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Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 12-02-2020 GLAS Thermostat Discontinued View Webcam for 12-02-2020 NO COMMENTS
With my beautiful GLAS thermostat having now served me well for over 2 years, it was disappointing (but understandable) that JCI has decided to discontinue the device. I immediately bought a cheap backup in case one fails in the future, but realized if support is ending I'd best get the latest firmware update now while it's still available. The micro USB port on the thermostat seems to provide power, but won't turn on the thermostat, so I was forced to use the 24v wires from my existing thermostats. Being lazy, I decided to use uninsulated wires to extend the HVAC wires so I didn't have to uninstall my existing thermostat. Of course they shorted, and of course it cut all power. I quickly discovered the 3 amp fuse my heat pump has to protect against idiots such as myself, and replaced it with a 5 amp I had on hand (3 amp on order). After my electrical adventure, the new thermostat finally booted up and revealed a rather old firmware version. A quick firmware update and factory reset later, and it's now on the latest firmware. I disconnected my Frankenstein wiring and packed it back into the original box in case I need it in the future. Hopefully JCI provides connectivity beyond the life of my current thermostats.
No Comments Entered for 12-02-2020

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