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Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 06-01-2008 Ranger Grading View Webcam for 06-01-2008 2 COMMENTS
Ranger Grading Faced with 12 cubic yards of limestone deposited in the form of a long turd on my rear driveway, I decided to resort to an unconventional method to spread it out. Rather than toiling with a metal rake all day, I put my Ranger in 4x4 and proceeded to floor it back and forth across the limestone turd. After several passes my dad suggested I drag some bundled 2x4s to smooth it out and voila, a well graded driveway for the price of gas.
User Comments for 06-01-2008:
Impressive how well that worked out. I love the bundled wood idea. Imagine what you could do with a donkey!
The real question is how did Mr. No Upper Body Strength Lloyd move the giant pile of 2x4s when they were blocking his truck from backing up.

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