Saturdays, and no LAN party will span less than 6 hours. I also learned that 64-bit windows and/or hardware are not all they're cracked up to be, resulting in a crushing downtime during the LAN.
User Comments for 08-27-2005:
I figured the drunken party/lan party would have escaladed into a huge war, however the lan party seperated the geeks from the drunks so we stayed in our places, and had to retire early before 9pm to our basements in our moms houses.

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