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Gravatars The laziness of a southerner famous for never answering Xbox 360 chat requests prompted a comment about Gravatars. Intrigued, I took a look at the implementation page and discovered the easy way to solve my "create your own evader" problem and prevent a pellet gun attack from said southerner. Just choose "GRAVATAR" for your Evader and make sure you enter the same email you used to create your Gravatar and you'll once again be hip with the internet. I also took some time to build some statistics on the results page which quickly and accurately indicates exactly how much I'm loved by 10 people.
User Comments for 12-28-2007:
If I'm to understand the statistics correctly, Stavos has nearly 6 times as much free time on his hands then I do.
Allow me to correct your statement by replacing "time" with "money" However i had no spending money when I was a new home owner, takes 3-5 years. Yes i'm back in the game! Now I need my additional 2gb ram to beat Brads score again.
I'm guessing you two never setup your Gravatar on their website since mine works.
nope I hate signing up for to many things. Now fix my icon when I select it! I have the most comments listen to me haha!
Hahah, Zac "kiddy porn"-boy is on your top 10... LOL! Oh, and when you default to an icon you aren't showing the updated one, you have to select something else and then reselect -- fix your chit mane... :P
I guess that does show how much free time we have.
Yes you heard it here: if you read Brad's web site you have too much time on your hands. That or you hope for an entry about his cougay being crushed by a real car.
A real car? As compared to what, a fruity VW with a iPod sticker in the back window and a liberal, flip-flop wearing hippy behind the wheel? :P
You know I just did a search for "2008 Cougar" and I couldn't find anything mentioning this year's version of the cougar. I wonder why? I did find a lot of stuff when I looked for "2008 jetta".
I found the 2008 Cougar.
Real car compared to a 325hp muscle car like ohhh I don't know maybe the 2002 TransAm, just threw that out there randomly
Yes, I'd consider teh TransAm a real car. A little bit hillbilly / small penisy, but a real car none the less.
atleast it's not a gay/chick car like a Jetta or something, haha that would be funny if a guy owns one.
Please, you might as well be driving around in a hummer with a sign that says "a unconfident guy with a small dick drives me...CHECK OUT MY RIMS!!!"
settle down and save it for the LAN
I don't have a wife to beat, this is the only place I can get out my agression!
It's illegal to beat your wife in Michigan, however it's not illegal to beat on Cougars, and VW Jetta's, they put up just as little of a fight as well! :)
Is it also illegal to fill Brad's Cougay with cow manure and let it sit in his garage for the winter? That should be awfully ripe come spring. I'm pretty sure it will improve the overall value of the car though.
Granted i'll take a Cougar over a VW bug.. errr Jetta anyday!
Come on Stavos, you're already emasculated enough by driving a TransAm, would you really cut off your balls and drive a Cougay?
That would mean i'd have to cut my mullet off and put wheels on my transam that's parked on blocks in my front yard, and i'm far to lazy for that. Short answer: hell no heeuck...
Don't forget to take your baths in that little Kiddie pool you bought from Brad too while you sip you're Colt 45. At least red necks like yourself are smart enough to not drive a Cougay.
Hey i'm still up for sitting on top of Brad's roof during a Cougar meet with the hose in one hand and a beer in the other... Ah this is going to be a great 2008 summer!
Let's do it! You bring the hose, I'll bring the beer....and the eggs...and the spite...
holy post hijack!!
Who is this R1OT and why does he feel he can contribute to our record breaking comments? He must be a cougay driver.
No i drive a tor-ass now
ahh the flatlander. You're car is not impressive, but is certainly less feminie then the cougar.

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