I just realized (and had to share) the fact that there is no threat of a black hole from the LHC. Since the LHC spans both Switzerland and France, the particle
will have to stop at customs each half-rotation and therefore never get up to full speed. I'm shocked nobody discovered this yet.
User Comments for 09-09-2008:
Figures I now owe a loan shark $50,000.00 I just blew in 2 days. Stavos |
That's right Stavos. And I want it in US dollars. None of those goofy canadian dolloars. MorlockPrime |
only 215 more posts to go stavos R1OT |
Well.... We're still here that was uneventful Stavos |
It didn't even disable Brad's website which craps out if the wind blows. Stavos |