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Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 12-03-2003 Myrone the Gnome Kidnapped! View Webcam for 12-03-2003 10 COMMENTS
The fraternity of my two web gnomes was shattered today at 12:10pm. Myrone the Gnome is now missing in action. Butt the Gnome has been bolted to the handrail ever since he was kidnapped and then returned, having been violated. Myrone, however, had no such protection. His vulnerability was exploited, and his whereabouts are unknown. Having been a kidnapping victim himself, Butt is leading the investigation into his disappearance. If you have any information leading to the apprehension of this perpetrator, please forward it to Below is the evidence accumulated thus far.
12:05pm 12:10pm
User Comments for 12-03-2003:
Refer to 10/30/2003 in the News Archives. I predicted the Gnome-napping! However I would never do such a sick thing...
Using my trained eyes, I noticed that the other gnome has not moved an inch. Now that reduces the suspects to only people that know that the Gnome that was taken was the only one not bolted down!, and if they didn't know that the other one was bolted down, there's a good chance they would of tried to take that gnome too! The result would of been a slight move in the left Gnome! Confused!? good so am I!... I say you report it to the Redford police.
I suggest 3 min captures for added security...
I have started an Online Investigation Team "OIT" to Investigate possible suspect's. The team consists of two members: Myrone, Tim. possible suspects in mind: Steven the stealer AKA Stavos: Since he posted this "The bright side is we get paid rent, which will help out a lot in the necessities: Cable internet, network hardware, tools, gnomes, etc." on his web page I have been speculating he would be attempting a gnome napping. DUANE LINGENFELTER: Speedy autoxing skills up and down that driveway and he never gets caught on tape. Keith Weinbaulm: Sneaky suspecious who else knows more about brads camera timeing. If you have any information pretaining to the missing gnome please email
Your investigation is entertaining but flawed. If you remember correctly I was talking to you at 11-1pm EST. And i meant I would buy a GNOME with the extra money, that's why it's in that sentence. The only suspects would be Sean or Corey.
In fact Corey just recently lost his car and I bet he Gnomenapped the Gnome and is trying to sell it on the black market to get his car back! Cased solved
Return Myrone the Gnome NOW or face the WRATH of Brad's girlfriend!!
Brad's Girlfriend
^ She's not joking either : /
[Q] I suggest 3 min captures for added security... - Stavos [/Q] i think you should make it into a live web cam, that would be ideal

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