Phase one of Enoryms bachelor party was a trip to Area 51 and a stay at the Little A'Le'Inn. We took turns daring each other to cross the restricted area signs while the guards in a white truck watched on with binoculars at the south entrance. We then went to check in before visiting the north gate. The Little A'Le'Inn turned out to be 3 mobile homes converted into a motel, which was exactly the kind of accommodations Lisa was hoping for. After she accepted her fate, we visited the north gate which actually had a physical gate and more of the same signs. That night we waited at the black (white) mailbox for aliens but only witnessed some open range cows and lots of bugs. The locals were a friendly bunch, getting us all drunk and not raping us. Definitely an experience to only be had once.
User Comments for 08-09-2008:
Damn it, I was really hoping your kind would come and pick all of you up and take all of you away. Then I could demloish your house to make room for a Sonic. MorlockPrime |
Whats the difference Sonic is already Brad's home. R1OT |
Good thing you guys didin't go to the canyon over the weekend. R1OT |
Area51 was the highlight of the trip. Very scary to be inchs away from being arrested. Stavos |
We were at the top of the Grand Canyon, we weren't down near the Colorado river so even if we were there that day we were in 0 danger. Stavos |
Arrested?? No biggie.. been there.. done that... got the medal. lol.
Coolness guys. What a great experience I bet you had. I hope to get there someday. Excelcier |