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Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 03-16-2007 Plasma Lives! View Webcam for 03-16-2007 22 COMMENTS
After Stavos built his new computer and bested my 3DMark score, I learned that Philips is phasing out plasma displays. My 50" Plasma is now heading toward end-of-life technology as the LCD display grows exponentially in popularity (and size). With my computer and tv no longer on the cutting edge, I was feeling old and obsolete. Even my useless-but-cutting-edge x64 Vista install wasn't helping. Then I found the plasma wikipedia entry which lead me to the plasma tv science website. Here I could drown my sorrow in the history and future of plasma displays, and get a good feeling about my TV back. The next logical step is to join the 8800 club, but so far my cheapness is winning that battle.
User Comments for 03-16-2007:
As of 3/15/2007 18:30 Hours the 8800 Geforce video card has become self aware and terminated it's owner "Stavos". At 3/15/2007 18:31 Hours the sentient video card has renamed itself to "Skynet". At 3/15/2007 18:32 Hours "Skynet" communicated with all the other 8800 Geforces and plotted world domination.
I think you forgot a timestamp. 3/15/2007 18:00: Stavos goes gaye.
Plasma 4 Life Bitches
3/15/2007 18:01 Stavos rejects MorlockPrime... MorlockPrime reseeds into a deep depression
3/16/2007 10:05 Stavos wakes up and realizes he'll never be with MorlockPrime the way he wants to be. Stavos throws wiimote through Brad's Plasma TV in anger.
Plasma gas leaks out of Brads TV and deforms MorlockPrimes face... Can we say Vanilla sky part II?
Dude I'm a fricking Morlock. I'm pretty sure I'm immune to plasma gas. Sadly, I am not immune to your poor attempts at humor. I can only assume you were forced to watch Vanilla Sky by Brad as only fairies watch Tom Cruise dramas.
Forced by Brad to watch Vanilla Sky yes, sadly. However Brad told me he's seen you in the shower humming the Terminator theme song while you're crouched down to raise up just like Arnold after he timed traveled, then he can't help but laugh when you get aggravated that the curtain clings to your leg and ruins your moment.
That would be funny if it hadn't been on Brad's blog months ago. So Captain Original, got anything else for me? Maybe Brad can borrow his balls from Lisa long enough to think up something for you.
You've done the Terminator thing more then once? On another note I see you've been to Whiteface Mountain... I bet it wasn't white before you arrived! have a thing for peaks huh? Whatever floats your boat.
Well i didn't feel like making any babies so i had to pull out....a lot. Hence they became whiteface. Just like your mom.
w00t welcome to circa 1992! Besides you can't make babies, Morlocks are hermaphrodites, so go screw yourself................ literally
Just cause I'm a hermaphrodite doens't mean I can't have sexy time with your mom, or your wife. Too bad the only one I have sexy time with is Brad's woman. But at least her hair is blond now.
Yeah well my Video Card is better... Yeah I went there!
My Access database can't handle this extreme comment posting!
Who still runs access? Oh yeah, and your UPS comm is screwed up again. :P
Access is da bomb man! A screaming 10 transactions a second! Who needs more than that?
In addition to eating Eloi, my new purpose in life is to overwhelm and destroy your access database. Then laugh at you from the safety and efficency of my SQL Server
isn't your website hosted on Brads server?
Yes, however, when his access database fails, it should not disrupt my service. Until Brad decides to take vengence by redirecting my site to
Why redirect to anything other than midget porn?

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