After my Canadian girlfriend attended my wedding for my now American wife, the question of a Canadian marriage began to come up more frequently. I decided to take a trip to Canada today and discuss the situation at length. To show her support, Lisa created a salad of gigantic proportion to feed no less than 20 people. Unfortunately only Ron and Jen were able to join Lisa, Melinda and I, so most of the salad was illegally transported back over the border after our meeting. Upon arrival, I learned the meeting was in fact a labour trap (you spell it with a u in Canada) and was forced to put up Halloween decorations while Lisa, Melinda and Jenny discussed the details of the Canadian wedding. Once the details were finalized, we enjoyed a lovely roast beast and vegetables along with the giant salad. Wondering what the details are? So are the neighbours (yes, also with a u).
User Comments for 10-28-2007:
and we got not a single photo!!! depressed Excelcier |
Does Canada copy everything the US has? Including weddings, Halloween, and Thanksgiving? wtf Thanksgiving in Canada!?! Stavos |
Steve... don't make me biatch slap you!! go ask wikipedia and google all about Thanksgiving... you guys copied Canada AND you F'ed up the month and days! It's the celebration of the end of the harvest... the only thing being harvested at the end of Nov is frosty mornings... lol Excelcier |
Halloween is a European tradition... called All Hallow's eve, we ALL copied them! Excelcier |
I love teasing Canada Ron you know that, and there's no repercussion either because I can outrun the Mounties on horseback with my car, and forget about any army support! Stavos |
Funny guy Steve..... lol Excelcier - Eh! |
As far as Canada goes, this is what I have to say: MorlockPrime |