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Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 07-15-2008 View Webcam for 07-15-2008 15 COMMENTS
EcoBoosted With the recent news of EcoBoost being chosen as the primary short term fuel savings technology for Ford, I'm primed for excitement about potentially owning all-boosted vehicles. The Ranger is already slated for a 4 cylinder, and now the Mustang SVO may make a comeback. With my choices made years before their available, it was only natural to snag and whomp up a forum where I can spew my obsession to an interactive audience. By the time the technology is mainstream, I'll have spewed out enough rants to scare off anyone but the most hardcore, which means it will be Stavos and I as exclusive members. Engage jealousy now!
User Comments for 07-15-2008:
You mean Stavos will jump to the Blue Oval Side?!?
This really has nothing to do with the post, but your UPS has a COMM ERROR... and per the log, the amount of times you lose power it shall be deemed a class-3 emergency alert.
I hold in my hand the red pill and the blue pill, your choice will ultimately change your life. I of course took the red pill back in 2002 by purchasing the opposite of a eco car with a smog creating V8 engine and removed my cats. So ya it's very ironic I'm the first member of a Eco forum. I have high hopes for this site already!
Would owning a cougar be like taking the pink pill?
The Communication Panel is now a GIANT RED X which has been bumped up to level 5 emergency alert. It's been nice knowing all of you.
Abandon ship! These coments are now the only way we can communciate. I hope to god Brad's access server doesn't die!
Brads Access database isn't Eco friendly therefore i'm reporting this to the fat ass Al Gore, he will prompty tax the hell out of Brad for no reason and blame global warming. Save the polarbears Brads killing them with his access database!
Running an Access Database is like pouring motor oil out on your grass. Hey, doesn't brad do that to? Get the EPA on his ass!
Yeah but that was my idea, it fuels bonfires very efficiently saving tree's, paper, and lighter fluid therefore it saves the environment. So I'll just shove my carbon footprint up Al Gores hefty ass in a green sort of way of course!
Considering how much green Al Gore probably eats, something tells me you're foot's going to be all kinds of green after you shove it up his ass.
It comes off better then bacon goop.
Yeah, but can you use it to run your bacon grease cougar?
im number 3 member!
Yes your an ensign or a red shirt
I think that means he cleans the toilets.

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