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Rating: 3.6 - Link to this Article 10-27-2009 Ridin' The Google Wave View Webcam for 10-27-2009 5 COMMENTS
Google Wave While much of the hype around Google Wave has died down, I was still tickled pink to find an invite in my email this morning. Enorym made good on his promise to send an invite to the beardless Senator and I; and now we're riding the nerd wave of exclusive preview. So far it's just a glorified chat window as we're still ignorant of all the features, but the wow factor of seeing text appear as it's typed made a big impact. Almost like 1997 when normal BBS chat occurred real time, and like 1997 you can still out-type the transport method as it tries to "sync" the wave from time to time (bursts of text). Make no mistake I'm still happy with my golden ticket, just got too hyped up ahead of time.
User Comments for 10-27-2009:
Finally! You has Wave!
I can has wave too? W00t I has it! These waves are wicked k-rad, I just took a dump and lost my board yo.
I'll take an invite too if you're bored. I may wanna check it out
Excelcier baby.
I'm so lucky whatever Steve gets I get it to!!!!!

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