Not quite sure what to do on a 90° day, I thought it would be fun to work on Cougars all day in a hot barn. Luckily I wasn't the only one who had this thought and quite a few fellow owners joined me. Once we got the first spark plug change done it was decided grilling and lounging in converted Cougar chairs was a better option than actual work. The last remaining Morlock also moved out today, leaving my fellow Eloi and I with an uncertain future. While the constant threat of cannibalism and caustic smoke made daily life with the Morlock stressful, his ability to maintain vauge machinery and keep us entertained will be missed. I don't doubt he'll find more Eloi to consume/befriend in his new basement.
User Comments for 08-11-2007:
Can a Morlock own a Morlock? Or is that a paradox? Senator Kelley |
Perhaps we should be pondering the more important question, what is a Morlock? What is it to be a Morlock? Is it all crawling around on all fours and eating Eloi, or is there something more. MorlockPrime |