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Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 11-10-2008 Your Xbox 360 Wants 802.11N View Webcam for 11-10-2008 45 COMMENTS
WGA600N Even my cat can't get a wire to my Xbox 360 in an inconspicuous way, so I've been stuck with the Xbox wireless adapter which only supports 802.11G. Too often have my HD video streams stuttered into unwatchability and caused Lisa to cry, so today I decided to end her suffering. Microsoft has no official 802.11N support, so a wireless bridge was my only option, and I remember Whineyho having success with his. This being one of the many draft N versions, I wasn't 100% certain it would inter operate with my routers flavor of Draft N, but surprisingly they both got along extremely well and so far no more tears from Lisa. If you're stuck with a wireless Xbox 360 I'd recommend this option over the official adapter any day. I also took the opportunity to switch my wireless security layer from my lowly 64-bit WEP to WPA2-PSK(AES) since WPA-PSK(TKIP) was hacked, and my house has long been a prime target for drive-by hacking on account of my immensely popular blog.
User Comments for 11-10-2008:
I always wondered why there was a G6 parked outside your house on the web cam. Think i seen some guy looking like stavos in it too.
Although the Sam Cat cableing is way cooler and I hate wireless deeply I agree it's pretty sweet. And no that wasn't me! Your webcam can't prove anything because I removed the photo's before you switched from 64-WEP. Doh was that out loud?
Three Xbox blogs on the front page, seems like your addiction is spreading, and NO it's not a diseases it's your own damn fault!
Lloyd, you're efforts to hide your cougayness behind a facade of XBox gayity won't work.
One that uses "facade" in a sentence surely is the most gayest.
Perhaps, but when you read it, you pronounced it "fakade" which makes brad the gayest.
Damn it! My comment said "makes Stavos the gayest". Brad I don't think you're WPA2 is stopping him! Time to turn off the internet to prevent Stavos from taking over!
As of 4:29pm on 11/11/2008 I have decrypted WPA2. The only safe website is a closed circuit website. Everyone prepare to dust off your kneepads! Except you Morlock your's are nice and shinny already...
Yes, "nice and shinny" from a lack of use but an attention to detail and cleanliness. Nice try you tart-cart. Now if you had said something like "your's are dust free from constant use" that might have been good. I think living s close to the canadian's is sarting to rot your brain.
I can take any gay, mom, wife, or erectile dysfunction jokes, but when you compare me to a Canadian that’s the last straw! I would really appreciate it if you knocked off the whole "comparing me to a Canadian" comments they are not funny and it's really getting old! Now if you excuse me I’m going to cry under my desk and give you a stern evil eye if I see you in real life, only when you’re looking away from me because I hate confrontation of course!
But a Wii and a jetta....nah too easy.
I apologize Stavos. Sometimes I forget how insensitive it is to compare an american to a canadian. I know it's like comparing a Trans Am to a colostomy bag. Also, I'm sorry your mom is gay and your wife has ED.
I accept your attempt at an apology. I'm also sadden by the fact that you can't have a mother or wife since Morlocks reproduce asexualy. Must be a blast during the holidays with your family!
Holidays? You mean like MorlockMas and Morlockoween? We don't really do anything with family around then, instead we like to lure virgins undergrond and then eat them. mmmm
I heard during Morlockoween they just take there costume off they wear during the year.
And this comment just put this post into the top 5.
Wow who saw this one coming? a blog titled 802.11N reaching the top 5? This is just a magic place where reality doesn't matter. I'm sure when Brad designed these comments he didn't expect Morlockoween, Canadian bashing, and Cougay slams. You can't make this stuff up! I recommend Brad titleing his next Blog "Random shit" so it tell's it the way it is.
That bit about our cosutmes and Morlockoween is true R1OT. I don't know who told you but I assure you, you'll be eaten alive this Morlockoween. Really Stavos? I was thinking he should just title it "Gayity on the Internet(tubes)".
I never, repeat never want to see any Morlock tubes in my life time, i'll dig my eye's out with a spoon! Brad should just give everyone admin access on his blogs just like he did with his old nuclear bbs. Total chaos!
This isn't that far off from chaos. It is ordered in the respect that I'm always going to bash cougay owners and canadians. And stavos is always going to comment...well maybe not after 1000. After that you can really only shoot for 10000, and that might take a very long time.
Screw that i'm ebaying my name after 1000 points. Isn't that the American way now?
Sort of, the real American way would have been to cheat to get to 1000 and then sell it. If you can somehow modify brad's query to return an additional couple hundred comment counts for you, then sell, then you'd be on the right path.
I sense a L33T H@X comming...
Only 12 more comments to go!! Like the morlock says... "do it or I'll eat you and your cougay!"
"do it or I'll eat you and your cougay!".....nope it just sounds really gay when you say it.
I would never eat a cougay. They're bad for the digestion. And the complextion. And the manlinesstion. And the having of ballstion. Come to think of it they're just bad period.
So its more..."you know your car is gay when a morlock won't even eat it"
Tied for #2 now!
You know you're car is gay if it's a cougay.
You know your car is gay if it shows a snowflake when it gets cold out.
You know your car is gay if it's driven by someone that lives in Ohio. You know your car is really gay if it's driven by someone that lives in Canada. And lastly, you know your car is the gayest if it's driven by Stavos.
Hmmm so any car I touch turns it gay? Wow with great power comes great responsibility that explains why Morlocks Jetta is Xtreme Gay since I drove it in the nude, yup bare ass touched that fabric!... Don't ask long story
You know you’re gay if you owned a Cougay. And live in Ohio "I hope that clarifies things"
You know you're gay if Myrone has obsessed and owned one of the following cars: Sunfire, Camaro, Corolla, Mustang.
You know your gay if you read all 35 of these posts
You know your gay when your car is featured on
And lastly to break the number one commented topic! You know you’re gay when you are more then 500 post's away from being the number 1 commenter on a website!
You know you're the gayest when you ARE the number 1 commenter on a web site.
You know you're gay if you go to to get pictures of cars to say other people are gay.
Google told me to go there!
Google is gay aswell..
ok ok, I hear someone's knocking Canadians?
I would never.......yes i would.
I guess you're FINALLY getting your wish B-rad with the new Xbox.
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